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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Cool, thats the complete list. Sorted indeed.
  2. I've had the "Windows tech support" scam pulled on me quite a few times, never fell for it once. They tried it when i was waiting for service at Starbucks. Recently had a few PPI scam calls come through. They asked for a Mr Richards, and as 2 live in the house i asked which 1. They said they only had the surname. D'oh!!!!
  3. Seriously one of the best mafia games i've played. As i said, my best mafia performance to date (as mafia as well). Had many believed i was good, even nearly fooled Rummy at the end (he based my lynch on voting patterns). I'll post more later.
  4. @Haden, i can do the draw tonight. Around 9:15pm if thats ok. N-Europe Meet 2013 - Recall vs Haden + Bayern Neverlusen in a tag match. Recall get a partner of choice and get to choose the stipulation I'm very tempted to draw Inter vs Dragoo now, very tempted indeed *Note - I'd never rig a draw. If it happens to be drawn out, it happens.
  5. I'll take up the challenge, not that Recall will be a challenge (yet). Curses Haden indeed. Damn it!!!!! Next round draw will be 9pm Wednesday 8th August 2012.
  6. Thats the 5 i can think of for now, i'll think of the last 3 tomorrow.
  7. Well, the plan worked right to the last day. Maybe i should have changed tune a little, saying gmac went for Jonnas instead which may have caused the flow to go different. Who knows. And that was my best performance as mafia, i congratulate myself for the effort i put in. Which wasn't much i tell thee. Good game all round, well done to everyone.
  8. True, but has gmac provided info to lynch a mafia?. I did that, and it's not known for mafia to lynch their own. Still, it's your decision after all.
  9. Sign me up, got no mafia fix atm.
  10. Dear oh dear, i've thrown all my defenses in and i guess that weren't enough.
  11. gmac's come out now saying he's the ex-prime minister Gordon Brown, whats not fitting about him being mafia. Brown is a former PM and whats not better than fronting a rebellion to take out the town thus rooting himself back in government. The last mafia member could have the ability to target and kill, heck the Happy Days mafia i created had that available. So it is possible. I've nearly exhausted all i can on this, i'm in a similar boat to gmac. What more can i say that hasn't already been said.
  12. Nope, thats a pay-per-view video. Pay £2 to get that video to [email protected]
  13. How many to be sent in?
  14. Well, if anyone wants a 36-6 midfielder he's yours' I can't sack him and want to free some space. Ok guys and gals, here are the two recorded features of the Round 1 and 2 draws. Unedited, and none of the dancing from earlier.
  15. Bring it on, need a mafia fix as the Parliament one will be ending soon. I'm not planning another mafia until at least after Sheikah's is complete, around September/October is my next planned one
  16. Thinking about it, gmac said he targetted Jonnas last night. Jonnas died last night, did he not?
  17. Typical, i buy a new player and he immediatly gets in a car crash. Sheer luck of Recall indeed.
  18. I'm Nick Clegg, i'm good and a townie. I can track people and find out who they targetted each night.
  19. I may have not voted Cube, but i was the one who sealed Yvonne's fate with my information. And i placed a vote on him as well. And you've still not come out wth why you believe i'm mafia either.
  20. Well @Haden, i challenge you. And i bought protection
  21. Personally, i don't understand much of what the young kids are saying these days. To be fair, if they try to speak to me i ignore them. You don't want to speak english, then don't speak at all. It's like that in Cardiff all the time, walking around and 1/2 the city speaking chav. Edit: Found this, you can read this entire thread in what they all say. Wonder what N-Europe is in Jive, click to find out.
  22. I say go for it as well. I'm considering another game, can't think on what to base it on this time. If i do another, more players would be awesome. Happy Days was a good game, yes it got confusing and things got a little mixed up. But it was my first shot at one, and i loved it. In my case for setting another game up, i'm waiting until after Sheikah's mafia.
  23. I was going to post Sheikah's death earlier, but realised that as soon as i started the day and Cube had all the mafia lynch him at once there wasn't a need to do so, so combined it. And Cube roleblocked you on the last night, he took you to a basketball game. Hence why he was out of town that night.
  24. Yeah, i learned a lot in this game. Next game will be better, i promise.
  25. Jimbob


    The new Superman 64, probably will suck. I heard they had the rights to making a game, and sounds like it's come out of the blue.
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