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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Xbox 360 = 1.yes 2.no 3.yes 4.no 5.£100 (+xbox 360 = great value)
  2. On the note of last weeks smallest car. FREAKING AMAZING
  3. Forgot it was a special! Im a regular anyway. More Africa on The Long Way Down afterwards!
  4. full hd 1080p ftw. not that i have it
  5. portal ftw
  6. Darth Vader, Billie Elliot and 'theres to many snakes on this motherfucking plane' all at once. nice
  7. Watch 3 hours of halo 1 and 2 cutscenes on the legendary disk:heh:
  8. I would like to think im not. I have many black, oriental and middle eastern friends (especially from when i lived abroad). I think im mostly jelous of certain aspects of races, as black people are generally amazing at sports and are known to have large penie (plural of penis?) EDIT on the anti islamic note, extremist religions arnt doing any favours for the forgein commuinities who are living in western countries. It generalises middle easterners, in non educated minds, into terrorists. and whoever thought of joining the Iran demonstrations which included 'destroy britain', and the like, back when navy personal were captured and detained arnt doing any favours either.
  9. the lowest class of citizen whos only reasonable perpose is to do the worst/least paid jobs. confined like a ghetto to their council estates. Vile persona, language and manner (extremed in geordie versions).
  10. Blacksite achievements dunno if anyone is getting this, the demo was decent
  11. Gonna order COD4, Assassins Creed and Mass effect from shopto to see how early i can get them.
  12. Dont sell out to the yanks, make a 3rd series
  13. Thats funny, I watched lost through my hd-dvd player yesterday. good source phee.
  14. Apparantly there is an orange box update.
  15. Forget about RS, just use LS, feel the force, let it flow through the LS
  16. Rockband Achievements Naruto Achievements
  17. Newcastle-Amsterdam ferry
  18. Assassins Creed Achievements
  19. nice work my friend in other newsthis amazing review video EDIT it is actually amazing - ill jam forks into my eyes if i ever review a video by that statement again
  20. After playing most of ravenholm late last night. I take most of my complaints back I as I was just laughing at Brother Gregory most of the time. (hes amazing!). I did stop when they introduced 'fast zombies' Not if your trying to get the gravity gun only achievement you cant
  21. eh? schpraken anglaisy
  22. Its those headcrabs that can climb up walls and make wierd noises. They scare the shit out of me
  23. Does the commentator want to talk anymore shit. 'its englands to take'
  24. Bollocks to that shit
  25. It must be zombies. Cortana-Roavenholm, common demoninator = zombies
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