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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Amazon have it for pre-order at £29.99, which seems to be cheaper than the DD version. I'll stick to hard-copies until DD's are cheaper.
  2. You can do it @Haden, i'm sure a fair way will be decided on who gets the home advantage. Bring on the new season. Also looking for a friendly for Friday, anyone interested?. Got some new players i wish to try out.
  3. N-E meet at Ese's place?
  4. I don't feel the need for a new console. I don't believe they could get more powerful than they are now either.
  5. Will they ever release this, it seems to keep getting delayed. It makes me laugh, i'm thinking the same as Grazza. They seem to be pushing the likes of Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing into the Zelda league of development. Which is close to being a joke really, not the Zelda league as we've learned to expect delays on these games.
  6. I endorse the above statement as factual!!.
  7. Welcome back online. I'll have to look at that picture when i get home, but it sounds like you are having an excellent time indeed.
  8. What a closing ceremony indeed, very well done indeed. Ok i wasn't too fond of George Michael or Jesse J murdering "We Will Rock You". The video of Freddy Mercury warming the crowd up was classic indeed. John Lennon's face appearing in formation was legendary indeed, very well done indeed. I kept wondering if Lennon was alive now, would he have been the one singing at the opening ceremony instead of that McCartney bloke?. The tribute to "Fools and Horses" was good, even Eric Idle surprised me indeed. Overall, it was a fantastic ceremony indeed. Much better than Beijing overall, a very British event and one that i'm proud to say i'm glad to be British.
  9. I was thinking about it earlier today, was planning to do a live draw until around 4pm earlier. Then thought, how would it be possible with the closing ceremony taking place. Pretty good idea to do a pre-recorded one. I don't indend to do a pre-recorded again, unless something mega pops up.
  10. Sorry about this chaps, but the closing ceremony for the 2012 games is on at 9pm so i won't be able to do a live draw. However, i did the semi-final draw earlier today. The footage is below for your enjoyment. Semi 1 Dragooo vs Silverdale (Rowan) Semi 2 Coloccini FC vs Rising Phoenix
  11. Wait, what........
  12. It's stupid the points expire. I mean, Ninty update the catalog a few times a year, all the good stuff is a lot of points. And when they do update the catalog, our points expire preventing purchases of the stuff.
  13. Forgot to send my PM in, did it earlier. Sorry chap
  14. I've noticed i've been eating a lot more fruit than i've ever eaten, mostly oranges and apples at the moment. Have at least 2 in work and one on the way home. I'm also quite fond of blueberries, usually got a pot in the fridge at any one time.
  15. Noticed the activity building up, see it was a summer slump. I'm getting the time back as work is quieting down and moving slowly back onto non-pressure work once more.
  16. Umm, yeah. Welcome to the forums as it were.
  17. What she do, put a different beard on each time she went "out" with the girls.
  18. Jimbob


    Awesome, i'l throw some up later. Edit: First batch of Bish's
  19. Dragoo in the semi's, well i never. Won against Leeds today 2-1 in a friendly, which was nice. Looking for another for Tuesday, anyone interested.
  20. Got mine in a tub on a shelf, none are in the fridge. Don't like eggs though, so makes no difference to me.
  21. Shh, stop giving him hope.
  22. have you heard of the movie "Viagra". It's a pretty stiff movie!!
  23. Sent in all 8 Bishes, i re-worded one of them as it sounded too overly complicated.
  24. If he's not accepted the match, i guess you'd go through. @Haden needs to decide that though. Edit: No worries then, it's game on as it were.
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