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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Also noticed the music interaction doesn't seem to work in team splatfest. Oh and good game!
  2. Couln't check the thread during the game, so only now I see what's going on. Will wait a bit to see if Nicktendo will join, will do a bit of solo in the meantime..
  3. Sure. It's looking like you, me, Phube and dazzybee I see? Anyway, see you in 45 minutes then.
  4. But Dazybee is still in right? I check the thread, but I'm not instantly up-to-date with the current situation. If you have 3 players at the moment ( @Glen-i, @dazzybee, @Nicktendo? ), I can change games, give me 5 minutes in that case. Otherwise I'll join whoever is playing at 23:00.
  5. He neglected to post in either his profile, the Google docs, or my thread. Maybe a mod could sticky it.
  6. @Nicktendo can join. I'll play Mario + Rabbids until someone leaves.
  7. Yeah I initially said I didn't want to do 2 sessions, but I've gotten a taste for it now. That said, I can wait out the 21:00 session, and join whoever is playing at 23:00, or earlier? If I'm not mistaken, there are still 6 players availabe this evening, or at least signed up: - me - you - Nicktendo - Dazzybee - Martinist - Phube I could sit a few hours out, so those who missed out so far can play, but I'm available till, well 00:00 or 01:00 UK. Edit: Looking good, guys :p.
  8. I'll try to keep tabs on the thread, in the meantime, I'll return to Mario + Rabbids.
  9. No! One more!
  10. Give me a minute after this one.
  11. Haha, it's an effective weapon..
  12. How did we win that last one?
  13. Oh by the way, you people mind if I scrub my shirt when needed?
  14. Hi!
  15. Give me a few minutes. I seem to have terrible internet though, for some reason.. I reset the router, hope that helps.
  16. Will do.
  17. I can do 6 or 9, though I probably prefer not to do both.
  18. There seems to be something wrong with your keyboard.. I was referring to playing Splatoon. But pm me for live asmr sessions where I whisper naughty things in your ears.. Competitive rates!
  19. I can't be arsed to go out today.. Which means I'm free this evening. Although the change of plans also means I'd rather not make it too late tonight. I can do the 23:00 slot, but I'll likely only play for 1 hour, or 2 at most. Post here of you require my services earlier in the evening.
  20. You get loads of money and extra orbs, which would have helped if you've done them earlier..
  21. Yup, nice games. Rough start, but back in form towards the end..
  22. About time!
  23. Joining.. Umbrella is good by the way.
  24. Err.. I got my times and timezones mixed up (bound to happen at some point..). I'm totally ready if you are! Otherwise 10 UK it is.
  25. Haha, i see you already waiting in front of the entrance.. Hmm, umbrella. Wonder if that's good in salmon run.
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