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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Forward thinking, Dance Central 3 and South Park. According to Xbox mag on Twitter that is.
  2. Please welcome to the stage................... SOMETHING INTERESTING Yes for Resi, yes for Gears. And yes for Tomb Raider.
  3. Bring on tomorrow, Nintendo can save us all
  4. Honestly, they could have just had a 10 minute slot. This is crap, worst E3 since............... ever!!!!!!.
  5. Hey, a game. Is this a new feature
  6. I think Microsoft have forgotton the console plays games. Is that a surprise for next years E3, will they reveal a "new feature" of gaming on a home entertainment device.
  7. How original............... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I'm off to play Gears. "Xbox gears of war 3"
  8. Xbox = Why?? Yeah, i want to see some games now. Please show me some games, is that too much to ask. Thougt this was E3, not a Nike promotion conference.
  9. XBox - show the the flippin games!!!!. 1 hour of this shizzle = eyes bleed
  10. Oh............... My music, my way. I'll leave it on the mp3 player i got then.
  11. Ok, the NBA makes me excited. Thats it for this video streaming stuff.
  12. Agreed, bring the games. I wanna see more games, sod this stupid Kinect shizzle.
  13. Gears = YES!!!!
  14. Doesn't sound like they are bringing a new Xbox anytime soon, according to the guy at the start.
  15. Hmm, Halo looks ok. What is this we are watching now, looks impressive.
  16. 2 minutes, maybe, to go.
  17. Yeah, did get the targets the wrong way around. It was Peeps first, then DuD then mr-paul. Had the list the wrong way, was in a rush. I'm not to do with the vomiting though, my role doesn't say anything about that. To come clear (and continue my style of play, as i can list my PM.) I'm town (being open about that straight away, not lying about it at all). I'm also Radioactive Man (Chen Lu as he is also known as). My target each night is attacked with radioactive energy which reduces their ability in the night phase of the following night. Thats everything there, nothing else to add to my role. Not hiding anything, just in case you think i am. Yeah, got the targets the wrong way around. Was Peeps then Dud, sorry about that. Using a mobile device sucks atm, so apologies. My entire role (and i'm not hiding anything just in case you think i am) is that i am town and i am Radioactive Man. My powers are to target someone with radioactive energy per night phase. This weakens their powers/attacks for the next night phase. But i can say this in confidence and 100% honesty as well. I also wish to place my vote down Vote: chairdriver
  18. Aye, count me in please.
  19. I'm hoping to stream it via the 360 this year, around 5pm.
  20. Great new look, well done on the hard work.
  21. If you mean this day phase that you've heard little from, then i can apologise. I've no PC and i'm using the parents one, which means limited usage. Out of my hands sorry. I targetted DuD on night one, Peeps on night 2 and mr-paul on night 3 if that helps. Sorry i am being vague, but as i said, i'm having tech issues atm.
  22. My computer decided last night to call it a day, i'm now using the parents computer (shame on me), so won't be on as often as i can be (unless i can fix the issues bogging the old one. It boots, but goes into a state of rolling start-up. Then it flicks off into Blue-Screen mode, then all i can hear is the churning of fans at a distressing noise. Shame, 7 years of life and it decides it's over. Good innings i believe.
  23. I can pay now, have the monies sorted for everything.
  24. Here's hoping Microsoft put a better show on than last year, that was just a shambles. Un-organised tat i would call it.
  25. I see. All thanks to @Josh64 then. Didn't you post 2 links, a white one as well?
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