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  1. Bayonetta: Bloody Fate - anime trailer An anime movie based on Japan is heading to Japan. Bayonetta: Bloody Fate is due out in theaters this November, it has been announced today. The production is from Gonzo – a well-known animation studio. Speculation regarding a theatrical movie for Bayonetta original surfaced in 2011. At the time, it was rumored that SEGA was preparing a reveal around TGS 2011. Here we are two years later – this time, the rumor has come to fruition. http://www.bayonetta-movie.com/ Hopefully this movie will be good because Gonzo are known to be hit-or-miss and that it'll generate interest in Bayonetta 2. Already read a joke on neogaf that if this comes out on bluray you'll be able to play it on Playstation and Xbox ..........but not on Wii U. Who has the game though?
  2. Monster Hunter VS every Vita games released so far up until September 2013. https://mobile.twitter.com/KeionKirby/status/380337342369628161/photo/1 I don't know how to put this image in the post. Anyway just goes to prove how much of a beast Monster Hunter is and what a loss it is to Sony and the Vita.
  3. Smash Bros. Voting Better luck next time Toad.
  4. I was going to say way to presume what somebody is thinking but Ashley beat me to it. @Ashley The first image was funnier.
  5. Don't you know you're not allowed complain about anything? I agree with you as well as many others have said so on this thread but you can only say nice and positive things. Nintendo Wii U is in bits and on life support but then that's our fault for complaining and supporting it in spite of this.
  6. Paper thin? Open your eyes, I can't be the only person to see the path Nintendo are heading down. Trust me I've not said how frustrated I am with them for fear of threading on peoples toes. I have one major rant just waiting to explode. Say anything and there you are moaning that I have a go at Nintendo, God forbid because they're perfect. You might as well join Zechs club. What a surprise you got a thanks from him.
  7. Where has this game been all this time, how come we're only seeing it now and how come only 2 sports will be ready by November? I smell another panic move by Nintendo at our expense.
  8. You're right, £5 would be much more reasonable. Especially as I believe Nintendo are going to milk this and it'll go beyond the 5 sports. What if they convert over Wii Sports Resort? £100+ on individual games would be outrageous. There'd better be some deal and seriously where the F### is voice chat? Get with the times Nintendo. No voice chat which so far seems to be the case and it's lost a sizeable chunk of its appeal.
  9. £45 for all 5 sports. It'll have to be some port regardless of online to deserve that price but then Wind Waker is overpriced. Bowling is the only 1 worth my money. A HD version of a simplistic looking game won't blow my socks off. Edit: Golf could be great if it's a deeper experience and there's more than 1 golf course.
  10. Looking around the net I've seen different scores, so far there's been 8/8/8/8/8/9/9/9/9/9/10. Eurogamer gave the 10.
  11. Thank you very much for the review. My only real complaint is the price they're charging for the level of effort they put in. Edit: @Ashley You'd better be running for the hills, I've just seen the score now. They'll be coming for you. I thought a 9 might get you flamed but an 8, you're going to be lynched.
  12. I read the review and I left a comment saying I think it's very fair and balanced. Just wondering what the score is or was that deliberately left out to avoid the pitchforks and torches.
  13. Great. I'll be interested to see what score it gets. Will the site go into meltdown ala Gamespot and their score of 9 for GTA5 if Wind Waker doesn't get a 10? I shouldn't think so as most people know it doesn't deserve a 10 :p :p
  14. http://gonintendo.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=122613
  15. I think you misunderstand me. I'm saying the audio will have improved but it's mainly due to the improvements in the hardware and the elimination of the disc size problem. It's not down to them putting some major effort into its upgrade. Just look at A Link Between Worlds, there was a story there yesterday where Aonuma was saying they're trying to get the game to sound orchestrated but it's not. If they won't do it for a new game, where sales are healthy, Wii U has no chance with Wind Waker. I'll post the story and link in the other thread.
  16. Half of these upgrades wouldn't require much effort. Hero mode, Miiverse integration? Prease understand. A few lines of code. Wow. The remastered music, well I've read that a couple of songs have been reworked and the song samples are of a higher quality. Again I'd say the GC audio quality, compression and 1.5GB discs had a role in that. With 25 GB discs I'd say they don't have that to worry about that anymore.
  17. Put in Monster Hunter terms the 3DS is an Alatreon while the Wii U unfortunately is a Bnahabra and a squised one at that.
  18. Yeah, I know it's not what he meant but it could be argued that Nintendo have gotten lazy with Zelda. Wind Waker = lazy, Skyward Sword = lazy and even though I like the look of it so far A Link Between Worlds is at least made up of 40% recycling of ALTTP's assets. They got lazy with the Wii and are suffering the consequences.
  19. The image supposedly came from a Smyths catalogue here in Ireland. Time will tell. Edit: I don't see how Smyths would make a serious feck up like this. I say it's true.
  20. Yes it was Skyward Sword and it wasn't just limited to rupees. It was every collectible in the game. Just one of the many faults of this game. How the hell did something so simple make it through the game testing phase?
  21. Bombs should be used in conjunction with traps or if you've put the monster to sleep. Regarding you finding it all overwhelming, don't worry. I think everybody felt like that at first when they were new to the series. It requires patience and practice. If you do that and get over the initial hurdles you'll find one the most deep and rewarding game series ever that will rob you of 100's of hours.
  22. I'm sure it's fine on their end. It'll require an update from Nintendo and Youtube aren't going to wait for that to be. God knows when that'll happen. Care to predict the Euromillions numbers for Tuesday?
  23. Right, Youtube is acting the major b@ll@cks! 3 times freezing the Wi U in a row and they were different videos. Nothing doing, turning off the gamepad does nothing, you have to hard reset the console. I was hearing about this in the last week but it's the first time I've experienced it. Anybody else having this problem? I heard youtube have been doing slight upgrades so it's probably screwing with the Wii U's settings. Maybe Nintendo can include it in their summer upgrade of the OS system because according to some people Nintendo work on the lunar cycle and there's still a week or so to go of Summer(yeah right). Edit: I should add that when it does play it's some completely random song.
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