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Everything posted by Bluejay

  1. Sounds awesome. I'm in. What sort of techniques did people use to find out people's identity last time.
  2. They used to be great. Why did Dabookerman want to be banned in the end? Mike was funnier though. He didn't get banned, just lost interest.
  3. Hahaha. They get better each time. Taking innuendo based shop names to a whole new level on awesomeness. Does Dr Tran run it?
  4. Been avoiding it because it is so long but I have now watched the first 3 and I predict great stuff. Seems mature and quite heavy, moral dilemmas and death etc but very gripping and well done. I have no idea where they are going to take it, especially for 70 odd episodes. Does lots of different plotlines run or is it one long story?
  5. He got a life I presume. Spill anyway. Starting something and then saying but you wouldn't want to know is the most annoying thing anyway.
  6. Is this relatively easy to pick up? You are all pros now and I somehow missed the other 4. Post the rule set so I can prepare myself please. I'm in I think.
  7. Cool. Explain more, unless it was a sexy dream. Which it was, because all dreams involving Athriller are sexy dreams. Not that I would know. EDIT: That was the wierdest thing I've ever posted. EDIT 2: Oops, you said it was a nightmare. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about now.
  8. Played that the other. Fucking awesome. Such a cool and inventive concept. Needs to be shamelessly ripped off and put in a proper game.
  9. This one is dumb, but funny. The chances of that happening must be pretty slim.
  10. Hahahaha. Everyone missed this joke apparently. hahahahah.
  11. Spill. If I had a cat I would name it Senator Fluffsberry or something equally edgy. EDIT: Just realised I have over 2000 posts again. Not just now, a while ago, but I only checked now. Anyway, am I the first person to reach 2000 posts twice on the same account?
  12. Heheheh you look.... noble and righteous.
  13. Ah, never been in that thread. I'll join the next one.... .....if I'm cool enough
  14. Whats with all the Tetris references in here? I don't follow
  15. In this case anyway £10 for 7 games without achievements > 1 game for £7 with acheivements. However, considering I use VGA for Wii, I can't play Metal Slug for Wii anyway. So this may be the best I can get. Whatever way you play it, Metal Slug is awesome.
  16. I much rather shop in Cock Gobblers than the House of Cock. Oh god, typing that feels so wrong.
  17. This is an excellent point. Pretty much all news is passed on from somewhere, but the finder should at least gain partial credit. All news posting is doing is just rewording a PR article most of the time anyway, right? Or not? Basically, I'm not sure what point I am trying to make but Hero-of-Time is right.
  18. you are jay8 now m8 oh god, that was abysmal..
  19. lols. Basically, giant red text = internet success.
  20. Fourtherered. I am in genuine awe by that hat.
  21. But Gaggle did the joke first and in a far more clever way. Some people, usually the best posters, just get ignored on here. That or people like giant red text? I like small text. Anyways, I would open a shop called 'The Emporium of Woe.' I guess it would be joke shop or a comedy venue or something to that effect.
  22. Mine never did. So I disabled it. The end. that was a damn good story.
  23. I'm that one. I'm not depressed though. Although, i kinda get a bit down if I'm on my own for any period of time. Some people are good on their own, me not so much. I would break down so fast in solitary isolation.
  24. Because it feels like an intelligent drama, in animated form, rather than just a bunch of kids hitting each other while pulling detirmined faces. I'm sure other anime manages the same thing btw.
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