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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Actually, I did a write up about this game in the 2015 Gaming Diary thread a couple months ago. Don't worry, story stuff is hidden behind a spoiler tag. I also did it at the same time I wrote about 2 Rhythm Paradise games, but you don't need to worry about those.
  2. Yeah, if you play by yourself. That Linebeck Uniform causes a lot of arguments at the end, because EVERYONE sees the treasure. It's hilarious! Sucks that they easified the time challenges though... I liked how harsh they were.
  3. Yeah, I'm gonna put that in the 'funny vault'. Did you tell them? That's what I would do.
  4. @Ike is willing to play, I'm gonna go ahead and open another room! Thanks for the games, @Ike and @Nicktendo! Had to male a few Miiverse posts afterwards. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Great fun!
  5. I'm gonna try something, see if it makes a difference. Join in my new room. I don't think this is happening. Everyone is just playing the Den of Trials. Unless we can get another N-E Peep, we're not going anywhere...
  6. Right, I take it you want to do the Fortress? I'll open a room. EDIT: Oh my daze! How can no-one have joined yet!? Is every Zelda player dead or something!?
  7. How about 7pm? I should be free then.
  8. Great! Anyone else want to make it a third party?
  9. I'm pretty sure the last thing Yacht Club wants to do is go back on their stretch goals. Anyway, the extra content they're providing is amazing. I think @Dcubed and I will have to stream a co-op play through. The potential for hilarity will be great!
  10. The update for this is out now. So with that, anyone up for some games tonight? It doesn't have to be in the new Den of Trials, I'm more than willing to help someone out. Oh, and maybe you no-friend players can finally help me find out what the hell the Tri Suit does! You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse I do like how the kid outside the castle refuses to acknowledge bought Friendly Tokens though. Good way of proving you got it legit.
  11. Seriously!? The local multiplayer in that game is god awful though! I kid... Kinda... Personally, I'd rather play Amiibo Festival. That's hilariously cruel, yet fun
  12. No! Not until we get Pocket Monster Hunter first. I don't care if it will never happen! I want to fight a Zekrom with a tiny little Sword & Shield and 3 other peeps!
  13. You know, Dream Team gets a lot more flak than it deserves. Get past the tutorials and you'll find the toughest M&L game to date. (Not counting Paper Jam, because I haven't played it.) Mess up on some of the later bosses and you are going to be smacked across the face, hard. @Dcubed is playing through that currently, and he's died a few times on it. Much to his surprise.
  14. Why wouldn't they? After all, the WiiU was just an accessory for the Wii, right?
  15. Well, Linkle looks like loads of fun to play as. Probably my favourite trailer out of the new ones. I do secretly hope for more characters/weapons that they're keeping under wraps or something.
  16. Glad to see you're enjoying it so far, @Hero\-of\-Time. I found Dream Team to be great fun, then again, I'm not annoyed by tutorials. So I'm definitely looking forward to this! I get the feeling my mum is planning on getting me this for Christmas, (She's not very subtle at finding out what I want) so I'm having to wait to get it.
  17. To be frank, it's amazing you've played through slightly more than double the amount of games I have this year. And it's safe to say I play games a lot.
  18. He means that it's not a retail game. You know, like Shovel Kni... Oh wait... He could have worded it a bit better.
  19. Not really related, but I didn't want to start a new thread or drudge up the Brawl thread. But Project M, the well-known Brawl mod, has ceased development. The team plan on working on "new projects". Not sure what that means. I can't say I ever cared that much about Project M, but I most certainly respected what they did achieve. It was truly impressive what they managed to pull off. Even if they bought back those stupid single use air dodges... Oh, and before anyone brings it up... https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBPM/comments/3v3inm/pmdt_announces_disbandment/cxk1507?context=3
  20. I looked into this a bit. Have you tried going to the information booth? It seems there's an option there that seems to have something to do with this issue. You should try it out. I've never had this problem, so I have no idea whether it fixes it, but it's worth a shot.
  21. Wahey! It only took 3 tournaments, but I pulled it off! These past 3 nights have been great! From @The Mole's "Stun, throw, drop kick mega combo", to the many Self-destructs in the For Fun final and of course, the ridiculous rules in Crazy Smash. The S-Flag and Bumper ones were incredibly... "Special" And let's not gloss over the fact @Ugh first aid broke the laws of physics and went through the ceiling! Thanks to everyone who took part and a special thanks to those of you who tuned in and put up with our "Professionalism" It's quite amazing that @Dcubed was the one who was todays "dumb-dumb of the stream" after I forgot to turn customisations on for the first two rounds... Looking forward to the highlight reel for this!
  22. You just choose Mii on the character screen. You need to have made a Mii though.
  23. That Lucas one is brilliant!
  24. You? You want an RPG? And it's nothing to do with Pokemon? You will understand if I remain skeptical about this, right?
  25. Don't worry, we noticed. Congratulations though, thoroughly well-earned! Loved every minute of it, well, except for @Ugh first aid stealing my final place! I plan on getting my revenge!
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