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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Eugh I eanted to play tonight but I have to go to a football game that I don't really feel like going to all that much, and I don't even support the team.
  2. These guys are LEGENDS. If you've never seen you simply HAVE to. If you don't find the Resident Evil 4 one hilarious you are insane. NEW Super Mario Bros skit (featuring Miyamato!): http://www.mega64.com/smb.htm And some of my favourites: Shenmue: http://www.mega64.com/shenmue.htm Metal Gear Solid: http://www.mega64.com/mgs.htm Resident Evil 4 http://www.mega64.com/re4.htm Dead Rising: http://www.mega64.com/deadrising.htm
  3. Maybe mate, but I don't know when. I will be out 8-9.30 and then will be watching Heroes 10-11
  4. wow, i've never known anybody speak continuously about crap for so long. I was in a Gears game and there was some American guy going on about how he's a 'nigger for life' and kept having a go at everyone. I don't think there was one second of him not speaking, seriously.
  5. I'm pissed off with people who criticise a particular hobby/sport/activity that you do and yet they can't say that they do anything themselves.
  6. Come in for all your moaning about anything, as we all have something to moan about at some point, and getting it out usually makes you feel better. I'm fed up with bloody AS work right now, I feel like if I put a load of effort into revising I get nothing back.
  7. I remember once at highbury chanting 'YOU FAT BASTARD!' at Frank and he was laughing about it.
  8. Putting Rocky and spurs in the same sentence is just plain wrong
  9. If i'm online around the time invite me
  10. Gr bloody headset broken. Can't hear anybody with it.
  11. Yeah he seemed to fit in perfectly. What is he from again?
  12. This week's podcast is fantastic! Was listening to it in my headphones on a long car journey and is without a doubt the best one i've ever listened to. Check it out when you get the chance.
  13. Yeah that was pretty cool. We need more games from everyone in here though!
  14. Jealous? lololol. I could have got my position back as a mod if I wanted to easily you know
  15. New 1up Yours guys: [03/09/07] http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/Podcasts/030907.mp3
  16. I agree. Will give Baptista and Adebayor a lot of games too which can only be a good thing
  17. Played Worms loads earlier with a couple of friends and it's awesome. Don't regret buying it one bit, I reckon i'll end up playing it more than most of my actual retail games! A friend bought GRAW 2 today and brought it over, it's pretty cool. Really nice environments.
  18. Fantastic! I already love the theme tune Seriously though, if that sword fighting is really accurate this is going to be immense. It looks like the first true epic game to take advantage of the wii properly. The art style is superb, i love unique and different. There's something about it which reminds me of Shenmue in a weird way too, which is one hell of a good thing to say.
  19. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=73945 September/October at least
  20. Well there's defintely going to be at least one english team in the final, i'm sure of it.
  21. HD trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17653&type=wmv. Does anyone else feel that Mario Galaxy is the game that is going to suddenly make the Wii be born. At the moment, I don't feel like the console has been born if you know what I mean.
  22. Smooth A lot of decent things happening at the moment and the weather is awesome but then I remember that my AS exams are soon and I need to get revising properly and I get all stressy.
  23. Book: David Eddings - The Belgariad Movie: Seven Samurai Album: L'arc en ciel - Awake
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