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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    More DLC already???. Lovely. Any news on a release. Edit: According to Wiki, sometime in May
  2. Well, you have a game in hand so there is a chance to overtake me again. And there is a Recall/Richter rematch coming up as well. So for now, i shall take the congrats as a gesture of good will.
  3. It is, see the Wierd Al song its called "Omish Paradise". Scream movies are too predictable, you know roughly where the killer is at all times and it isn't scary when it is meant to be for me. There is an ok story behind the movies, but it isn't the best to be fair. Anyway, as promised: Yes Man (Blu-ray) Still as good as it was when i first saw it back on Boxing Day. Jim Carrey stars as the man who decides to say "Yes" to everything. Its quite funny how more opportunities arise after the magical word "Yes" is said to one opportunity. Pure brilliance, the music in the movie is great. I now have Journey as my mobile ringtone after hearing it on the opening credits. 9.5/10 Yes Man extras I would like to say there is loads of extra stuff, but i'd be lying. There is enough to entertain if say you had a spare 30 minutes. In the extras it even has a section with Jim Carrey talking about the stunts and what made him want to do that Bunjii Jump himself and not the stunt-man doing it. And you get a room tour of Norms pad whilst he is in Harry Potter gear. There are deleted scenes including an alternative ending to the movie, which to be fair doesn't work too well. And there is a scene which should of been put into the movie to explain something. There is a gag reel and a behind the scenes movieette as well. 8/10
  4. 2 wins in a row for Recall, blimy. I didn't even set a team.
  5. I'm having a proper English dish today................Pasta!!!. Yes, not very English is it to be fair. Darn it.
  6. You know this is going to bug me now. UZit i'll go with
  7. Wonder where thats gone ReZ (Youtube debt probably)
  8. Finally, Yes Man arrived in my hands last night at 10:15pm. And to be serious, i watched it as well. Full review will be later on once i've seen all the extras and bonus content (including Jim Carrey on Red Bull and his stunts)
  9. Happy St Georges Day to all on N-Europe. I for one am a proud Englishman who is partially Welsh. But still, a great day to be English i must say weather-wise as well.
  10. I'm hoping Jeff doesn't pull himself out of WWE again, he did become champion at Christmas but for only a month. I guess if you promise him a lenghty title reign then he will probably renew off that promise i guess.
  11. "Mcoy has decided that he wishes to partake in this Story in the First Person view" Before anyone knew it, Mcoy spoke for the first time in First person.
  12. Suddenly, Jimbob came into the room branding a knife and a mystery box containing ashes. Jay stopped goggling Mary Magdalene, dropped the body of Haggis and stared at the face of Jimbob. He was confused.........
  13. Coolfunkman??
  14. It runs out in July according to ewrestlingnews just now. Hopefully he re-news, be a shame if he left again. Quite awesome places you have there, pity no sign was made. Still, hope you had fun.
  15. Piledrivers for Beginners. Note: It does not involve Pilediving as the upside down guy soon realised.
  16. Ok, so i wanted to watch Yes Man today. Long story cut short, here goes I asked my Dad to pick it up for me from the Caldicot Sorting Office (it opens at 7:30am, closes at 12pm. I'm halfway to work once it opens). And i ask him to leave it on the table in the Kitchen so i can watch it tonight. I come home, and no sign of the Blu-Ray anywhere. Turns out he did in fact pick it up, but took it to Cardiff with him. What idiot takes my mail 30+ miles away where i can't read/open it. Jeez, he is one idiot. I've been waiting for this since Saturday, now i can't watch it until A/ He comes home and B/ Tomorrow night or Saturday. Cheers, i'll make sure to return the favour.
  17. I'm off to catch some Surf
  18. Trips needs to lose to Orton at Backlash. I can see Batista and Shane O turning on Triple H after last weeks RAW (not this weeks). And what is it now, 2-0 in the Hardy wars. I can see Jeff winning this one and finally getting one over his brother. It would be sweet to hear Matt utter the words "I Quit" after costing his brother the WWE title back at Royal Rumble. As for the World Title match. I can see Edge walking with this one. There have been rumours that CM Punk may cash in his Money in the Bank title match after this, would be interesting.
  19. Well in a way, you started above in the opening paragraph. I just carried on.
  20. Yo Yo Yo Happy Birthday
  21. So shocked that he decided on popping out to the local, but on the way out he had a sudden change of heart and suddenly......................his conscience came into play.
  22. Dyson?? Another Guess
  23. I'll go with EEVIL i think, sounds promising
  24. Well, i wanted to watch Yes Man last night but alas, the postman failed in delivery. So instead i watched For Richer or Poorer Tim Allen stars as the man evading Tax Fraud in the Omish Community. Pretty good movie, has some classic moments as both Brad (Tim Allen) and Caroline (Kirsty Allen) blend in as Omish and try out the Omish lifestyle to disasterous effects to begin with. 9/10 Hopefully, if the postman succeeds today, Yes Man will be tonights movie after Waterloo Road.
  25. Interesting. Made me laugh that did. Norwegians will do anything to get in the news to be fair. How he didn;t crash i don't know, but i think he is one of the first people to pull off driving and sex at the same time. And to Nintendohnut: Whats wrong with Charlie Sheen, hes an alright actor.
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