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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. But... you listen to like... you know...
  2. If you would get fed up of doing that for the navigation menu all the time; then maybe you're buying the wrong console, you do realise most of the games will do this right?
  3. Action man... I was horrible with them. I think how a child plays with action men and the violence he expresses with them tells you how screwed up his mind is... But more pleasant ones include Lego and Mighty Max.
  4. Every single interface picture we have seen are completely off the mark; with their shitty old menus and what not. But it's not just whether it's sleek or not, it's the fact that they are menu systems in conjunction with a old styled controller, with your regular analogue stick and however many buttons. Think about it; Nintendo have just created a revolutionary controller, why would they make a menu system which doesn't use this? Wouldn't it be so much cooler if you had a menu system that you had to navigation using the motion trackers in the controller? Think about something akin to the screen in Minority Report, that uses these motion actions.
  5. Why does everyone care about the menus so much? It's the least important thing about the console.
  6. I saw this a really long time ago and I'm pretty sure it's not actually going anywhere.
  7. Haha, the replies to this thread make me chuckle. Friends has always been a show you either totally love or hate beyond any amounts thinkable. I for one though... cannot fucking wait! I'm looking forward to it.
  8. At my Toys R Us they just have a cable attaching the stylus, simple. Do the same with this, or if that fails just put a security tag on the side of it so no one steals it.
  9. I think Jo is alright, good to have a female on it. I love this show it's the only thing that makes me laugh since Peep Show finished.
  10. If people want to die they have that choice.
  11. Gervais claims that if he was an actor and it was scripted it would take too long to write a radio show... but I think that Pilkinyton and his "round manky head" is just good at improvising. Actor!
  12. That's not true, his actual work is as follows: Director & screenplay # My Best Friend's Birthday (1987) # Reservoir Dogs (1992) # Pulp Fiction (1994) # ER (1995) Season 1; Episode 24: "Motherhood" (Director) # Four Rooms (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (1995) # Jackie Brown (1997) # Kill Bill (Vol. 1 2003, Vol. 2 2004) # Sin City (2005) (Special Guest Director) # CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2005) "Grave Danger: Vols. I & II" (Guest Writer and Director) Screenplay * True Romance (1993) * Natural Born Killers (1994) (Story credit) * Crimson Tide (1995) (uncredited rewrites) * From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
  13. I was told that Lost would carry on after series 2 for ages...
  14. I vote the new NOM team should be the RE staff.
  15. I'm going to my first LAN thingie. ...so I... made this thread to tell you all. I happily get to rent a decent PC for free because I'm using my own Steam account. I feel way out of my depth though, these guys play CS:S all the time where as I haven't played for a year. Anyone else been to a LAN... thingie?
  16. Congrats and have a cookie youself.
  17. Wesley


    I love war films and I can't wait to see this!
  18. Haha evil ghosts! I made the mistake of telling my friends so I'm hearing it loads from them at 6th form, also now my girlfriend is scared of my house.
  19. I'm not saying anything for sure, I don't know. That's the problem with too many people: they can't admit they simply don't know. I would like to see if anyone who worked on the farm died and what age he was. But I would also like to see if this happens again, or if anyone else will see anything and maybe talk to the woman who owned it.
  20. Yeah I know it's really cool I wanna know more. Don't say that; it isn't true. And it annoying when people pit science directly against religion because many religions do use science to help explain their beliefs and many scientist are working to prove that the universe could be creating by some divine force.
  21. But I've never been scared at the thought of ghosts, I've played those board games with the glass, etc. (I described it because I don't have a clue how to spell it) The hat was a sort of truckers farmers hat, where it has a little flip at the front with fur and things hanging down over the ears. Which is quite interesting I'll come to this later. Don't worry I wasn't expecitng everyone to believe me. I thought the exact same when my Mother saw a ghost. Both of you don't seem to understand this is something that science has yet to try and even explain. You say it's impossible because I said the word ghost, then suddenly you think, "oh dead people who are spirits" and all this. I don't really believe that these things are dead people's spirits, etc. Maybe there is a scientific explanation for it? I'm sure at the time people thought the idea of humans coming from monkies totally stupid with no scientific explanation at all. But then that thing called evolution pops up and people believe it. So anyway, the hat thing: this house was built on an old farm (I forgot the name) which employed lots of middle aged guys. The kind of hat was something I would expect a farmer or trucker to wear. more interestingly my Mother has heard off things and seen some weird things but never told anyone because she didn't want to scare anyone.
  22. I havea girlfriend and all that seriousnessness stuff. no living together.
  23. But it's scary! Part of me wishes it was still there when I turned around though.
  24. Well then for me aliens all around us, Stocka. I can't believe it. Like, everything is weird now, I used to be all science-like and not believing in this stuff.
  25. I just saw a ghost. I was in my bathroom with the door open, and the hallway light off, about to get washed and I'm looking in the mirror and then in the hallway I see a figure. Now I look at it and I think, "is that my brother (same height)? But isn't my door locked? Why's he wearing some weird hat?" Then I realise, WHAT THE FUCK. I realise it's not like a dark shadow of a person, it's a grey ghostly figure getting closer to my door. So I shout out turn around and it's gone. I'm officially freaked. I know loads of people will say "you are just seeing things", but if I'm seeing something for about 5 seconds then I think I'm going crazy. And now I'm in my room shit scared, even more so because I hear noises outside in the hallway like walking/door noises. But I think that might jsut be paranoia.
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