As in games you've bought, been playing through and then have left the game because of either getting stuck, distracted by other games or any other reason. Maybe even not started yet!
There're loads for me, as I often get stuck and then not motivated to come back for ages, a good example of this is getting really far on Metroid Prime and then dieing just before reaching a new save station. That's the kind of time I'd turn my GC off with anger and not be motivated enough to go back and play it for weeks, even months. Once i've finished my exams I plan to get back to them all, I have lots of gaming catching up to do :awesome:
Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime (Echoes lined up for me once i've completed it)
Lost Kingdoms
Majora's Mask (ZCE)
Viewtiful Joe 2
Lets keep this just Gamecube games.