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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. ...and it's not fair. He's right to label the fourth official as a liar for saying Adebayor aimed a punch because he definately didn't
  2. The Deer Hunter I didn't think it was a bad film, but I never found it a whisker as great as people make it out to be. It was unnecessarily long for the type of film it is and to add to that I found it a tad confusing. 5/10
  3. Great. Weather is definately a major contribution.
  4. No way! I went to Gilbraltar for a day and hated it, really tacky and ugly. Nerja feels much more authentic. Although I can kind of understand what you're saying, as although Balcon de Europa is a lovely place to be for a summer holiday, it's not natural enough to want to live there permanently i guess.
  5. Hmm..Yeah, that'll be my first XBLA purchase. Considering there's nothing coming out on 360 till after the summer that I will buy I shall definately get this.
  6. You been to the Balcon De Europa in Nerja? I feel so at home in that place.
  7. How many points is it going to cost?
  8. *Jealous* I love Spain, especially where i usually go there on holiday (Nerja, in the South). I really would love to live somewhere like that in the future.
  9. I once pissed on some lingerie in a clothes shop when I was around 8/9
  10. I am so getting this, looks awesome. Need to get and play God of War first though, and before that I need a PS2. I'm hoping for more of those £50 deals to come up
  11. It is pretty cold now, but earlier it was hot enough to play football in just a t-shirt and shorts, which felt ace.
  12. It's finally here :awesome: Well today it was anyway (where I am), been a beautiful summer like day, and as I result I feel dramatically more happy than usual. Also reminded me of how much I miss the summer and am very excited about it this year (although I don't want my exams to come in a hurry ) It's amazing what weather does for you. Well me at least, I feel like a totally different person when it's sunny, in a good way of course. We don't get much of it in this gloomy country so lets discuss the joy of sunshine
  13. I feel ill just from reading this, how horrific. It reminds me of that scene in Oldboy, which I had a lot of trouble watching.
  14. Competing in an amateur boxing fight in front of a crowd of loads of people. I lost, but am still proud just to have experienced it, because it's something many would not have the bottle to do. That and the guy was much bigger than me and the majority reckon I was getting the better of him at times and came close to knocking him out.
  15. What's everyone's predictions for a release here? I reckon: US - September Europe - November/December
  16. Awesome. Things are looking on the up on all fronts
  17. If they actually make it accurate I could really love this.
  18. I'm getting so close to getting my 'ice pack' abs back that I used to have. Pecs are so hard to tone up and keep firm though I must say.
  19. pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed off. Can't believe our last 3 games. Felt that we didn't deserve to lost any of them. Oh and the ignorance and stupidity of Chelsea fans gets on my nerves. ストカ Stocka says: where as chelsea just spend their russian millions on ready made players ストカ Stocka says: who come to chelsea and are worse, aka ballack, shevchenko Dyson. | "By the Nine! Someone's been murdered!" says: Dunno how you can say that about Shevchenko LOL
  20. I bloody loved that part. So so beautiful
  21. One of my friends went too, big norwich fan. They're all very very happy with the result.
  22. Happy birthday mate. Your one of my favourite people here, you rock(y) - see what I did there?
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