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Everything posted by Darv

  1. To be fair I think it's the Xbox that can't do Dolby HD. If you use the xbox HD DVD drive in a computer you would be able to get Dolby HD. But yes, it is a cheap solution. On the other hand. How many people have a dolby HD decoder in the first place?
  2. Any headphones will work. You should be able to find a twin phono to 3mm plug adaptor. I had a look on Maplin but couldnt find anything... Failing that, I have a pair of Speedlink Medusa headphones which have the connector you need although that would need a gender changing adaptor as well.
  3. Care to share that deal? :awesome:
  4. I took the plunge and bought an Elite with Blue Dragon and The Darkness. I'm not sure what other games to get though. My old flat mate had an Xbox so I've already played though GoW, Dead Rising, NFS MW, GH2 and some other's I've forgotten.
  5. Is this deal in store as well as online. I'm tempted to go down and pick one up.
  6. It's so ridiculous it really takes the piss. The Wii simply doesn't have the processing power / memory to play a Blu Ray disk. Not forgetting the fact that it needs to output high def and would need an HDMI socket.
  7. Not the best picture in the world but here it is: Specs if your interested: Opteron 165 1 Gig Mushkin Ram 7900GS 160GB HDD (now with a 500GB as well) Lian Li PC60 Watercooling: Alphacool NexXxos XP (gold plated) Alphacool Mosfet Cooler Alphacool NB cooler Alphacool GPU cooler RamPlex cooler AquaDrive HDD cooler Aquastream pump AquaTube 120mm Rad The only thing that isn't watercooled is the Zalman PSU. It's not audible in any way when idle, even in a silent room. The HDD does make some sound when accessed though
  8. If the light goes red then it's not connected to the internet. Mine does it occasionaly and I need to turn the Wii on again before it will connect again.
  9. I think you will find your tv does have the audio inputs. They should be the white and red ones that go with a yellow to make a composite connection. Componenet is only the visual side of things. You can plug the audio into a non Dolby Prologic stereo, but it won't decode the surround sound channels.
  10. I've got mine laying horizontal because it was the only way it would fit. It doesn't look as striking but it still looks cool. Will get pictures later.
  11. True, but you a VGA cable is capable of more than VGA resolution. Otherwise a PC monitor wouldn't work. I have connected my PC to my computer through a VGA running at around 720P. And my PC monitor is VGA and runs at 1280*1024. As to which one is better, it depends on your TV, but since there is no official VGA cable as of yet, I would stick with component. Of course if you don't have an HDTV then you will want RGB.
  12. VGA can output at any resolution in theory. It can certainly handle 1080p. I'm hoping PAL software is capable of 480p. It doesn't really make sense for it not too, especially since it's a built in setting for the Wii menu.
  13. I'm pretty certain VGA is analogue too. Also component is significantly better than RGB as it's high def.
  14. And yet, that is exaclty what Sony demanded they did. They wanted names and addresses of every single person in the UK that imported a PSP
  15. I've got one It's damn cool but it makes you feel really ill after only a few minutes. I really like the controller though. It's not a home console though, neither is it a handheld. It can be played anywhere, but you can't really play it on the move.
  16. I believe you can have the sensor bar anywhere but you will have to point that direction rather than at your TV.
  17. Doh, could have sworn it said game specific I don't see why having a forum through the Wii is any different to the official forums on the Nintendo websites, so why would it be a problem?
  18. IIRC the light at the bottom will flash at different speeds to tell you how much battery life you have left. I think it flashes when you turn it on and when it get's to each step (3/4, 1/2, 1/4 etc)
  19. Surely, if you can access the message board outside of a game then how else would you communicate unless it was one friend code per system. Otherwise you would have to send the same message as many times as you have them in your friends list.
  20. What about Microsoft? Xbox controllers take AAs too.
  21. They may well be able to make a USB charger for them, but that would mean you can't plug in the nunchuck so it would make it rather useless tbh. I'm just going to get a load of batteries and when one couple runs out, I'll chuck in another full set and then charge the empty ones and repeat.
  22. tbf the Wiimote looks about as ergonomic as a choc ice. But it's apparently very comfortable. The Classic controller does look very flat, but I'll reserve judgement on it's comfort until I actually hold one.
  23. They quite clearly said in the conference: Not Wii remotes with bundled Wii Play. I'm not saying that the game comes with a free remote, but it's a bundle together. They aren't goign to give away games with every remote, it doesn't make any sense. Not because the game is worth much money, but because why would they want to make so many copies of it. Besides, why would they want you to have the same game 3 times?
  24. The average wage in other countries most likely follows a similar pattern. So in my mind it's a non issue. If you're living in the US. You will be earning less so things are cheaper. But you should still be spending the same percentage of your wage (give or take) Another point about the higher price is in the US there is much higher demand, so everythign can be done in bulk. In Europe they need different packaging for each country, different distribution. It's just not a similar comparison.
  25. I just can't understand why people are fussing. The UK has a strong economy, the average wage is relatively high compared to other countries and thus we pay more for things. If you want things cheaper then you have to expect to be paid less. It all works it's way out. Personally I couldn't care less how much it costs in another country. I don't live in those countries. Just stop winging!!!
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