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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Vote: No Lynch
  2. All i can say is that i was attacked and prevented from reaching my target last night. I was attacked with firepower as well, just in case anyone is asking.
  3. I was discussing this in chat whilst the forums were down over the weekend, i'm moving the game on tonight. Expect it around 9pm @Rummy.
  4. Now that i've got Mass Effect 3 out of the way (my thougths are in the usual thread), time to get on with the sheer backlog of games i have. Namely the entire MGS boxset, Skyrim and numerous Arcade titles (including Sonic 4 ep2 + Banjo Tooie) I got plenty to keep me going for the dry summer season of games.
  5. I left this for a while, just in case Bioware released the new endings as such. (Apologies for the bump) My thoughts
  6. And i'll continue
  7. Oh, they are considering a release of Nintendo Land separate. FAIL Nintendo. Out of them games on the list, only Pikmin 3 and NSMB are interesting to me. Mass Effect 3, Arkham City i've played and completed on the 360. I'll see nearer the time if a WiiU purchase will be on the cards.
  8. Project P100 is the surprise???
  9. Luigi Mansion version of Pac Man
  10. It's ok, Arkham City's new content isn't much. It's the same game a year ago, just with touch-pad interactions. I'll stick with the 360 version thanks Nintendo for showing us the same as last years version of the game.
  11. Nintendo could end E3 now, they've won.
  12. Started on the Nintendo stream
  13. 8 minutes (or so) to go. As i mentioned, don't hope for 3DS stuff. There might be a small seg on it, but the main stuff comes tomorrow. WiiU is the main focus today
  14. I'm watching it on the Nintendo Europe page, well waiting for it. If only they could stream from the Wii?
  15. I'll save you watching the Xbox one, basically it showed footage for Halo Prime, Tomb Raider, Resi 6 and CoD in around 15-20 minutes. Had some Arcade games being shown (a rip-off of Skyrim, South Park) and the rest was all Kinect-stuff. Entertainment overtook the gaming.
  16. Got my stream covered. Counting down the minutes now, c'maan. Can't remember where i was reading it, but i believe it was said this conference will be WiiU focused. With a smaller post-E3 conference focusing on 3DS stuff tomorrow (Wednesday)
  17. Time to save E3 Nintendo.
  18. 2 for 2, beat AndyAllStars 2-1 today. Decided to field some younger players, as is my plan. Hey, if i don't get promoted this season at least there is no chance of being relegated. Elite League report coming later this afternoon.
  19. I think it's that, but we are between conferences now.
  20. Apparantly, Nintendo will be focusing mainly on the WiiU in todays conference. With an additional session (sounds like Wednesday) dedicated to the 3DS. Just in case people wonder where it is, they'll probably annouce the next show later today. From what i've read, the Sony conference wasn't much good either. No love for the Vita, sheesh
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