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Everything posted by Wii

  1. http://nintendoeverything.com/rumor-gta-v-was-once-prototyped-for-wii-u/ Nothing beats getting kicked and pummeled even further when you're down and out. I'm never going to get to play a GTA or a Final Fantasy or a take your pick as a Nintendo console owner. I guess you can't miss what you've never had. [TWEET]581257320870600704[/TWEET]
  2. Is the Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door 3D Leak Real? - Discussion (GameXplain)
  3. That was great fun. We should definitely do that again and often. Having said that I definitely should have had 2 first places and got neither. Squid on Mario Curcuit GBA definitely cost me, couldn't see a thing and got stuck behind a wall for ages, 2nd vying for 1st to second last on the last lap. Still 3 second places I think overall, I hope that doesn't put me back in group 1.
  4. Here's some more fan art of Toad amiibo. This time it's Toadsworth and Toadette. Also, that previously posted custom Captain Toad Treasure Tracker amiibo is now listed on Ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Captain-Toad-Amiibo-LED-NFC-Mod-/171732036835?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27fc06ece3
  5. I'd take more exception with the word "doing". They're hardly doing a new console. I think that is poor grammar.
  6. It would be funny if Nintendo held their Direct on April 1.
  7. I've never played frantic mode before so this should be interesting. Unless we did it in last years league and I just didn't realise it.
  8. A Reddit user has posted a teaser video for Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door 3D for the Nintendo 3DS. The video has now been taken down but that hasn’t stopped people from posting some gifs from the aforementioned video. Pinch of salt time people, who knows if it's real, perhaps it's meant to be shown in the next Nintendo Direct and they've leaked it. Here's the link to the original article:
  9. Xenoblade Chronicles X will have an original soundtrack released in Japan Xenoblade Chronicles X's soundtrack will release on the 20th May. It's being published by DefSTAR RECORDS and feature music by Hiroyuki Sawano, the games composer. It will cost 4,298 Yen and span 5 CDs. Source: http://vgmdb.net/album/51792 When converted it's approximately €33 or £24. If that released here I'd buy it in a heartbeat. It's on 5 CDs so there has to be a tonne of music.
  10. It's not to the mass publics taste either. Why do you have to manipulate people? Couldn't you just I don't know.....make a good product?
  11. That's real good for the Wii U and the last 2 years nevermind what happened on the Wii.
  12. It's only just in its 3rd year and it matters because there's no real 3rd party retail games and that dried up practically within 6 months. And other things like online could be improved but it's a conscious decision not to do so.
  13. Get real Serebii. Dozens of positive reviews? Lies. The Wii U version has 8 positive reviews and 15 mixed reviews. The 3DS version has 7 positive reviews and 6 mixed reviews. Where's the "dozens" of "positive" reviews? There were other negative reviews I could have chosen. Destructoid though it gives it the same score is more damning in its appraisal. I'm not singing this games praises so I'm hardly going to choose a positive review.
  14. Just like Reggie never lied when he went on CNN and said that Wii U versions of 3rd-party games like Call of Duty II would look "dramatically better". How'd that turn out?
  15. I don't call 7 good, to me that's just above average. You need to read more reviews. http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/mario-vs-donkey-kong-tipping-stars-review/1900-6416048/ I've read the reviews and they all say it's basically more of the same and that's what I see in the videos. That's fair enough, it's not your cup of tea but at least Xenoblade X is trying something new and it's not lazy. If Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars was just a Wii U release and didn't force me to buy the 3DS version then I might be tempted for €5-8. Let's not pretend Nintendo are giving us a free version for either platform. And another thing the 2 games don't share the same save data. That's some real good cross platforming right there.
  16. Yes it does. This game releases today on the European Wii U eShop. It's file size is just under 800 MB. Trine 2 by comparison was 1,880 MB.
  17. Telling people what to do again, no surprise there. No I haven't played it but that's what reviews and hands on impressions are for. I've said before that I've owned and played these previously, the last game being on the DS. This doesn't look any different apart from the level editor stuff. There's a reason it's reviewing poorly. Did you see the Japanese sales I posted yesterday? BOMBED. Why?
  18. Every thread? Wrong again Serebii. Last 3 posts in the Top Gear discussion, Xenoblade Chronicles X thread and the Wii U and 3DS Gaming Bargains thread disagree with you. I don't complain in the Xenoblade Chronicles X thread, why, because I don't need to. It's not a lazy, half @rsed effort. It's the complete opposite of a game like Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars. This game deserves flack.
  19. My opinion's as valid as yours. Just because you lick Nintendo's @$$ at every opportunity even when you're/they're wrong but you know what? That's your prerogative to do as you please even though it riles as many if not more people. Why do you think people disagree with you on a near daily basis? I don't need to crap up everything as you put it, Nintendo have done a good enough job at that themselves and the recent Wii U releases back that up including this game.
  20. I really like the programme but Jeremy Clarkson seems like a right prat to put it mildly at times I stress. He's like a child, O.K. I get that you're the star but you've no right to belittle other people, assault people and/or act like a d1ck. He thinks he's beyond reproach. He's a history of bad behaviour. It must have been a tough decision for the BBC but ultimately I believe they made the right decision. His comments after the incident showed little remorse, their contract was nearly up anyway and I think he believes the 3 amigos are bigger than Top Gear and that they'll get a nice pay day elsewhere(which they will). He's easily the least likeable of the 3. The other 2 are sound, James May especially but Jeremy is like a child, at times an obnoxious child, egotistical, I can do whatever I like child. If this was the first incident then yeah, fine but this is the end of a long list of offences. I commend the BBC, it took guts, they know they're going to suffer as a result of this but you have to have principles and standards. It will interesting to see what happens now. I think there was possibly more there going on behind the scenes which bmay emerge in time.
  21. New battle trailer with new music. Also, check out the official website for new screenshots and art. http://xenobladex.jp/
  22. SPLATOON (WII U) is £24.95 on thegamecollection.net. http://www.thegamecollection.net/catalog/product/view/id/11868/s/splatoon-wii-u/ This is very tempting because they've a cheaper postal rate to Ireland than other sites and I use and trust them a lot. Still need reviews and I don't want to validate Nintendo's decision to omit voice chat. How come it's so cheap? There's been no talk yet of this being a budget title.
  23. That's the same with any game. Perhaps I wasn't clear, it's self defeating in the sense of it could help protect the environment by just being a download code online but to print a case just to give you a slip of paper well do I really have to explain that? If you look at the eShop it says it'll give you a free code for the version on the other platform. Do you believe that? I think Nintendo factored it into price. I know sometimes Nintendo give free games, the MK8 was the clear best promotion. I've gone from a near Serebii to being very disillusioned and skeptical of Nintendo. It's an accumulation of decisions over the years. It's like Reggie, it was his birthday yesterday. I liked him at the start but I absolutely despise him now. It's all the lies, bluffing and deflection. It comes in wavess but I'm angry at Nintendo atm. They're a company with endless possibilities but they're hampered by poor decisions.
  24. This is the first and I'm not a fan. It's self defeating and it's possibly making you pay for another version you don't want.
  25. EU boxart for the Wii U and 3DS version.
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