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Everything posted by Hal_9Million

  1. I think that Nintendo should release all of these controllers and allow you to buy them with the suitcase. That would be quality. I've always wanted to open a nice suitcase to reveal some guns or in this case game controllers which have all got custom slots in the case.
  2. That could aslo be worded like this, You're more likely to play on your Wii than your 360 or PS3. I'm sure most people watch more TV than DVDs and going to the cinema.
  3. Imagine if Super Mario Galaxy was online? We know Miyamoto wants to put multi-player in it, so maybe...
  4. I doubt that Japanese devs will switch to 360. They'll either go for Nintendo or Sony for an exclusive. Unless M$ has payed them mega bucks.
  5. WOW, Kojima has guts. I don't think any computer game has ever killed off the main character. Does it mean no more Metal Gear?
  6. The BBC must be idiots if they thought Matt Cassamasina was a developer, lol! The only time I've ever seen the BBC do Nintendo justice, and actually do any research on the subject was when they did that program on BBC3 all about the companies history. The program was part of a series all about powerful international companies and thir money. It was really interesting actually.
  7. I also noticed this throughout the E3 conference. there were many uses of the word Wii and we. This is obviously the point of the name. Wii is the name of the console, and it also refers to Nintendo as a company. Reggie was saying what "we" as a company are offering this, and Wii as a product is offering this, but he was able to do so by saying we just the once.
  8. I've thought about quitting the net many times, but it's too hard. Most days are the same with bugger all new info to read up on, but I've become such an ace at researching Nintendo on the net, that I always find something of interest. I could however stop using this forum if I merely changed to another forum instead. Anyway, good luck in your quest King Boo, and We'll see you in Novemeber.
  9. They said they have more hardware secrets in an interview. I don't think it'll be long before they do though. I think the reason they missed stuff out at E3 was because it may have taken emphasis from the games on show. E3 was really an opportunety for Nintendo to display Wii games, and a few more details on top. I believe Sony would've had a much better show had they not announced that horrible price in their conference. I think that kinda made people lose interest a bit. Stupid Sony.
  10. You've all just experienced: "E3 Ownage!"
  11. During the Sony press conference, I felt a slight itch, a third launch itch.
  12. People won't believe them when they see the difference with their own eyes. IGN noticed the exact same as I did. I said all the same stuff about how it was inferior.
  13. They also did a dodgy job of it. Did you see how hard a time that guy was having controlling the game? He couldn't even land it. All they really have in that controller is a souped up tilt sensor. Also, because it's self contained, it's can't determine where it is in a space, only the movements inside it. Plus, you need 2 hands to use it. Did anyone see how tricky that was for that guy demoing it? I really am not worried about this at all. The FHC will give full 3D spacial control, and it will be freer and easier to use, because it frees your hands up. Also, LOL Sony couldn't come up with a decent next gen controller design HAHA!!
  14. Well, considering that my wishes are granted tomorrow, yes, I will be getting one on day one. I'll be outside the shop at midnight to get mine.
  15. They're leaving all the good titles to reveal at E3.I wouldn't be concerned if I was you.
  16. I hope you're right because my birthday is the 9th
  17. If there are games which take advantage of the player using 2 FHC's then there will deffinately be 2 contollers in the box. I've been questioning for years why they've never done this before. Everyone knows that it's more fun to play with a friend than a computer. My mate was talking about fight night on the Xbox 360, and how cool it was. Instead of using buttons, you use the second analogue stick for punches. When Wii is realeased, I hope that it demonstrates how it will defeat the task much better.
  18. This is the first time in my life that I have ever felt the need to slate Nintendo. It's amazing how easily 3 letters can flip my judgement upside down. I'm sorry that I don't like the title, but I really cannot use that word in a sentence. It's too funny. It will be too funny tomorrow, and it will be too funny the day the Wii is realeased. I'm not going into the shop and asking for a Wii. I'm asking for my Nintendo Revolution. ANd that's what I'm going to get. Damn Nintendo if they have to force me to play on a sonsole with a name which a child could concieve. They didn't spend a long time coming up with that name. They simpley ran out of ideas and randomly chose a title. Then came up with some lame ass reasons that it was a good choice. Well done Nintendo, you've proven that you really don't deserve to get your number one spot back, because you're too stupid to realise that your marketting department sucks, and couldn't create a good title if it crawled upptheir ass. I will buiy this console because I want a new way to play games, but I will never speak the Word Wii unless used in a baiting session. It'll either be Nintendo or Revolution. I will be ashamed to go and buy this console if the name does not change. I will run in the store and escape quickly.
