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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Spurs are disgusting. That's real tough on Hull. Ramirez ruined it for them.
  2. Nintendo Aims For A Smashing Holiday Season (Forbes interview with Reggie)
  3. I agree but doubt they'll change anything about him.
  4. In the interview on the last page Itagaki acknowledgedthat it was rough but that it had vastly improved since E3. Talk is cheap so we'll see. It'd better be better because they won't get away with graphics like that nowadays. Not on Wii U at least after the recent eye candy we've had.
  5. @Rummy I know it's not directed at me. I knew Wii U was doomed even before it launched. It didn't have to be this way but it is because Nintendo are too slow to change. There's so many examples down through the years. Wouldn't leave cartridge behind for home consoles, what are they using now? Said local multiplayer was far better than online and that it was just a fad? What are they embracing now but at a slow rate. If it was the air that I breathe I'd be dead. Too late embracing HD, way behind the curve. Jumping on amiibo this Christmas like it's their new best friend when they had the chance years ago and turned it down. Skylanders and Infinity are well established but Nintendo will make a dent not because they're doing it right but because their franchises are so strong.
  6. http://gematsu.com/2014/11/development-update-devils-third
  7. Arsenal are a disaster! Can ye not do anything right? FFS and ye want to finish in the top 4 at least?
  8. We'll just leave it at that. These couple of games show it can be done and I hope it's the norm going forward with the addition of voicechat also becoming the norm as well some day. They're getting there slowly. : peace: Edit: If you want to find the quotes and where they're from it's very easy.
  9. I'm talking about quotes like these and that's just a couple from Super Mario 3D World, it's nothing to do with voicechat. We'll leave their name out of it.
  10. http://mynintendonews.com/2014/11/22/xbox-one-has-now-outsold-wii-u-worldwide/ This both saddens and annoys me but it's to be expected.
  11. http://www.shacknews.com/article/871...w-crazy-eights So much for all that rubbish about extrapolation, latency and too much interactivity that you know who says are the reasons why it's not in other Nintendo games. This is twitch fast reaction required gaming, tonnes of interactivity and it runs at 1080p and 60fps. It can be done, this and MK8 are the proof. It just takes will power and know-how. I don't to hear this excuse in future.
  12. These look truly awful, really cheap, especially Marth. That I think is the worst I've seen so far now. Still, glad they're not my problem.
  13. http://nintendoeverything.com/gamestop-posts-karissa-the-destroyer-video-explains-how-the-publicity-stunt-was-done/
  14. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - The Biggest Smash Ever! (UK Commercial) Run with this ad on TV Nintendo and prominently. It's far better than the sexist 8 player ad.
  15. I don't know I think it's fairly true to the Twilight Princess version. If you're talking about her breasts then maybe they're slightly bigger. You know what is changed though? The Mirror Of Twilight. It's a lot smaller than it was in Twilight Princess. And that Postman Link is downright creepy.
  16. Yes but I was more interested and mentioned more of the Wii U games. Besides we don't have a combined Wii U/3DS thread so it best fitted here.
  17. The Wii U is backwards compatible so
  18. I'm sorry, I must be mistaken. I was under the impression that this was the Wii U discussion thread. I'll be off again. *walks back in* Wait a minute.......this IS the Wii U discussion thread. Shoo, shoo, get out of here now you damn hippies, you have your own thread for this discussion.
  19. Official Japanese website for Hyrule Warriors was finally updated, and they have some details on the new update coming out next Thurday (Nov. 27) worldwide. Here's the list of changes that will be included in ver. 1.4.0: 1) level cap raised 2) max amount of materials raised 3) new potions 4) new medals 5) amiibo support. Of course, update is for everyone, not just those who purchased the DLC. http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/zelda/update.html
  20. The second DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors will be available on 11/27! In this pack, you’ll get Twili Midna as a playable character, a new weapon for Zelda, a Twilight Princess themed Adventure Mode map, and two additional costumes including the Postman costume for Link!
  21. Japanese Smash Bros. Wii U commercials See now, these put the U.S. and UK copycat ad to shame. It's all about the game. There's no comparison. Why couldn't they do this? Life After Smash Bros.: Ice Climbers
  22. Yes I think that's it. Test Chamber - Watch Dogs Wii U Didn't watch all of it but from the sounds of things they don't like it. Comments like no dynamic lighting, frame rate drops when you go fast in the vehicle, lack of people on the streets. I don't know what to make of it, I'll most likely get it if and when it hits around €10-15, depending on reviews which I predict should be coming out around now. May be wrong. Keep an eye on here. http://www.metacritic.com/game/wii-u/watch-dogs Could make them wait until shops open later in the morning and it's actually released.
  23. http://nintendoeverything.com/watch-dogs-has-a-mandatory-install/ Six months late and still a patch on day 1?
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