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Everything posted by legend_of_matt

  1. oooooooooo aaaahhhhhhhh
  2. kind of annoying
  3. so .....why do they have to keep some of the infomation till its release as well?
  4. well you say the download prices are ridiculous but think of it this way. An N64 game from gamestation will be around 5 pounds, however they are 2nd hand whilst these ,probably improved in some way, downloads are being sold offically from nintendo. Then again we dont have to pay for the packaging etc. Now i don't know
  5. Hey guys remember this blog, osaka tasomthing well he has just posted an image of what looks like the "revolution's" interface. I not very good at this myself but if any of you can find tell tale signs of photoshop that should clear things up. http://onlynintendorevolution.blogspot.com/
  6. Probably cause theres not much to talk about
  7. I think what they are trying to get at is Jim Merick hinted that Nintendo is possibly considering launching a home console in europe first, but there has been no confimation (obviously).
  8. althought they fired alot it was kinda crap cause they kinda fired as many as they could
  9. Yeah actually why dont they let you download old gameboy games? Or are they considering it? It could even be interesting if you could download old Gameboy games then upload them to the ds to play on the go!
  10. 1- Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Reason: When i first heard the music for the last 6 hours before the moon would fall i realised that no matter how much you help the citizens of clock town unless someone stops the Skull Kid everyone would die. In perticular the woman in the inn waiting for her loved one to return but whom never came unless you went out and found him. 2- Tales of Symphonia , 3- Chrono Trigger, 4- Eternal Darkness, 5- Golden Sun.
  11. oh well the story is remarkably similar to roy's trophy i must say but i trust you
  12. actually roy is in fire emblem (1st one) for the gba but they changed his name to Eliwood. I noticed this when i read one of Roy's tropheys
  13. i know this is of topic but i have posted an opinion already but i have just gone throught a list of Mk friend codes so if you guys could add me too that would be great ( code in avatar)
  14. oh ok i suppose copying is the best form of flatery oh i just thought how about as one of the costumes mario in a tuxedo
  15. um i just said that
  16. actually on that samus with no suit idea wot if they actually gave char different clothing rather than dif colours and some place for a custom emblem or dif clothing combined with a choice of, i dunno hats.
  17. So did i but the reason behind the rumour was something like makingit easier to determine that anyone who mod chip's (is that right?) their ps3 will be for piracy reasons instead of ingnorance on wanting to mod it for import reasons or something like that anyway
  18. ah yes but did i not hear that the downloaded nes snes and n64 games can bee from any server i.e. we in the uk can download a american version of earthbound from the american server. so for the downloaded games it will be reagion free so they could always make the rev accept any region for the disc games, whilst on the subject there are rumours that the ps3 will be reagion free.
  19. actually to have a hard drive it can access wirelessly sounds like an interesting idea but is it practicle?
  20. I hear you DCK makes total sense, nintendo as a company won't leave it that late to release their next-gen platform no matter how different it is from the competition.
  21. almost definatlly, i think well it would make sense.
  22. I decided to browse this Osoko Tanaka's blog and want so help from members in finding out if his latest post might hold some truth. In his latest post he gives you an image of what looks like a gamecube disc, but he goes on to mention that its actually a developing revolution disc. Anyway have a look for yourselves and post if you know anything (like if the image is fake) Link: http://onlynintendorevolution.blogspot.com/
  23. here is an idea the dvd attachment slots into the 'pointer' controller, no? anyone?
  24. This is actually difficult to pin point because of the "rumour" that nintendo has developed a way of creating stunning visuals without the need for a lot of a power. So I believe its graphical outake is above that of the cube (think that would be obvious) maybe enough to reach the X360, but so that developers could have the tools to compare with the PS3 and X360 without comprimise.
  25. how do you know resi 5 is not going to be on the rev, beside nintendo no companies have confirmed any games for it yet (correct me if i'm wrong) which is probably because they're not allowed to by signing NDA's with nintendo.
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