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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. You can use a web-proxy, they can get around many things. Google one, and find one that way. Back onto the subject. I may take a look into this over the weekend, from what i've heard of this so far, it reminds me of a previous g/f i had who is into her religion stuff etc.
  2. I have some Snot nearby
  3. Apparantly, a guy from BT is coming tomorrow to check our line as it has been reported as faulty twice in a week. Hence the lack of internet i've been getting, and why i appear online then vanish within minutes sometimes for no reason. Hopefully he fixes it, its crap not having fully working internet and relying on the mobile for MSN. I shoud be online tonight, if the net holds up which it won't, so sorry if i randomly appear out of nowhere and vanish in the same way.
  4. It could be, but we shall never know as we all know the creaters by now.
  5. Well, solution for this. Advertise on more than 10% of videos and re-aquire the music rights you once had Youtube and get your viewers back. Otherwise, its been nice knowing Youtube.
  6. I Am Legend Stars Will Smith. I wasn't sure what version to watch, i have 2 versions in the same box. One with the "grenade" ending the other being the "butterfly" ending. I chose the "grenade" ending version, its probably the better ending out of both to be fair.
  7. "Hehe, i'm the first black guy to be here and not be a cleaner"
  8. Could be, one reference of proof is on the set of Corrie, where it could of been on TV. But the bus scene rectifies this with the channel mention.
  9. Could be, or he could be getting a notepad and pen for future reference
  10. True, a laughter track is needed to rectify said problem. If they put a track into the parts on the Dwarf only, thus making it more believeable that it was a TV show they were from when coming into the real world as such.
  11. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Yes, i saw the Johnny Depp version on Easter Sunday whilst eating chocolate (un-surprisingly). Thought it was pretty good, not as good as the original though which was more based on the book than anything else. Still, 8/10
  12. Well, i'm still holding hope for a new series to hopefully tie up all loose ends from series 8 and Back to Earth (which if played back to back, could be classed as the long awaited RD movie)
  13. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    Ah, have you accidently killed her by mistake or did you listen to the gravekeepers crys, both of these make her vanish (ok, first one obviously) Sounds a bit like a bug you have there, the glowing trail does vanish from time to time even in my game so this part isn't a bug as such, but the rest sounds like it to me. Characters can temporally dissapear when you arrive via teleporting (picking the location via the map), but they return.
  14. I'm getting annoyed atm with the internet, it keeps going off and on and all that as and when it feels. When i was writing up the 10 things, it went off 5 times for 5 minutes at a time. BT have confirmed it is a line problem in the area, but don't seem to be doing anything about it.
  15. The EU Economy by Blair
  16. This may take a while, here we go. These are in any order to be honest Movies/TV I do love a good movie, and i do love a good TV program to be honest as well. Sadly, there isn't as much good TV as there is movies out there which is a shame really. TV was golden back in the 80's/90's now it is all "Reality" stuff with the occasional good show. Music I don't play musical instruments (Making different body noises doesn't count as playing an instrument guys and gals, sorry) but i do enjoy listening to music. Live is better than any recorded song any day. Some of the music i listen to often includes Rod Stewart, R.E.M, Bon Jovi, Queen and Bryan Adams. Computer Games Many a time have i lost hours of a day playing games. To the right person, they can make a great social talking point. Many a times it can make many friends as well. They make great entertainment for mates as well. Snooker/Pool Another great set of talking points. Everyone likes a bit of Snooker and Pool no matter who they are really. I enjoy playing both games, and i am great at the Pool and good at the Snooker. Mates Second to Family, they are always there when you need them to be as well as Family. They can give me a third opinion on things that maybe you couldn't think of. Reading A good past time, that i used to be hugely fond of when i was younger and i am still fond of today. When i am in the right mood, i can read a lot and can get stuck right into a book. Myself Well, where would life be without me. Alcohol Ah yes, "To Alcohol, The cause and solution to all of Life's problems" - Homer Simpson. Without this lovely beverage as such, i don't know what i would do on a Friday and Saturday night anymore. I can't imagine going out and having a coke or 2 on a Friday. Alcohol Family Without a Family, where would i be in life. There are many things i've done that i owe to my Family who have always been there when i need them, and i have been there when they needed me as well.
  17. Its been a good weekend, nice long weekend i might add. 4 days off, now got 3 days in work before another 2 off. Much of the weekend was spent in the pub enjoying the night, Friday i was at a party (one of my mates' brothers 18th, he got trashed so did many of us). Did go into town today, but only to play pool though. Edit: Just saw the Cashew Review, nice. I'm always fond of a good Cashew.
  18. Current Draft results are in.
  19. It varies for myself, i had 9 hours last night but some nights i can have 5 and still function normally.
  20. Looks damn impressive. One or two scenes look like reworked models from the original, but that may just be my eyes. Video footage to see this in action should settle my decision to purchase this.
  21. I think it works near enough the same as Ocarina, i think i did it once. Only difference is that the boss has to be done again, but thats it really.
  22. Happy Easter to all on N:E. I got myself an Egg (parents bought me one, nice of them). Then spent the rest of today doing the usual stuff i do on a Sunday, lazy chilled and relaxing all day really.
  23. I don't know really, that would mean both World Titles are on RAW then because i see Edge going that way to RAW as well, so the World Title match and WWE title match would just mean both titles will remain on RAW. Other predictions i think include JBL coming to SD as commentator to replace Tazz again, Christian to SD, DH Smith to RAW, Triple H back to RAW same for JR.
  24. Well, it would be nice to see one more full series of Red Dwarf sometime soon, you know. These specials i think are to re-ignite interest in the series to wet our appetites as such, ready for the main course.
  25. And it hit the bottom of a pit when they split the shows as separate brands, and not merging them again like now with such a thin roster.
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