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Everything posted by Hal_9Million

  1. I think Nintendo should make the first every groinal attachment that snaps in the bottom of the controller. OK, so it isn't really changing anything about the main controller or the console, but then it's never been done before, so why the hell not. Men will never leave the sofa again.
  2. Nintendo post their annual report on their website every year. This is the American page. Unfortunately, it seems the English version hasn't been made yet, so all that's up for offer is the previous 5 years. I tried looking for it on the Japanese site, but I can't read Japanese, so if anyone else can, please try and find it. If not, we'll just have to wait for the American site to get updated.
  3. Does the article also say "will cost more than your mortgage"? This stuff all seems very cool, but when you combine that many gadgets into one package it costs more. Most people still prefer to have all of their technology seperate becasue it means they can buy one thing at a time, and hence not have to empty their pockets in one go. With all of these features i wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 costs £500. Either that or Sony will sell the system at an immense loss and do even worse this gen than microsoft did with the xbox. But if I'm wrong and all that stuff comes 4 an affordable price then WOW!
  4. Could it be some kind of expansion port? Nintendo have always given their consoles an expansion port, so why not do the same for the revolution? Perhaps that's the bit which you change so you can play DVD's. I reckon that SD cards could also go in there, but it's quite a large space just for SD cards, which are v small.
  5. I reckon that if they use the same kind of technique that stops people from stealing other electrical goods on show from any shop, then it should be ok. Just attach the controller to some kind of chain etc. which is also alarmed in case someone trys to steal it. That's my best guess. Or just have it so u have 2 ask 4 a freehand from the people behind the counter. or maaybe just take your own? it's quite hard to tell really. I hope Nintendo do it properly tho.
  6. Take it how you like, but and IGN forum user with a VIP account has claimed that he works for Ubisoft, and has commented a little about all 3 next gen consoles. This was taken from DSRevolution.com Well, that sounds bloody good, if true. I'm so excited for E3 now. I haven't been onto the IGN forums to find where this post is, so if anyone has found it please feel free to post a link on this thread.
  7. What a waste of a thread. Everyone knows that privately run petitions never work. Petitions only work when money is added to the equation. Money to advertise and send the message to the right people. Didn't the Gamecube have Dolby 5.1 anyway? And have Nintendo said that the Revolution won't feature it? No they havn't said anything of the sorts. We still know bugger all in terms of specs and features for the console, so until we have better info, just leave crap like this in your head.
  8. I wonder how the slimline PS2 would fare? I don't think it would last. I can usually tell the build quality of something just from holding it. It's to do with weight/size ratio. The Gamecube, despite it's size is avtually quite heavy i think. The PS2 is very light for it's size. I find that consoles with better build quality are slightly heavier. That's just based on personal experience might i add, not fact.
  9. "Revolution, Gaming minus the nagging girfriend"
  10. Find the Original stoy here. Well we all knew it was gonna be this way, but now it's been officially confirmed by Nintendo themselves. The question is, how much less than $299 is it going to be? Guesses anyone?
  11. With the ability to play it with both a Gamecube controller and a Revolution controller, it'll have a very large re-play value. Play it with the GC controller first, then have a go a the Rev style.
  12. Why isn't this thread locked yet?
  13. Despite the lack of Brian Singer, this film looks fookin awesome! I can't wait to go and see it.
  14. The "Secret" is going to be something that is more connected to the consumer. This is a very cool application, but it has a bigger relationship with developers. Most people won't understand the technobabble needed to explain this technique, and therefore, I highly doubt that this is going to be the third "revolutionary feature". It's going to be something to do with either playing the games, or it's going to be to do with the Revolution's media capabilities.
  15. I friggin hate specs, they're so inaccurate. The Gamecube's specs didn't do it justice, but it's obvious that it has graphics to rival the Xbox. I suggest that everyone just waits for screenshots instead. They're the only true indication of graphics.
  16. If I'm not mistaken, hasn't the console that's won every "war" been a less powerful one? The NES and SNES also competed against other, more powerful machines, and won against them. I'm guessing that this was due to the other systems being too powerful wasn't it? And Nintendo's collevtion of games. So if Nintendo can just get the games, we're sorted.
  17. To be honest, if the console is going to cost as little as $150 at launch, I'm deffinately willing to buy it no matter what the graphics look like. It's all going to be about the gameplay with Revolution. If you want high power graphics, then get another more expensive console. The games will deffinately look better, that's for sure. And with similar chip design to the gamecube, the games are going to come a lot faster too. I can see the Revolution getting far more new releases in it's first 6 months than either the PS3 or Xbox 360 will simply due to ease of use.
  18. There were always more powerful systems around when Nintendo was dominating with the NES, SNES, and GB, but it never stopped Nintendo. Think realisticly, so far the Xbox 360 hasn't really shown us anything that isn't 2 - 3x better looking than Xbox. I wouldn't doubt this.
  19. Though it's probably true, I'm still going to wait for something more concrete before I believe it 100%.
  20. Has anyone else noticed the adress of the microsite? http://ms.nintendo-europe.com/black/enGB/index.php# Why isn't Revolution in it? The only other word in there that could be the name of a console is "black". What's that all about?
  21. Does anybody remember that Nintendo want to do the same as Microsoft and release all of the consoles within a month, or something along those lines? Now judging by what Nintendo have said about May 9th unveiling of Rev. then I'm thinking it's more likely going to be a September 2006 release everywhere. The summer is not a good time to launch a console, and June is far too close to May for it to be logical.
  22. I can never get 1up.com to work goddammit! Why doesn't it ever load?
  23. I can't get 1up.com to work, ever! I don't know why the page never loads.
  24. I was just watching a video showing off the co-op mode in PDZ on the 360. I was very impressed, but I thought what could be better than that? a 4 player wi-fi co-op mode. I'm not sure whether it's been done in an FPS before, but I would like it if one of the supposed FPS games for the Revolution had this kind of feature.
  25. I always take the view that we haven't seen anywhere near as much as we could have. I mean the problem with Xbox 360 was we knew everything about it ages ago, and the hype has died down. Nintendo have kept the gossip very high by not revealing all. The only problem I would have with it is that the majority of people not in the gaming comunity are getting confused. They seem to think that what we've seen is what we'll get. I really do think that Nintendo should have shown the traditional controller add-on because then I wouldn't have to explain it to people (Thanks IGN for the mock-up). Hopefully Miyamoto will show us something on the 2nd, though I doubt it'll happen. The Revolution secret still has a hell of a lot more to show us.
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