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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Finished up this over the week It's not a bad game, not the best i've ever played. It was a perfect "kill some time on the train" game. I liked the graphic style and some of the level designs, but that was about it. Some levels felt too short, it played well. But felt easy.
  2. The one thing i noticed (and enjoyed) is how in this game
  3. I think it's in transition to PS4, i'm not sure where i read it. i think it was on the Gaf or something.
  4. I heard the transition to PS4 has made the controlls a little awkward and horrible, have to check it out myself to be sure. Vita controls are fine.
  5. As it's been said, once you've got full control of the Jackdaw get out in the ocean and explore.
  6. No idea, i'm aiming to be at the station around half 10, 11am(ish) and the cockpit (or pub depending on weather) after that.
  7. Putting this in now before i forget (i may have already said it, sorry if done so) If anyone needs to drop bags off at the hostel, myself and Danny will (hopefully) meet anyone at Paddington station on the Saturday. Hostel isn't too far from the station. My number is above for anyone whom needs to contact me. Myself and Danny will be around on the Friday, so if anyone wants to meet up for a drink that night let me know/give us a text. Until then, safe travels all and hopefully see many of you on the Saturday.
  8. For anyone whom needs it for meeting up/whatevs
  9. That reminds me, i need to try this as i tried it via my router (and got the lag).
  10. I've just got back into Witcher 2, having had the game since 2012 and playing 20 minutes of it and forgetting i even had it until April 2014.
  11. Got offered a permanent role in my place, working in a completly different department. Contract starts on 27th September, not sure when the start date of the job is. I've got leave over that weekend, so hopefully they'll honour it. If so i'll be accepting the contract, if not i won't.
  12. Tesco? Bought for the Friday (basically to save time) 2 tickets for.
  13. I read the results, it was a little weird for me as well
  14. Right, to make things easier. Anyone whom needs to drop bags off on the Saturday. Meet at Paddington and we'll all head over at once. If that's ok with everyone of course. Hostel details are as follows, it's right near Paddington station anyway for convenience.
  15. I'll have to come that way to the hostel to drop bags off, so i can meet you there if you like.
  16. Team's getting good, very good. Youth building i believe is paying off finally.
  17. Anyone else pre-ordered and got one of them codes to unlock extra stuff?
  18. Witcher III, Batman Arkham Knight and Uncharted 4........................... in 2015!!! But in 2014, we've got Destiny.
  19. I'm still playing the PC version, it's well worth playing to kill a few minutes. Consistently playing a certain BBC hospital drama theme, naff controls. It's sweet.
  20. It will be worth it, i guarantee ya.
  21. Me and Danny will already be there, so we'll hopefully head to the hostel and drop off stuff. If anyone needs to do so, i'll put the details up again and my number nearer the time. Hopefully the weather is good, initial reports on the met office suggest a decent bank holiday weekend weather-wise (but we all know that could change).
  22. I thought Sony and Microsoft were only going to support the 360 and PS3's for a year after release of the PS4/XBox One. Guess i'm wrong on this.
  23. I think the worst part coming from this is the fact it was announced for the PS4, PC and Xbox One at E3 in June. And Microsoft go and throw money at Square Enix to make this "exclusive" to them, that's the worst part. I wouldn't have minded too much (if at all) if it was announced at E3 only for Xbox One (and i guess a lot of gamers wouldn't be as angry, if at all). I'm not happy about the whole situation, but sales will be the deciding factor in bringing this to the PS4/PC if sales continue to be high for the PS4 units (so far, 10 million units sold to consumers alone)
  24. Seeing the gameplay, this looks fantastic. I'll look into it further, but could be a purchase.
  25. I was reading some comments earlier, there were people bashing Sony for not letting Microsoft have Uncharted. I guess these people didn't see the memo with Naughty Dogs being exclusive to Sony. Overall, this decision to not let Rise of the Tomb Raider come out on PS4/PC for the "Holiday 2015" period is pathetic. Oh well, hopefully it's a timed exclusive. There are some saying it's permanent exclusive, if that's true then who knows.
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