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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. 6 minutes ago, RedShell said:

    Come on Stage Builder! :bouncy:

    Then this can truly become the Ultimate Smash Bros. :cool: 

    Well, one massive step closer at least.

    I still want boss rush and have a hopeless dream of secret best side mode Smash Run coming back.

    But I (and a lot of the community centre kids) do miss that Great Smash Ball stage...

    • Thanks 1

  2. Here's the results of the night of a million draws.


    A few Champion's Bonuses going around, mostly to @BowserBasher. And thanks to those, he got the most points in all 3 GPs. (@martinist drew with him on the third one still)


    Next League Night: 14th March 8pm


    Room 1: @BowserBasher is host






    This week's theme reacquaints with our other best friend, Frantic Items. The tracks also have all sorts of holes to fall down as well! Fun!
    Be thankful I didn't do that for yesterdays theme.

    Sign up Now!

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  3. I've only just realised that at some point, I've gotten every Spirit. You'd think there'd be a milestone for that, but...
    I'm running out of stuff to do on the Single Player side. (Still begrudgingly working toward that 200 online match challenge) I hope that April update gives us a Boss Rush mode. I'd play that forever!

    Dunno how I pulled that one off. I always feel like i'm playing super clumsily whenever I play as Diddy. Guarantee I flop on Lucas' route next, despite him being one of my favourite characters.
    Either way, that's 11 successes out of 39 characters.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3

  4. 4 hours ago, S.C.G said:


    And it's up on the front page.

    Thanks to both @MindFreak and @Glen-i seeing as you posted about the events for both regions, I credited you both. :peace:

    So, who's actually going to have a go at this then? I'm not sure I'll bother but who knows when the urge to play Tetris will strike.

    I mean, I like Tetris 99, so I'll probably enter just for the sake of playing Tetris 99.

    But I'd be utterly delusional to think I'm even in with a chance.

    • Thanks 1

  5. 6 hours ago, killthenet said:

    Is Turok actually any good? I've always been curious to play it but hesitant to pick up the N64 original because I'm sure it has performance issues. 

    It's a launch title N64 First Person Shooter, that should tell you plenty.

    Honestly, if the sequel is coming to Switch as well, you should just get that instead. Way better.

    Fun fact, Turok was the first N64 game I owned... Because I wanted Mario 64 and it was sold out and my dad had to get me a game to go with my new N64.

    That box art had the weirdest looking Yoshi I ever saw.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4

  6. 19 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    I'm guessing that there will likely be a penalty for switching between Attack and Defence stances...


    ... probably either having to miss a turn, or to have to equip a special item (thus giving up your item slot, Mega Evo or Z Crystal)


    I'm also guessing that Aegislash will likely gain a new ability that lets it change stances whenever it wants without this penalty (But will probably have to sacrifice some of its base stats; because otherwise it’ll be as broken as Mega Rayquaza lol!)


    So this new ability, that would be unique to Aegislash, would let you change stances without having to lose a turn or waste your item slot, but it also cuts down your base attack/defence stat down by around 30%.


    Aegislash was always bound to get special treatment in this game anyway.  I mean, hell, the game is even named after him!

    You do realise that all of those tweaks to Aegislash would effectively nerf it, right?

    It already has to give up a move slot (For King's Shield) in order to change stances. And that also effectively costs a turn to use.

    And as for the aspect of stance changing as a whole.

    Competitive Pokémon Battling revolves around raising Pokémon to specialise in (mostly) one particular role. So why would I take a Pokémon like Charizard and ever not have it in an Offensive stance?

    Most Pokémon just aren't built to be that flexible.

    Stance changing is a good guess going by what little we know of what the icon on in the logo means. But I don't think that's how it'll be implemented. If it is, it'll just add obvious power creep to those Pokémon that have a high stat.
