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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Should be 4-8 player really. But I hope they don't limit anything and make sure EVERYTHING that is in multiplayer is online, so like no holding off stages like tracks were in MKDS. If it means delaying the game for a few months so be it, this is a game i'm undoubtably going to play a hell of a lot and I want it to be as awesome online as possible.
  2. BLAGGHHH shaddup i'm not going to decide yet
  3. Well I think I'm going to just get Twilight Princess with my Wii at launch, and then 2/3 others for xmas As tempting as it is to get more at launch I am going to try and do this!
  4. A console with a Zelda as a launch title (especially one looking as promising as TP) instantly makes it the best launch ever Well for me anyway Nope it's monday/tuesday usually over there.
  5. Beautiful sig Hellfire, absolute magic. I need to make a TP sig closer to its release.
  6. That was so great how Sezar entered the diary room all cocky and then Big Brother totally wiped the smirk off his face by telling him he was disqualified. He will definately go on friday, the way he constantly talked about how the public would pick him over Lea to stay has most likely encouraged the majority of the public to vote him out. I'm suprised Grace only got 2 votes. Glyn makes me laugh hahaha.."yu kno wha't ai mean?"
  7. http://www.cubed3.com/news/5313 It's not official but Cubed3 are VERY reliable.
  8. Oh and Jeuxfrance have gameplay footage! http://www.jeux-france.com/downloads6007_video-one-piece.html
  9. They're real, just not exactly what the final game will look like (hopefully..) as they are 'early PC version' screens
  10. SSBB online is enough to keep me happy. That and a decent online service of course. It would be nice to have an online game around launch though, like ExciteTruck or Monkey Ball: BB. And I agree with Dabookerman, I don't want Metroid Prime 3 online.
  11. New screens! Pretty cel shading, gives you a good idea of how sweet a Tales title will be.
  12. Well if its the same RRP as GC games were at launch, £39.99, that's fine by me as sites like Gameplay.co.uk will most likely sell for £29.99, as they usually sell for £10 less (360 games are £39.99 there rather than £49.99 in the shops)
  13. How can any of you say it looks good? It looks shocking. But..it does say "early PC version" on the screens.
  14. Sexual dreams are king...when they're good that is
  15. They didn't show it on last nights show so tonights they'll show the nominations and George leaving.
  16. US Release: October 9th So like Baten Kaitos Origins looks like it will come out in Europe around the same time Wii launches, if not after.
  17. Panic! At The Disco - The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage Phil Collins - Two Hearts Robbie Williams - Rock DJ Rocky IV - Hearts on Fire Take That - Could it be Magic Phoenix Wright - Investigation ~ Cornered Tales of Symphonia - Venturer's Colony I could go on for ages..
  18. PLEASE don't tell me you've started Shenmue II without playing through Shenmue I Sin. Go back and start from the very beginning and that way you'll truly appreciate the story.
  19. Well graphical power aside etc. in terms of prettyness its probably the most beautiful looking game I've ever seen at times.
  20. Damm right. Anyone who hasn't seen through her dreadful personality and attitude yet is a fool. Oh and this whole Sam thing is confusing, born a man but now lives life like a woman, yet still has a cock? Aghhh...please normal people. The new housemates really don't excite me much but at least there's lots of bitching etc. going on to liven it up a bit.
  21. The Shenmue Orchestra tracks are incredible, the orc version of A New Journey is beautiful, as is The Morning Fog's Wave. And of course the Shenmue and Shenhua themes.
  22. As in games you've bought, been playing through and then have left the game because of either getting stuck, distracted by other games or any other reason. Maybe even not started yet! There're loads for me, as I often get stuck and then not motivated to come back for ages, a good example of this is getting really far on Metroid Prime and then dieing just before reaching a new save station. That's the kind of time I'd turn my GC off with anger and not be motivated enough to go back and play it for weeks, even months. Once i've finished my exams I plan to get back to them all, I have lots of gaming catching up to do :awesome: Eternal Darkness Resident Evil 4 Metroid Prime (Echoes lined up for me once i've completed it) Lost Kingdoms Majora's Mask (ZCE) Viewtiful Joe 2 Lets keep this just Gamecube games.
  23. Charizard has to be in it! When I saw him in the SSBM trailer for the first time I believed he was playable, ah shame.
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