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Everything posted by Ramar

  1. Went to Brighton today. We had a huge away crowd who were on it. Cracking day, result was perfect after yesterday. Bring on the 5th round!
  2. Keep thinking that. No need to cry. No I think Nintendo should be on par with Sony and Microsoft. However it's possible to sell inferior tech with good business strategy. Hence the Apple comparisons.
  3. I've not really played games for the last 18 months. In that time I've bought 4 games, Pokémon X, Pokémon Omega Ruby, MK8 and Nintendoland. I think at the root of it for me is lifestyle changing, or as Bob put it I'm getting old. I have other responsibilities, hobbies and interests I'd rather put my time and money into. I think the hardest part is getting over the hype and excitement of launches. If you aren't interested in that any more you can just pick up a game when it suits you.
  4. Very true. Obviously they are two different types of product. But Nintendo could take some lessons from Apple in how to market products and create hype even if their tech. That was mainly the point I was trying to make.
  5. And what made them fashion statements? Nintendo are the type of company that think you'll like their product but won't tell you about it. You have to find out yourself. Apple tell you that you want their product. They force it down your throat. Make sure you know about it's features. They've scouted the market, they know what previous companies have done. They take the best bits, add in some of their own, make sure the software and hardware work seemleesly. It's two different national business cultures. One has kept up with the times (in terms of business strategy) and one hasn't.
  6. It's not really the same though is it. The iPhone 6 (and most iPhones in fact) have outdated technology in them. However, Apple use their software well and integrate the features better than previous manufacturers. Along with branding and marketing. The point you initially said was no one buys a phone with 3 year old tech in it, you're wrong. iPhones sell.
  7. That's not necessarily true. Weren't most of iPhone 6's features out years ago? Or did I dream up that welcome 2012 picture.
  8. Got them in both my local Argos'... If only I wasn't so skint I'd go buy Villager.
  9. For me that is completely not the way Nintendo should go. Say for their next console, Nitendo heavily invests in getting FIFA and CoD onside, their fans are already deeply routed in Xbox and Playstation branding, they won't flock to Nintendo. They're gone. They'll be the spotty kids who think Nintendo is the kids machine and the games they play are the big boys toys. What Nintendo need is along the lines of what @Dcubed said. Investment in indie companies and small studios making quality software. And they need to capture the next generation of consumers.
  10. They do, only after extra time. Which is the most bizarre and stupidest use of the rule to exist.
  11. Knick an early away goal and then even if you lose by one it's all to play for at your place. You've had a decent record against Premier League teams recently, hopefully it continues.
  12. Just pre-ordered Charizard on GAME's website.
  13. Just a shame you conceded. Going to need some effort at the Bridge to knock Chelsea out.
  14. Can't login at all, been trying for 10 minutes. The site was crap anyway without the other 100 people trying to see how many points they need to get anything worthwhile.
  15. Club Nintendo died when Stars started to expire. On that day they no longer rewarded loyal fans, instead they turned into a who spent the most in 12 months competition.
  16. I was holding off registering my Wii U in case they did some crazy free game promotion again. But this pretty much confirms that won't be happening again.
  17. Well that confirms Shopto as a shit website. Most websites would list it as unavailable, not wait until you've clicked the big red pre-order button then tell you that you can't have it.
  18. Shulk is on Shopto.
  19. That was the most un-Arsenal display in years. And I bloody loved it!
  20. The only amiibo I really want.
  21. It's not likely to though, is it.
  22. Happy Birthday!!
  23. I normally wouldn't get excited by these things, they always disappoint me personally. However, having recently entered the Wii U scene, I'm interested in anything they show.
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