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Status Updates posted by RedShell

  1. Yep, I have. Shame you didn't get back to me sooner... :hmm:

    Have you seen what I'm playing at the moment? ;)


    So yeah... Sorry amigo, but I'm not gonna be able to help you out for a while.

    Right now (and for the next couple of months at least) any free time = game time.


    : peace:

  2. Hey Steve, Reggie apparently wants to know what's wrong with you. :heh:


    Seriously though, I hope that you'll be a 3DS owner in time for Mario Kart. :blank:

  3. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! :yay:

    Broadcast Yourself
  4. Hey Kav.

    Yeah man, I'm still loving Monster Hunter. :)

    Nice to hear that you're going to be online some more, looking forward to hunting with you again.

    : peace:

  5. Hehehe, yeah that was a fun match. Isn't it time for Mr. modesty to retire? :heh:


    And how dare you post that on my lovely profile page?! I edited that atrocity right out. :D

  6. *voice of Pit*

    "Sorry to keep you waiting!" :heh:




    : peace:

  7. I noticed while making the DoA banner, that the guy behind the ninja (on the left of the banner, above the n-europe text) looks a bit like a certain tennis player that you love and that I hate. :laughing:


    Don't you reckon?

  8. I see that you've sent me a new Wii Music vid, cheers. :)

    Unfortunately I won't be able to check it out just yet, as my Wii is currently suffering from some major problems with the disc drive. :(


    I'm waiting for a lens cleaning kit that I ordered to arrive, going to give that a try when it shows up and see if it fixes the problem. But I get the feeling I'll end up having to send it off to Nintendo anyway. :hmm:


    So yeah, at the moment it's only non-disc based Wii stuff for me.

    Downloaded Art Style: light trax earlier on. I pretty much forgot the Wii Shop Channel existed. :heh:

  9. Hey did you know that GAME are selling Black Wii's for £99.98!? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


    By the way, are you still playing MH, amigo? I've been getting back into it recently, playing online with Mokong and some of the other pros. You up for hunting online again sometime?


    : peace:

  10. Yeah, OK! :)

    How about tomorrow or Sunday night?


    Looking forward to hunting alongside the MH legend! :hehe:

  11. Sounds like you've got me confused with Mr. Darksnowman. :heh:

    I've played 'em all, my friend. NES to Wii.

    It's certainly not my favourite Nintendo franchise, but I still enjoy it.


    How about you? :smile:

  12. Excellent hunting tonight, amigo! : peace:


    We really showed that fire bird thing who's boss. :heh:

  13. Congrats. :hehe:

    Yeah, levelling up in GoldenEye takes a loooooong time. :eek:

  14. 600 hours, wow! that's an impressive amount of play-time, you certainly got your money's worth there. icon14.gif My most played Wii game is still Mario Kart, at around 370 hours.


    I was planing to get MH at launch, but then NOE's fantastic release scheduling came along and messed with the plan. :indeed:


    Anyway, darksnowman and / nando / both picked this up yesterday (and flameboy is after a copy), so at least I wont be hunting alone. But yeah, if you ever fancy coming out of retirement give us a shout.


    : peace:

  15. Guess what? I'm finally a Monster Hunter! :D


    How many hours did you clock on this in the end then, or are you still playing!?

  16. Hey man, I also bought Monster Hunter today! :hehe:


    Hope we can play online sometime.

    : peace:

  17. Sweet Kirby sig amigo, really nice! icon14.gif

  18. OK, it's now up in the Staff Group.

    Shame we couldn't get any decent images for this stuff. :hmm:

    I'll get the Sprout interview GFX done next, any specific image you want for that one?

  19. I sent a new Music vid to you earlier. Remember to pass it on to / nando / afterwards. :)

    And please excuse my slightly iffy Balance Board drumming. :heh:
