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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I've opened a room, if anyone wants to join. At the moment, I'm able to keep checking the thread.
  2. Salmon run at 20:15?
  3. You should watch Atomic Blonde. I'm 6 episodes in, and personally I'm loving it. Some minor niggles, my main one is I actually love the slow build-up. I thought it was fun to watch how they got together.
  4. A tip I got from another forum, for those who have yet to get it.. Apparently, if you go to the Russian E-shop, it's 10 euros. I personally feel it's 20 euros well spent regardless.
  5. I'm loving this game yeah. Looks retro, but widescreen and I'm pretty sure the animations are much better. Love all the fun small details, like the stage transitions mentioned above, and the animations I mentioned. Like at the start of one of the earlier stages, he's shaking off some goo. Also absolutely love every stage has a boss, and the variations between them. Each one is different. Anyway, I'm thankful for the save feature, as I'm crap at it haha. I don't have extensive experience with Sonic games, I have the first on Wii, but never finished it, and I think I may have played Sonic 2 as well back in the days. And Sonic rush on DS. So 99% of the game is new to me haha. I wasn't really familiar with all the mechanics. And I'm totally crap at those bonus stages.. haven't completed a single one!
  6. Haha, I was "Fuck! I sucked at that demo!"
  7. Looks ugly, dpad looks crappy, though the original of course wasn't fantastic either, but the main issue: it looks useless for anything other than N64 ROMS, unless you can map WASD to those C-buttons. If not, you have a controller here with one stick and 6 regular buttons. It also better have a Z-trigger underneath. The placement of the original z-trigger was fantastic. One of the elements that made unloading a Dostovei into some poor soldier's face such an enjoyment.
  8. I'm talking about in-game. The lobby has no use for me.
  9. The incredible annoying thing is, even if they can't be arsed / don't have the means to develop an integrated (voice) chat app on the Switch itself, there are already various things in place that with a little tweaking, could make our lives much easier. I've bought and am playing Infinite Minigolf, and while the interface is terrible overall, it has 2 things Splatoon, and other games have not. I can invite people, but the strangest thing is something I can't remember seeing anywhere else: my profile, something you should be able to see, not only mentiones I'm playing Infinite minigolf, but also mentiones what I'm currently doing within the game.. Whether I'm in the menu, in an actual game, or in the editor. Looks like some Api Nintendo has forgotten about itself.
  10. Not tonight, but what's your friendcode dude?
  11. Is this Sony's version of Splatoon or something?
  12. Was it really necessary to remind me of this shit?
  13. I got confused for a second.
  14. I don't know how long you intend to stay on, I'll probably get on later, but I just got home (went to see Atomic blonde), so I just want to relax for a moment.
  15. Dr. DuD
  16. I was wondering what the questions specific to Wonderboy would be. All of the surveys I had, had general questions and questions specific to a game. I mentioned in the Splatoon thread I got a survey about it, and I had a few specific questions, not only about Splatoon in general, but the Nintendo Switch online app as well. I haven't gotten a survey about a smaller game though. I think I got a Mario Kart one, and a general Switch one.
  17. Nopes. I should finish that game soon. What questions did you get? I've gotten 3 surveys from Nintendo I think, so far.
  18. Yeah, they need to open up the Switch rewards soon. If I had a WiiU, there'd be stuff to spend my coins on, but alas. I wouldn't mind getting Switch discount vouchers even, as there's stuff I'd buy from the E-shop with it. Remember the good old days, where you could get actualy physical items from the store, even physical games occasionally. Geist for the Gamecube is still the best reward I've ever gotten.
  19. "You have My Nintendo Points expiring soon" Jeez, it's starting already again.. Guess I'll get that Twintelle wallpaper then.
  20. I'm never taking those off. I don't have the splattershot equipped though. Maybe a peculiarity from playing Salmon run? Anyway, I need to draw something!
  21. I did @Glen-i, you as well? Otherwise I could finish this tomorrow, but I had enough for today. The sniper only kills that bomb-throwing boss in one hit though.. It's the best weapon against it, but crap against anything else. That said, I don't mind it, just not in combination with other pretty useless-for-salmon-run weapons, like any of the splatling guns. If it's just one crapy weapon with good ones, I don't mind. The next weapon selection seems to be better if I recall correctly. Anyway, it was good fun.
  22. Nicktendo said he'd be home in 10 minutes, you may want to open a room after that, though I'll be on in a few minutes.
  23. You filthy app user. I wanted to start this thread earlier, but you were the reason I finally did. As you posted in the Splatoon thread mentioning not knowing who had your friend code, I proceeded to check the spreadsheet above, and your profile, only for your friend code nowhere to be found . I'll add you. Also, if people want I could add Discord info in the openings post, if people here are using it. I personally can't currently, though it's a more feasible option than using the Switch app. I wouldn't know exactly what info is needed for using Discord.. I presume someone has to make a group.
  24. I didn't know it would actually replace your name with your Mii's name. I'm Diabla of course.
  25. Yup, I'm up for Salmon run, though I'd also be up to try out league battles if you want a change of pace. I'll join you regardless.
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