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Everything posted by Wii

  1. For what? No need, it's only been updated just now.
  2. Pic Of The Day Pic of the day. New Super Mario Bros. 2 is a game where you collect tons of coins. Thus, it's only natural that many coins will appear in this stage… Wait, is this really Super Smash Bros?? If you collect 100 coins, you transform into a gold fighter! For a short period of time, your attack power will increase and you won't flinch when you receive attacks. This unique stage's name is Golden Plains and it's exclusive to the 3DS version.
  3. Yes and I missed everything else that was missing from Skyward Sword as well. Namely a great Zelda game.
  4. Iwata's English has really improved, even picked up an English accent and some slang. Not sure about the beard though.
  5. Wind Waker was a great game. Bought it back on the Gamecube and again for the Wii U. I just remember the huge backlash at the time. Not sure of the GC sales by the time it released but the Wii U is older at this stage than the GC was when Wind Waker released. Edit: GC had sold 9.6 million units by the time Wind Waker launched here in Europe.
  6. Why are Wii remotes still so expensive? Granted now motionplus is built in but even still. The Wii remote is 8 years old. It's not right.
  7. Dude you'd better cross every bone in your body because I can't see this happening unfortunately on Wii U. I too would love to see it but I don't know if you know, nobody around these parts have talked about it but Tetris is celebrating its 30th Anniversary and everything under the sun but Nintendo platforms are getting it. Tetris? Tertis for Gods sake, how hard would that be to make or port? It started on the Gameboy but they've forgotten their roots. Further proof Ubisoft are gone.
  8. It's already embarrassing, it's past embarrassing and it might be one of only a handful of 3rd party games that they could show. The trailer showed nothing and still a vague 2014 date. And, when I say handful, it could be the only real significant game.
  9. Why did I know that there would be zero gameplay footage? We need to see that at this stage. I can watch the cutscenes from other platforms. Maybe tomorrow if we're lucky.
  10. Devastating news. I absolutely loved Bottom and to a little lesser extent The Young Ones. He was brilliant, a really nice guy by all accounts, a real messer and a bit of a Peter Pan. I only wished him and Adrian had done more together. RIP and sympathies to his friends and family. Edit: That Gameboy ad was hilarious. Never seen it before.
  11. God I hope Zelda Wii U looks like the demo presentation from before. I'm a little worried that it's going to be controversial. I'm calling it that it will be. Paper Mario Wii U Metroid 3DS Pokemon Wii U Some sort of sports title because we have none. Wii Sports U is a mess & doesn't count. Announcement of DLC for Mario Kart New character announcement for Smash Bros.. Characters reveal will run into a new game. F-Zero? A couple of 3rd party partnership game announcements Whatever Miyamoto has been working on. I bet it's quirky. Edit: Already 1 prediction right with the last 1 but we kinda knew that already.
  12. If that's true then why isn't Reggie dead?
  13. I hope there's no NFP games or whatever it's called. It's a con, a gimmick. It has nothing to do with gaming. You don't need these figurines to unlock stuff in games or you shouldn't. It's a money making racket and I for one hope it falls flat on its face. I want games, real games, not some BS casual crap to follow up the likes of Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, etc.
  14. The thing with the Microsoft and Sony conferences being an hour long, well isn't that all they're allowed because of scheduling? Seeing as Nintendo aren't holding a physical conference who's preventing them or limiting them to an hour? Is that not an advantage they have by not being live? They could edit it into an hours worth of footage? You wait all year for this, so I hope it's good, it better be. I won't say expect anymore, been burnt too many times now.
  15. That's exactly what I meant. It was so obvious. His whole quote was about delays but he conveniently ignored my point.
  16. Are we getting Goldeneye? Are we getting N64 VC games? Are Rare coming back? What does this mean? Don't start hyping. I'm going to remain calm. Breathe in, breathe out!
  17. Explain Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze please? Edit: Clear enough?
  18. Just out of curiosity. @Serebii How much do Nintendo pay you to defend them? Is it for each post, is it weekly, monthly? What's the deal? Edit: Sorry, silly typo.
  19. I switched Wii U's and had to create a new NNID. I asked them about transferring my old NNID over. Got no response at all. Not even their usual automated one.
  20. http://nintendoeverything.com/media-create-software-sales-526-61-top-50/#more-162233
  21. They don't listen. I've wrote to them before. You're wasting your time. Got an automated response each time and when it is from a person it might as well be automated because it's so vague and impersonal. I could swear it's just an automated response with a name tagged on. Remember when Reggie was asked about "Operation Rainfall"? He said they don't pay any attention to stuff like petitions or its ilk.
  22. Yes and by buying Mario Kart 8, while yes good it's to see the game do well but you're telling them that you're fine with the way online is and giving them no encouragement or incentive to change their ways. I want them to learn and the only way that's going to happen it seems is to drag them by the hair, kicking and screaming to get with the times. By that I mean hit them where it hurts, their pocket. Ye have given them a big thumbs up. So when Smash is gimped, you'll know why. The only hope is that Sakurai won't allow that to happen.
  23. I took the liberty of correcting the grammatical error. To answer your question, I was right up to and well after the Wii U release. I only recently packed the Wii away. I think the impending closure of the servers at the time made me say goodbye for now.
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