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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yeah, can't see it happening myself. But it would certainly be a good way to make use of the GamePad. They'd have to include a pretty robust editor though in order for people to create tracks which make decent use the anti-gravity feature. But hey, anything's possible: All these years later, and I'm still gutted we never got that over here.
  2. Is that new or preowned? Insanely good deal either way.
  3. Yeah, it's a lovely looking game alright. I was playing some of the underwater levels earlier, which are really beautiful: I love on that particular stage how DK is in silhouette until you approach a light source, and then you can see details of the 3D model briefly. Really nice touch. Like I said on Miiverse though, I just wish there was a mode where you could swim around freely without the risk of dying.
  4. Cheers. Just managed a no damage run and improved my time to 01:44.37. Tell me about it. My new record on 1-1 puts me in 93rd place on the global rankings, but that's still 10 seconds behind 1st place!! Time Attack is going to add a lot of replay value to this game.
  5. Yep... And none of us have managed a perfect run yet.
  6. £7.19 Trust me, you've got the rhythm for this. Weapon crafting doesn't take very long at all, less than a minute, sometimes just a few seconds. And there's also a visible guide for the timings, so you don't have to rely on the music.
  7. Yep, any record with that green tick next to it has a replay that you can watch. It's awesome. Same applies to the worldwide leaderboard too. I watched the replay of the best time on the first stage, which is already absolutely insane.
  8. Fair play. To be honest I'm kind of fed up of platformers too, but with nothing else to play on Wii U right now... well, it was this or nothing.
  9. Loving some of the characters in this: Her theme music is awesome too. And just when I was thinking the game wasn't mental enough...
  10. Time attack is awesome! Getting gold is pretty tough too. Don't expect my place on the leaderboard to last, so had to take a pic. Also, I hope that's not indicative of the amount of N-E peeps that bought this game. I know it isn't (some obviously haven't played TA mode yet) but still kind of worrying.
  11. Not sure, but there's something called the Evil Lord Meter in the top right-hand corner of the screen and it's gradually filling up. So yeah, I guess something is going to go down once it does. There is an overall progress percentage for the weapon collection too and you can also earn titles (that can be added to weapon names) plus decorations (which you occasionally receive as quest rewards) to decorate your shop.
  12. You're gonna love it I reckon, any RPG fan will get a kick out of this game. I'm not exactly a huge fan of the genre, but am really enjoying this. Having spent a bit more time with it and getting used to the flow of the game, I'll have a go a explaining it to those that might still be wondering what it's about. Basically you have to run a weapon rental service for various customers that are characters in RPG games. Customers will randomly appear at your shop throughout the day and place an order for a weapon, you then need to check their quest info to see what kind of weapon type they prefer and what sort of monsters they'll be facing on the quest. The customer will then leave the shop, giving you some time to forge the weapon. That's when the rhythm aspect of the gameplay comes in, because to forge weapons you have to time your hammer hits on a molten block of metal to the music. You also need to be aware of the placement of those hits though, as striking the same spot repeatedly is not effective, so the weapon will take longer to make and will be less powerful, durable, etc... You also need to keep an eye on the heat of the metal (although this hasn't been an issue for me so far, but that could just be because it's early days, and the weapons are still low level) and you'll need to cool the weapon once it has taken shape. When the customer returns to the shop, you hand over the weapon and off they go. This is were the game starts to get funny (not to mention a bit confusing) as each weapon you rent is fitted with a device that enables you to listen in to the adventures of the person that rented the weapon! A live feed of dialogue (aptly named the Grindcast ) is always rolling once a weapon has been rented, enabling you to keep track of how each quest is going. You can see when customers encounter enemies, when they attack or get attacked, stuff like that. It's pretty entertaining. The thing with the Grindcast though, is that it's always running no matter what you're currently doing in the shop. And as more and more customers rent weapons and all of their quest activity is added to the Grindcast feed, it can get a bit messy. I believe there are options to slow down or stop the flow of text though (as there are to speed it up) and you can also filter it to only show certain characters. The game can also get a bit confusing when you have multiple orders and need to remember what weapon you made for which character. In addition to that, you often get random