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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Aye, would be nice.
  2. I really want to see this "Reluctant Hero", sounds like a great movie to me. Anywho, first Whitney dies. And now that bloke from Steps
  3. I've met the same Mii 3 times, on all occasions around the GAME store. It does suck not being able to use the same Mii's twice, wish there was a way around that to be honest.
  4. I'll be guessing they'll land in the following locations 1: The English Channel 2: An Amish Community 3: Brest 4: Alcatraz 5: Autzwitz 6: Grand Canyon Random plots i reckon, would be awesome if just one of these locations were right.
  5. Indeed, my mistake came from
  6. Indeed, but as Retro mentioned, none of these get release year on year. Last Prince of Persia was in 2010, whilst Assassins Creed has seen a year on year release since II back in 2009. It does seem Ubi are beginning (they are anyway), to milk this franchise. They should make III and don't release another until way into 2014.
  7. Update Confirmed, i'm able to make it home earlier than anticipated. Can do the draw from 8pm onwards.
  8. Right, just put in for an early finish on Monday. If i don't get the early finish, i would have to push back the draw by anything upto 30 minutes. At present, 8:30pm is fine if i get the early finish. I wil keep you all updated though. I like the idea of mixing it up, i know it does sound one sided having a lower league team vs an elite league team. But this is Xpert 11, and anything can happen. The lowers could be lucky and win, you never know with this game. So, i'm all for that option to be fair But, if it were based on lower vs lower and higher vs higher. Wouldn't you eventually get a higher vs lower match??
  9. Thats the one. I know it's been said countless times, but it seems Sega are simply re-working classic levels from Sonic 1 (episode 1), Sonic 2 (episode 2). Wonder what ideas they'll re-use for episodes 3 and 4??
  10. The "mystery" zone looks like that Oil zone from Sonic 2, can't remember that name though. Still, everything looks great so far.
  11. Vote: Cube Sorry i'm late to the party
  12. I should be in the room tonight, wonder who else will appear to "entertain" me.
  13. 2-1 today, fielded a mainly younger team. Making the most of Hollingdale before he retires at the end of the season, shame. One of Recall's finest players and a Recall original.
  14. I don't ever recall seeing a demo for the original Mass Effect, i had to download the 2nd demo in order to get a feel for the series. I'm still avoiding the demo, 3 weeks and 3 days until release. I'm sure i can wait to be fair, don't want it spoiled or anything. But from your views, it sounds like a very polished title indeed.
  15. Vote: jayseven I had no idea who to vote for to be honest.
  16. Hey, could be earlier if i get time off. As i said, will keep informed of it.
  17. I completly forgot this event was on, wish i came along.
  18. Snagged a Mewtwo, pity he don't respond to my commands. Also traded for a Charmander + Polywag in addition to the Dreamworld Pokemon. Mixing it up, using a combo of Unova and Kanto-mon.
  19. Anyone know how to add MP3 tunes to letters, have 1 saved on the SD card and made a recording of it. I do have the recordings feature unlocked as well, but it won't add.
  20. Hooray, we have advertising!!!!!!
  21. Ok, i mis-read the original post. I seem to have thought the draw was to be completed a week earlier. Oh well, gives me a week to come up with some entertainment. I'm planning on getting home earlier that night, so scratch the original 9:30pm slot. I'll try and leave work earlier, could get an 8pm start if lucky. I will keep you all posted. When are the last games for all the leagues??
  22. Jimbob


    I was considering purchasing this title at the time of release, if i clear a few games from the back-catalouge then i may consider a purchase. Sounds like one of them under-gems that has slipped the net.
  23. I'm considering following suit with the vote. I'll have a look back and decide later who, if anyone gets my vote for a lynch.
  24. Right, need to lynch someone by lunch tomorrow. I'll have a look through, but at the moment like a few of you, i'm between Shorty and Jay. I'll get back to you later with a decision.
  25. Should be able to watch without joining. Think the chat works in the sam way. I will also be posting which teams drew who in this thread afterwards, for those who are unable to watch it as it happens.
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