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Everything posted by Wii

  1. You could be right. I never write in the drunken thread. I should share my words of wisdom there sometime. I'm done with the drink for about 9 hours at least.
  2. Sorry I forot that a sidescroller like Yoshi's Yarn takes way more work than a Wind Waker upgrade. I should've learned that from NSMB Wii being upgraded to NSMBU. My mistake.
  3. We're dead. Now let's hope Trap's dead.
  4. It's in there somewhere. What did we see of Yoshi's Yarn at E3 and yet here's Wind Waker announced at the same time coming out in less than a year. Supposedly they were nearly going to show the new Zelda at E3 so going by Wind Wakers epic development we'll be getting the new Zelda by next Christmas.I'm drinking so excuse me please.
  5. Hello everybody! This game got announced in a Nintendo Direct this year and it's out this year. Wasn't this the same game that got released in stills as was Yoshi's Yarn? I don't remember seeing any footage of Yoshi's Yarn since or after. When's that coming out? Yet, miracles of miracles we're getting Wind Waker with all its upgrades. How is that even possible? There is a God. So this time next year we'll be getting our new Zelda. Yes? I didn't think so.
  6. So it's being shown on kids programmes? No wonder I haven't seen it so. Was this game aimed at kids? From the posts here it would appear they'd struggle with the controls.
  7. It was acceptable in the 80s It was acceptable at the time
  8. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/53765/collecting-rupees-will-be-more-important-than-ever-in-zelda-a-link-between-worlds/ I don't own a 3DS but I'd love one just for this game.
  9. Did anybody see any ads for this game on TV? I didn't see any ads. Not a single one. There was plenty of advertising for Pikmin 3. I even seen a few for the Wii U version of Disney Infinity. How do they expect a game like Wonderful 101, especially a new franchise to sell with no advertising whatsoever? It's no wonder that it's fallen flat on its face. Is it because it's Platinum and not a 1st party developed core franchise? I bet Wind Waker will have no trouble getting wall to wall advertising. It's a shame.
  10. Locations and Activities - 10 Minute Gameplay Walkthrough | Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag [uK]
  11. Locations and Activities - 10 Minute Gameplay Walkthrough | Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag [uK]
  12. Sorry I quoted a different Eurogamer article but had read another before and after but Cube not me linked to it and I was correcting my mistake before your post. Thanks though. Rayman Legends shouldn't have included the levels from Rayman Origins and because they did and it was work sure they should charge extra. They deserve it, right?
  13. Thanks but if you read what was wrote yesterday, you would have seen Cube posted that link. Nowhere in that article does it state the missing dungeons were used in Twilight Princess.
  14. Unless Miyamoto or Aonuma privately told you this then you've pulled that statement from your backside. Tell us what's substantially new about this game besides a lick of HD paint? Putting messages in a bottle just doesn't cut it nor does putting photos from using your in game camera up on Miiverse. You can do that in other games.
  15. Yes because a 10 year old port used as a training ground for Wii U developers adding nothing substantially new deserves to be more expensive. All aboard the fail train. Destination?
