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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Yeah, the wishlist is one of those unintuitive things in the e-shop. It's easy to add stuff to it, but it took a while before I found the actual list. But I did start using it after that.. Anyway, another example of sound through rumble (?):
  2. It's Sine Mora EX :P.
  3. I will have a look soon. I will at the very least redownload (almost) everything I've ever purchased, to store in the notorious fridge. I may even buy some stuff for old time's sake.. If anyone has any VC or Wiiware suggestions.. I will probably get the DLC for Megaman 10. If I buy the NES classic next year, I'll have a proper controller to play those games. I never bothered much with VC, I only bought some Japanese "imports" and a few classics / curiosities from other consoles I never owned. I have both shovelware and some gems on the Wiiware-side.. I had great fun with the Megaman games (IntiCreates, there they are again), My life as a King, World of Goo, and both Lost Winds games (want a sequel!). Maybe I should get Bit.Trip.Runner. I was considering Chrono Trigger, but I fear I spoilt myself by watching let's play videos of roughly half the game.
  4. I never used the stylus on the DS.. I find the dpad to be much faster and easier.
  5. I may go for the bonus tomorrow, but for now I'll play some more Golf Story. Thanks for the games!
  6. My 2nd one yeah, but I don't need to get it.
  7. "Holy squit" I like the umbrella actually. The luna is a better blaster actually. Higher fire rate, but less range I believe.
  8. You guys have a room open or what?
  9. So I stole my mom's Ipad once again. Anyway, sorry about that.. I was waiting in the room, messing with the music, and pushed the wrong button, and started the game with randoms.. I opened a new room, and this time I'll leave my controller alone.
  10. @Nicktendo Alright, I'm turning off my computer. If DuD joins up (I can't check), leave the room, and I'll check if a new one is opened.
  11. Not a man of your word I see.. I'll wait 5 minutes for DuD's response, but it looks like Salmon Run. After that, you can open up a room (or I will). I won't be posting here while playing tonight though. After those 5 minutes, give me some time to migrate from handheld to docked.
  12. I'm checking the stages right now, and Salmon run is on actually. Looks like a good set of weapons I think. Played a little bit yesterday, but not enough for any bonusses. @Nicktendo, @Glen-i, @DuD, what are we doing? Salmon run, or battle league? Or something else?
  13. 5th, 5th, and last, if I recall correctly. I'm obviously no Mario Kart god, but that's proof right there that items screw me over disproportionately . Edit: I actually liked shells only.
  14. So my quick thoughts before I head off to do some Splatoon again: Yeah I like it a lot. First some nitpicks though: I can't stand the combination of reto pixel graphics and things that aren't pixelated! The font and text ballons are bothering me.. Just like in Ultra Street Fighter . I also don't like having to walk with the analogue stick. The d-pad is reserved for selecting clubs, though the need for that while simply walking around escapes me. But the game is fun. I was reserved at first because Golf in itself doesn't really interest me, but I consider this an RPG with Golf mechanics. For the record, I've never played Mario Golf. The style is great, it's full of charm like you say.. And I love doing the little sidequests. I didn't even bother with that coach yet in the hour I played.. I was getting money from everyone and hitting those switches.. and simply hitting stuff to see if it did something. So there's a great exploration side to it. You need to tee up to see if there's anything interesting beyond the screen You're feeding fish? I missed that part . Like I said, I was simply hitting stuff, and I got money from those things . Most likely for balance reasons. The other stats don't always go down when you upgrade power. It's probably to prevent you from upgrading power to quickly. I'm not sure what all those stats do actually, but I like accuracy in general, so I upgraded the 2nd and 3rd skill first. Then I put some in power, and the rest in the other stuff to compensate for the loss in points. There was actually one sidequest I couldn't complete yet because I lacked the power to get the ball to the green in 1 go.
  15. Yes I'm in of course.
  16. Yup. I'll elaborate after the Mario Kart league, though I've only played for.. about an hour I guess. But having fun so far yes.
  17. So where the fuck did all these games come from? Panpaku also seemed nice from what I recall. Plus several discounts.. But I stuck with what I intended to buy: Golf story and Picross. And I added the Mighty Gunvolt Burst DLC, which I happily payed money for. Downloading 3 things and then opening the news section broke my Switch, so I had to do a hard reset.
  18. I have not played most of these games. Anyway, Although I love Majora's Mask obviously, it has no place in a top 100 of hardest bosses.
  19. So Netflix has put up that talkshow thing that comes after the episode. .. I could literally not watch 10 seconds of it. Somebody please shoot that guy.
  20. Yup I've been playing it as well. Was hoping to get my brother to play together, but it was more fun in single player than expected.. In short bursts. I like it for semi-nostalgia's sake (never played it, only the NES and SMB3 version), but the main menu could be better in my opinion. This is my first Hamster arcade port, I don't know if the others are equally as unintuitive..
  21. Tomorrow it is, though I don't know if Salmon run is on then.
  22. Clearly I have no sense of time, as the Mario Kart league is tomorrow. Still, @Nicktendo, up for Salmon run tonight at 9 UK? Anyone else?
  23. So that tip about not using the cog skill that let's you see secrets, I mean it .. I re-activated it because I couldn't find one of the last secrets I had to find, and when it got highlighted I was kicking myself. Deactivated it once again, and found the last secret on my own, which was the last artifact I needed (the other was a cog). So.. Getting all artifact opens up another challenges cave (yes plural). It's a tad more difficult than the rest of the game..
  24. Oh right! 14:46, I have 81 cogs (dunno how many there are), and 41 artifacts. I have 3 areas at 100 % and the other 3 close to that. I've maxed out all skills as well (regarding tiers, not the cog upgrades, though I have plenty of those as well). I invested heavily in the backpack as well at the start, with 1 or 2 upgrades to your axe. I went a bit OCD at the end though, wanting to dig up every block you can mine ;).
  25. Splatoon 2 soundtrack up for pre-order Salmon run tomorrow after Mario Kart league? 21:00 UK?
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