NPCs appearing in the store that want a weapon right away! So if you don't have one already made and in stock, you're out of luck. Anyway, if a character beats the quest that he/she was on, they return the weapon to you, plus a rental fee and sometimes materials. But if they fail, you lose the weapon and get no reward. So you need to make sure you kit them out with the right/decent gear. Weapons that have been returned will level up (as will the characters that borrowed them) and you can also polish the weapons to further increase these stats and get them ready for their next rental. :awesome: At the end of each day your shop is given a rating depending on how well you did, then you just repeat the process, serving more customers, making better weapons. So that's more or less what you do in this game, manage the shop and read the humorous adventures of your customers on the Grindcast. It's repetitive, there's not much to the actual gameplay and it's super niche, but it's strangely addictive and at times very funny. Definitely a nice game to check out, if you're into the RPG genre though. : peace:
  13. Anyone else get this game today? I've only played it for a little while in-between DK, but it seems pretty fun. Still not sure exactly what kind of game it is though, it's sort of like an RPG/Management sim/Rhythm game all rolled into one. Which is actually pretty cool. Dialogue is humorous too. And this made me laugh quite a bit:
  14. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I absolutely love the title screen theme, get stuck on there listening to that for ages! Hehehe! Indeed, some of the levels on the second world are already starting to get pretty tricky too. Methinks I'll be making quite a lot of purchases at Funky Kong's shop. Speaking of Funky, what the hell has happened to his voice?! He sounds Chinese. Yeah, you get used to them, the initial load time is a bit annoying, it seems to hang on the splash screen and then on the part with the clouds.Do you get stuttering on the main loading screen though, the one before and after every level? Extra stages...
  15. Yeah, the first level is basically the tutorial and there are prompts that appear when you're required to perform certain moves.
  16. True. It's definitely a lot quicker than DK is though.
  17. Absolutely.And it's really not that bad (there are far worse offenders on Wii U, LEGO City for one) just something that stood out during my first time playing the game, and also surprised me after SM3DW.
  18. So my copy arrived this morning, I grabbed my Pro Controller and blew the dust off it all ready to play... Pro Controller doesn't work. I hadn't used it in so long that it had no charge whatsoever! Anyway, plugged in the USB cable and got playing. Have gone through the first world, and initial impressions are actually pretty good. It's definitely going to take me a while to get used to the way DK moves again though, it's kinda sluggish. I remember thinking the same when I first played DKCR on Wii though, and quickly got used to it. What I do like is how you can choose to use the control stick over the D-Pad, which means you don't need to hold down a button to run. But yeah, game looks great (really great ) sounds amazing (obviously) and is a lot of fun to play. So despite my lack of hype, it seems like I'm gonna enjoy this one after all. Worst thing about DKCTF so far is in fact the load times. There appears to be quite a lot of them (before and after every stage) and they can take quite a long time. It takes around 15-20 seconds to load each level, which is weird after the instant loading in SM3DW. The characters also occasionally stutter as they run across the screen during loading too, I wonder if that's only on the disc version of the game. Is anyone downloading this from the eShop? Would be interesting to find out if it's the same on a DD version, or if the load times are quicker.
  19. 60 fps gameplay footage on YouTube: Very clever. Only works with the HTML5 player though, not flash.
  20. No way! Brian Blessed's voice instantly makes you pay attention to that ad, Attenborough would just put people to sleep. Pretty crappy ad though, 30 seconds long but only 4 or 5 seconds of gameplay.
  21. I was just admiring the artwork for this game, when I suddenly noticed one of those "cannot be unseen" things. Like Pierce Brosnan's elongated gob on the cover of GoldenEye, and the Giraffe Blowjob of the Resident Evil 6 logo. Did this in Photoshop to highlight that which cannot be unseen, check it out:
  22. We shall see.Even though I'm not a huge fan of Metroid, I do of course wish a new game would appear on Wii U (and truth be told would actually rather be playing it this week than DK ) but I still don't believe it'll help change the fortunes of Wii U. Anyway... let's get back on topic here, ey?
  23. I get your point, obviously Nintendo doesn't see it that way though.It has to be the reason why they're so reluctant to revisit certain franchises, Metroid included.
  24. It is. But I'm pretty sure that's the only perspective Nintendo are interested in right now. Donkey Kong franchise to date = 53 million Metroid = 14 million Seems like a no-brainer.
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