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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Thank God you're not a CEO of any company. Do you own a goldfish?
  2. Who's going to win today? Liverpool and Barca.......hopefully. It's too early for the Liverpool v Man U game. Damn ye misbehaving supporters. I never changed my fantasy football team this week, would have put Kane as captain, well tough shit.
  3. That's a real defeatist attitude. Of course it's possible to beat Sony and Microsoft. It certainly won't happen by not trying. You only need to look at Apple to see anything's possible.
  4. [TWEET]579311551003430915[/TWEET] Don't spend it all at once. A bit stingy me thinks. Watched a bit of this on Nintendo's Twitch channel yesterday.
  5. Here's some fan art turning amiibo Toad into Captain Toad. Very impressive artistic skills.
  6. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - All Pixel Toad Locations I was waiting for this and as I thought it doesn't take very long for this....yawn....f..e...s..t...
  7. The North American Splatoon website is now open. http://splatoon.nintendo.com/
  8. http://www.gonintendo.com/s/249602-xenoblade-chronicles-3d-amiibo-play-coins-and-streetpass-details http://www.destructoid.com/want-to-know-exactly-how-xenoblade-chronicles-3d-s-amiibo-and-streetpass-mechanics-work--289361.phtml
  9. http://nintendoeverything.com/sakurai-says-mewtwo-dlc-for-smash-bros-is-releasing-soon/
  10. *PREViEW*- RiVE (WiiU/Steam) Gameplay (1080p/60fps) This looks really nice and Two Tribes are a great developer so I've faith this'll be a good game.
  11. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars - Launch Trailer (Wii U & Nintendo 3DS)
  12. It's not right that other companies do it but these articles are about Nintendo. Nintendo laid off 100's of workers and hired freelance workers which gives them greater freedom to treat people like crap and fire them at a moments notice if they so please. There are problems, don't tell me to stop, I don't tell that to you.
  13. I was more asking if it's allowed? I have my answer. I'll explain what I highlighted above. Iwata sketching out a new idea is total BS. Activision and Disney had been doing this a few years before Nintendo. And picture him getting all excited as he hops and skips merrily to the engineers. A company of thousands yet it falls on the shoulders of the President to come up with this brilliant, never been seen before new idea. Thank God for Iwata, imagine if he hadn't come up with the "new idea" and "mulled the concept"? I'll leave the new thread for now and focus on this point. What does it tell you about the company?
  14. Midna >>> the world and its mother >>>>>> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Fi. Lamest companion ever. I predict that there's a100% guaranteed chance that I'm right.
  15. Can we create a Nintendo rant thread? The moaners/defenders can stay out and the world will be fine. I defend and love Nintendo but I will and do speak out when I see them going down the tube. People clearly didn't read the TIME articles I published here, if you had you'd have noticed something in the first article straight away. Perhaps the author was purposely making a point starting off that way. I'll delve further today and it encapsulates so much of what is wrong with Nintendo. Iwata or/and his practises have to stop. I'm in a bad mood as some may have gathered. F all releases and what has been are $h1t€. If Iwata doesn't change he has to go, otherwise he'll bring down Nintendo or change the face of the company as we know it and it's not just him. I'll post the quote so and I'll leave it at that for now but it speaks volumes about the company at present. Give me a minute or 2. "In late 2013, Satoru Iwata sat alone on a bullet train headed toward Tokyo. As the carriage sped silently down the track, Iwata, the puckish CEO of Nintendo, began sketching out a new idea: a line of physical toys with built-in chips that connected wirelessly to the company’s varied game systems. The toys would let Nintendo trade on its universe of characters like Mario and Donkey Kong while generating new sales. Iwata, a 55-year-old who dresses in three-piece suits and speaks in measured phrases, often pausing to chuckle, says he got more and more excited as he mulled the concept. He dashed off a four-page pitch to his engineers. “It was something I believed would be completely new for us,” he recalls. The result was an array of figurines dubbed Amiibo (Japanese wordplay meant to evoke friends playing together), which launched worldwide a little less than a year later and turned out to be a hit. Nintendo says it sold nearly 6 million figurines, which go for about $13 each, by the end of 2014. Amiibo was a badly needed success for Nintendo—but one that underscores the difficult position the video-game pioneer finds itself in. The company that generated enormous profits in the 1990s and 2000s by introducing innovations in game controls and forcing rivals to adopt its ideas now at times follows in the footsteps of the competition. The gamemaker Activision has been selling similar toys since 2011, grossing nearly $3 billion. Disney, meanwhile, has its own version, based on movie characters such as Buzz Lightyear and Captain Jack Sparrow. Nintendo has been struggling for years. Wii U, the successor to the wildly popular Wii, has sold just under 10 million units since its launch in 2012. (From 2006 to 2014, Nintendo sold more than 100 million Wiis. And Microsoft and Sony, which launched competing systems after Wii U, have both outsold it.) Last summer, Nintendo laid off over 300 employees in Europe. And the company’s return to modest profitability late last year, thanks in part to a weaker yen, materialized after three consecutive years of losses. Nintendo’s critics have been relentless in demanding that the company abandon its hardware business and make versions of its games for smartphones and tablets." http://time.com/3749061/nintendo-mobile-gaming/?xid=tcoshare Read the first 2 paragraphs more than anything. I'll add my 2 cents later but suffice to say what the hell goes on over there?
  16. Painting a Super Mario Bros. Mario amiibo Gold! And you could do a better job than them. Get some plasticine and cover the base before spray painting to get a more realistic look. That depends on if you just want a gold Mario or to keep it pristine in the box but you could have one for less than half of £45.
  17. Ever since the expiry date came in with the points I've avoided using them where possible and I hate the surveys for every single game. You know my age, you know I'm male, you know I'm an advanced gamer. It's not going to change from one game to the next so why ask me every single time? The DS games I didn't mind getting rid of but now I've blighted the cards and all for nothing. The NSMB one is especially annoying as it's still valid but says I've typed it in wrong maybe which I haven't and the code was never used as I only scratched it today. I still have plenty of other codes for Wii and Wii U, some I won't mind using either but the first party stuff I'll keep those scratch cards most likely. I've talked before about how both my Wii U NNID's have the same e-mail address but I don't get any points for all my downloaded games on the second Wii U which I use most, so all those points are sitting in limbo. Sent e-mails to Nintendo about it. Think I got a response? Fat chance.
  18. You most certainly are.
  19. Wii U - Mario Party 10 Launch Trailer
  20. Sorry I missed out on that in MP10. And I thought it was just the Smash characters in Hyrule Warriors.
  21. Right because Nintendo have never lied before. Do really think they sat down a year ago or whenever with a weighing scales and said well we've got 20 simple amiibo coming and 40 intricate amiibo solet's find a balance. What happens for the ones that weren't planned then? Nintendo made sure recently to increase the price of amiibo in Canada didn't they to compensate for it's weakness against the US Dollar though didn't they? amiibo are playing a big part in Nintendo's return to profit. Do you think they're making pennies off each amiibo sold?
  22. Of corse it is Serebii, I knew you'd say that. Thank you for that Managing Director of Nintendo.
  23. I understand it plenty, that's why I'm staying away from it. It's possibly the thin end of the wedge and it's convenient for Nintendo to keep them all the same price regardless, more money for nothing.
  24. Yes it's still there for 2100 points. Click on download codes, scroll to the 3rd page and it's second from the left on the top. Really annoyed about my codes being expired. Pokemon Pearl is still fine it seems and that came out in 2007 but all my Professor Layton codes are no good despite being newer games. In fact all my codes are newer than Pearl. Thanks Nintendo.
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