  19. This gets asked every year, and almost every year, the same answer, but I think it's still worth a shot. Anybody know of any site which is streaming the press conference for free at a decent transfer rate? I know Gamespot have a live stream every year, but I can't afford a Gamespot Plus account. I remember that in 2004 the official Nintendo site showed the conference for free through a tunnel to the gamespot feed, but last year it didn't happen. I do remember last year, I waited for ages for it to become downloadable, so i couldn't browse the net for ages in case it ruined the show. So if anybody has any links or anything, please post them here.
  20. When E3 is over, I'm going to enjoy the lack of "visor-related" threads. It's not happening, It was never happening, it won't ever happen! People don't like to wear something stupid on their head. End of story.
  21. Are all people not scared when they try something brand new? Were people not wary of the DS when that was first released? Oh look, they had no need. I'm not scared of Revolution, I welcome it with open arms. I'm more scared of what might happen to the games market if Nintendo weren't around. Not the prettiest sight I bet. People may not realise it, but if it wasn't for Nintendo, what we consider as gaming today might not even exist.
  22. That would be interesting. Having a dongle for each region. How many are there again? I suppose you'd only need region 1 and 2 wouldn't you?
  23. When it comes to gaming, and gaming interfaces, Nintendo pretty much invented, or implemented everything on the modern day console controller first. D-Pad, 4 face button diamond layout, shoulder buttons, analogue stick, rumble pack, wireless. These are just what you would see on a game pad for a home console too. It doesn't include other innovations such as the touch screen, tilt sensitivity, or light gun. To look at it from another angle, they basically set the standard for home video consoles. So why the hell can't they do it again. This time, they're adding motion sensitivity, and 3D spacial detection. People say that the freehand looks stupid because it's shaped like a remote. Eveyone who deosn't play games would say the opposite and argue that the current controller is a strange shape, which in all fairness, it is. People are just too use to that controller. All because Sony and Microsoft have failed to change anything, causing gamers to get stuck in a rut. Surely if Nintendo set the standard, then we should trust them to do the same again with the freehand. I don't know why some people still doubt it's functionality, and believe it will be unresponsive, because it's already proven that it will work. I've seen people so blind that they think it will be crap for left handers? How is that a logical thought? you can hold the controller in whichever hand you like, you only need the one. These thoughts baffle me. To be honest, I'm fed up with trying to tell people how this controller works. As soon as they see the games in motion, I think they'll finally believe.
  24. I think, after the success of the DS, Nintendo have a good chance of winning back Japan. The West however is a tricky deal. I don't like to do the whole analyst game, there are far too many factors involved to make a fair judgement. I will simply say, I would love if they could win back some of the market, as I believe they deserve it. Afterall, most of the gaming benchmarks were set by them in the first place. Sony have only one direction to go, and that's down. The Third Launch Itch is upon us.
  25. I think I'm going to be out of pocket this November, but at least my brithday is in November, so I can take advantage of that. I can see the Revolution being my biggest spending spree for a console so far. I'm going to have to have at least 2 controllers at launch to take advantage of multi-player, and I'm going to have to get a decent amount of games, say 3 or 4, and I'll need an SD card, though I may just use the one from my digital camera, or if possible, use my external hdd. But, at least after all the spending, I'll still have money spare. The kind of money I wont have if I buy a PS3. I bet a Revolution + extra controller + SD card + 3 or 4 games is less than the price of the PS3 alone. I would laugh if this was true. So far, I reckon I'll get: Super Smash Bros. Mario revolution Red Steel and I've not decided on the last game. I'm hoping that highstreet stores will offer us plenty of money-saving packs to choose from. GAME usually do this, as do HMV.
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