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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. From the sneak-peak trailer they show on teh 360 dash (the ones in the little boxes), it does show the lighthouse from the 1st game (if that means anything). I believe their will be some connections to the 1st game, like seeing some characters before they've gone completly crazy or similar. Still, coming on Tuesday so not long to wait and see for ourselves now.
  2. Indeed so, i look forward to viewing @Animal.
  3. May i recommend Internet Explorer, doesn't have any of these "lag" issues. Note: May cause system errors and allow hackers easy access to the computer
  4. It would seem most threads have some sort of "Rokhead" reference within them, more so here than anywhere else.
  5. Tell me about it. I was expecting something a lot more than that. It was basically on-par with Fable II as worst boss ever (in my eyes that is). At least Hitman made things better.
  6. Picked it up earlier today, £20 with a season pass (a few trade-ins were made as well). Will give campaign a stab over the weekend. And without Horde, i can see Gears 3 still being used for my fix. Guarantee people will still be playing online. Edit: They are, had a Horde match earlier. First impressions of Judgement, it's good.
  7. Sorry to bump, but i completed the main campaign yesterday. Wow, i was impressed for my first Halo game. Only 1 little gripe though
  8. Bring it on, the more the merrier.
  9. Damn, Danny beat me for a change to be first. Here ya go
  10. Ah yeah, the evidence shows it Haha, classic.
  11. Stip for the Triple H - Lesnar match revealed as
  12. I honestly can't remember how i discovered N-E. I know i joined around the mid to late Cube-Europe days, but can't for the life of me recall how i found it. I think i must of been getting bored of ZU, so i thought a new place was needed to be. Hence why i chose here. Been through it all, the Rokhed saga, the Dynastygirl (veggie rant) saga, Jordan's era. Been here for the most part of it.
  13. I watched the SkyF1 coverage, had the fossel Hill coverage.
  14. Multiplayer is good, got upto level 5 over the weekend.
  15. That was a good race indeed, well done Kimi and Lotus on the 2 stop strategy. It's a shame on Mclaren, i was hoping they'd come in the top 5. Still, only 1st race in season. Long way to go yet.
  16. Yes indeed, lets do this. Vote: No Lynch
  17. Fixed for ya
  18. @Sheikah, regarding your question. Tad mistake on my half, i'm sorry for that. Yes, you were untargetable. Jon Dedede was the same. In my opinion, you both had very powerful roles. It didn't affect the game though, because either way things would have gone the same way. I wasn't trying to give anyone the advantage, and i believe i didn't give anyone the advantage. I was impartial and did things down the middle. Again, apologies for a slight slip up. And for everyone, thanks for playing. I mean it, i had fun reading it all. Especially the entire day 3, that was enjoyable and brain-hurting at the same time.
  19. In as always.
  20. It's too painful to watch. We looked good in the 1st game, and after last week i thought we'd bring it for Wales. But i guess we left our gameplan and game in Twikenham.
  21. Here we are, complete roles for everyone. Who was who, what powers they had etc Town Ashley Williams – Sheikah Found on Eden Prime by Commander Shepard, you have been working on many aspects of your life. No longer are you hiding behind things, you have become outgoing and are more positive. Since the demise of Shepard, you have been promoted in the field. You are now in charge of the Normandy, and that gives you the access all areas pass to the Normandy. And being a Spectre, you also have access to the Citadel Spectre offices. Your power and role – You are a tracker. You can pick a player and track them on night phases. As an added bonus, you can protect your target or yourself from other night actions. You only have 3 opportunities to do this, so choose wisely. You are Town Garrus Vakarian – The Peeps Turian commander, aided Shepard in the battle for the Citadel against Saran, destroyed the Collectors and helped save the galaxy from the Reaper invasion. You turned down captaincy of the Normandy in favour of calibrating the weapons. This does not mean things have gone downhill for you; in fact you are 2nd in command behind Ashley Your power and role – You are a protector, thus stopping your target from being affected by the night actions (minus a kill). You also get a double vote You are town Urdnot Wrex - Nintendohnut The leader of the Genofage-free Krogan empire on Tuchunka. Like Garrus, you have the respect of many crew members of the Normandy. But you also have the respect of the entire Krogan population as well. Who are at your disposal whenever you need to send them into battle. Your power and role – Because of the above, you are a kill protector. You can use the Krogan to protect anyone from being killed by the mafia on each night phase. You are town. Jeff “Joker” Moreau – Magnus Peterson Pilot of the SR2 Normandy, you aided Shepard and his crew through the thick of it all in all circumstances. Now with Garrus in command, duties remain the same for day to day tasks. You pilot the Normandy through everything the galaxy can throw at you. Your power and role – Your power is as follows: You may target a player each night. You will find out who else targeted that player. On even nights only you can also find out what they found out Jacob Taylor – mr-paul Ex-Cerburus agent, having left them after the events of II. You are Jacob Taylor, a specialist in hand weaponry. You helped out in getting other ex-Cerburus to help in the Reaper invasion with the alliance. You are thankful to the alliance for helping you in your time of need. Your power/role is as follows – Target Swap Reflector. You pick 2 targets, whomever targets your first choice gets choice 2 and visa versa. Or you can choose 1 target and reflect the power back onto themselves. Only one choice per night. You are town Jaavik - Rummy The last Protheon alive, you were awoken on Eden Prime soon after the Reapers arrived. As a Protheon, you know all about the technology of the past. You worked with Liara by providing her intel into the past with accurate insights into what the Reapers did when they arrived and how you and the Protheons tried to hold them back. Your power and role – You are a roleblocker, you can roleblock anyone and prevent them from reaching their target for the night. This can only be prevented if a protector targets your target. Samara – Jon Dedede The last Matriarch in the known galaxy, you offer your services to anyone who requires them. Your skills are second to none. You are an asari, so have the power to mind-read those who you touch. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals, even killing your own daughter to protect the galaxy is in your nature. You have 2 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night. 1: Become untargetable (from everything) and track a target. 2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens. Zaeed Massani – Aqui1a A former bounty hunter, turned good. You once were the leader of the blue suns before being banished from the group. Even fighting back didn’t help, so you returned to the depths waiting to fight another day. Commander Shepard was there to help you come out of the shadows, and now his demise brings you out to seek against those who oppose. Reverse Alignment investigator. Pick a target and a recipient. The recipient is given the alignment investigation result of your target but not the target name. You will be told if the information was received by the recipient – You are town Neutral Liara T’Soni - Cube Liara, an Asari who is now the Shadow Broker. Your information is vital to whoever requires the services. You are an all seeing, all doing character. Your knowledge of Protheon relics and their life is 2nd to none. You are also the Shadow Broker Your role and Powers - As you are the Shadow Broker, you have the role of an Investigator. On odd days, you can gain knowledge on location and whom they targeted. On even nights, you find out what power your target has. An optional power, you can pass on information regarding your investigation to another player. Your win condition, pass on the information to Javik before he is lynched/killed. You are neutral and you have a double vote. Mafia Miranda Lawson – Ganepark32 Ex-Cerburus agent. You, along with Jacob left Cerburus after the events of II. Unlike Jacob, you have been hiding in the shadows hunting your sister and trying to protect her from the Illusive Man. Since the Illusive Man died at the hands of Shepard, you have come out of the shadows once more to aid those who need help. But something kept drawing you back to the shadows, because that’s where you felt comfortable. Your power and role – You are a roleblocker, you can roleblock anyone and prevent them from reaching their target for the night. This can only be prevented if a protector targets your target. As a bonus, you can intercept information from your target if they have anything on them regarding their target. This action is only available if your target has information, otherwise it’s just a roleblock. You are Mafia Tali’Zorah vas Normandy – DuD Quarian general, after the events of the Reapers, you felt that things were going back to normal with everything in the galaxy. But the Quarian fleet still held a grudge against you for providing intel to the geth which allowed the battle between the Quarians and geth to carry on for so long. The only person who stood by your side through it all is no longer there to guide you. Because of your tech background, you have the power to make anyone appear evil or good upon investigations. As well as that, you are also an investigator. You can find out information about anyone you wish, and can use this information as you see fit. If you so wish, you can forward on some of the information to another player. All they will receive is intel on who the player has targeted. Nothing else, not even who the player is. This can be done only on odd days. You are Mafia Kazumi Goto - Yvonne Master of the shadows, you lurk there waiting for the right price to be offered. You do the task which is asked, no questions. You are wanted by a few clans/colonies for your actions over the years. But alas no-one can find you to bring you to justice. Even faking your own death to escape the clutches is not out of your reach. You have 3 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night. 1: Become untargetable and track a target. 2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens. 3: You Pick 2 targets. Anyone who targets your first choice will get target 2 and visa-versa
  22. Right, sorry for the delay everyone. With the elite few left, it was down to Garrus to lead them to glory. But it was not to be, as he suffered the same fate as many others. He was arrested on the Citadel by Alliance military, he was accused of murdering Wrex. After all, the Krogan and Turians hated each other due to the Genofage. Garrus Vacharian has been arrested, The Peeps is no longer in the game Turian commander, aided Shepard in the battle for the Citadel against Saran, destroyed the Collectors and helped save the galaxy from the Reaper invasion. You turned down captaincy of the Normandy in favour of calibrating the weapons. This does not mean things have gone downhill for you; in fact you are 2nd in command behind Ashley Your power and role – You are a protector, thus stopping your target from being affected by the night actions (minus a kill). You also get a double vote He was Town. Because of the latest arrest, the remaining mafia assumed control of the SR2 Normandy. Mission accomplished, majority cannot be reached. The last remaining town was rounded up and escorted off the Normandy by Alliance military. The Mafia win - Last remaining Mafia member was DuD Full roles come tomorrow, congrats to all who played @@Mr\-Paul @Ganepark32 @Rummy @Sheikah @Aqui1a @Nintendohnut Congrats to all who played. I hope you enjoyed the game. Disuss away!!!!
  23. Downloading it now, playing it tomorrow. First impressions, playing the multiplayer (as thats the only option available). Playing a "protect the e-hole/destroy the e-hole cover" match. It's a bit like Horde, with the spawn points and the turrets etc. Just with e-holes as an option.
  24. Got a code from GAME, from pre-ordering the game i have early access to the demo. Thoughts will arise later tonight once i've experienced it for myself.
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