  16. Watch Dogs 14 Minutes Gameplay Demo [uK]
  17. Japan: Wii U Sales Plummet Under 7K, 3DS Remains Best-Seller This week’s Media Create sales are now in from Japan, and it’s a poor week for the Wii U. It’s the first week since mid-June that we’ve seen Nintendo’s home console plummet under 7,000 sales. The Wii U sold just 6,741 this week prior to last week’s 7,030, but with The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD edition on its way later this month, we can only hope sales will start to gain momentum again. But the 3DS, of course, still remains the best-selling hardware in Japan. In terms of software, PlayStation 3 Jo Jo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle takes the top spot, with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn closely following. Previous number one 3DS title Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life rounds up the top 5, with four other 3DS games following. Get the full sales chart below. Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales) [PS3] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (Namco Bandai, 08/29/13) – 425,718 (New) [PS3] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Square Enix, 08/27/13) – 184,018 (New) [PSV] Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (GungHo Online Entertainment, 08/29/13) – 31,622 (New) [PS3] Lost Planet 3 (Capcom, 08/29/13) – 27,503 (New) [3DS] Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life (Namco Bandai, 08/01/13) – 17,061 (244,570) [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (Nintendo, 07/18/13) – 16,723 (281,700) [3DS] Tomodachi Collection: New Life (Nintendo, 04/18/13) – (1,409,182) [PSP] Saki: Achiga-Hen Portable (Alchemist, 08/29/13) – 13,806 (New) [3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) – 10,895 (154,691) [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo, 11/08/12) – 8,702 (3,395,088) [PS3] Super Robot Wars OG Saga Masou Kishin III: Pride of Justice (Namco Bandai, 08/22/13) – 7,822 (47,077) [3DS] Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo, 03/20/13) – 6,854 (885,238) [PSV] Conception II (Spike Chunsoft, 08/22/13) – 5,558 (24,436) [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo, 12/01/11) – 5,314 (2,111,835) [3DS] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (Nintendo, 06/13/13) – 4,546 (263,003) [Wii U] Pikmin 3 (Nintendo, 07/11/13) – 4,364 (175,765) [3DS] One Piece: Romance Dawn (Namco Bandai, 08/08/13) – 4,265 (51,476) [Wii] Taiko Drum Master Wii Super Wonderful Edition (Namco Bandai, 11/29/12) – 4,209 (553,574) [3DS] Fantasy Life Link! (Level-5, 07/25/13) – 4,201 (53,075) [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo, 07/28/12) – 4,170 (2,087,158) Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales) 3DS LL – 49,149 (35,044) PlayStation 3 – 20,090 (12,689) 3DS – 17,873 (16,053) PlayStation Vita – 8,405 (11,507) Wii U – 6,741 (7,030) PSP – 6,218 (5,735) Wii – 1,141 (1,103) Xbox 360 – 177 (196)
  18. No that honour goes to Skyward Sword along with being the worst in the series. It's all a matter of opinion of course. Twilight Princess was great.
  19. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/news250705zelda @Ashley Ronnie says he doesn't remember them saying that. I just provided the proof. Where's your post gone @Ashley ?
  20. For me they've cheaped out. WindWaker has aged extremely well, graphically it didn't really need a remake. What did need fixing and Nintendo said it themselves was the length of the game. They said it was a mistake to release the game at the time missing the 2 dungeons. So here was their perfect opportunity to right their wrong and they did nothing in that regard. A game that would look glorious in HD and hasn't aged well is Majora's Mask. But that would have been too much work for Nintendo. People can say it might be coming out on 3DS because they have the engine, there's no evidence of that yet. Besides I prefer Zelda on home consoles and it would look far better on the Wii U. Another thing is I believe is that a remake of Majora's Mask besides needing it more, benefitting more from the power of the Wii U, it would sell better than the WindWaker remake.
  21. The Wii has its faults and its pluses but if there's 1 thing the Wii did right it's FPS controls. I never want to see dual analogue controls ever again in my life. Pure perfection.
  22. The game had absolutely no advertising for starters but I would have thought the game would have benefitted from the Sin City style of the time. I found the game o.k at best, very repetitive and the o.t.t violence put me off. I only played 3 levels. Maybe it's just not my scene. Also, I'm as blind as a bat so I found discerning the games visuals very difficult.
  23. I think we can all agree the signing of the summer goes to "I’m head and shoulders above every other director of football," Kinnear bragged in July, yet while Tottenham’s Franco Baldini deservedly had a day off having spent over £100m this summer, Kinnear curiously failed to bring in a single player on deadline day, meaning Loic Remy, on loan, is Newcastle’s only significant signing of the summer. Fans’ worst fears were realised as Kinnear’s hollow boasts were exposed, his contacts book failing to generate a new arrival as questions were raised over his competence once again. Just what was he doing all day? Joe Kinnear - "Judge me on my signings" Let the judging begin so.
  24. Just read what Ronaldo has to say on Bale: "I have my opinion about Bale, but I will not go public with it." Well done Cristiano. Just confirming what most of the world thinks of you, you're a spoilt prima donna pr!€k.
  25. The Daily Mail are claiming that the Fellaini deal has been done for £27.5m. That's a few quid more than the release clause they allowed to expire.
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