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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. I was saying midday we should have 5 at the back or at least a holding midfield player. The first 7 minutes we were playing ace.
  2. Wayne Bridge ' Its a fucking foul!' Mark Lawrenson 'I think he said it was a foul'
  3. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Wasnt expecting that! wasnt even watching! BOLLOCKS
  5. Infront of HRH aswell. tut tut
  6. I fancy my chances at 3-1. Commentator says it wasnt as bad as macedonia
  7. Man + Curry = Mancurian
  8. Gameplay got late stock in. But at least they have stock ready to ship tommorow
  9. I see many a straight man watch brokeback mountain
  10. + =
  11. Caris said to me that he assassinated without full health on some assassinations. It must mean have the maximum possible health at the time of doing the mission. ie do view points and citizens to unlock the extra health bar before going to the bureau
  12. This guys been posted all over the other consoles threads. I love him. I especially like the orange box review
  13. I think its time for a trip to blockbusters... EDIT doubt it will be availible for rent as it has just come out
  14. Iranian President's review, inc teabaggers
  15. One thing. Benny ftw. EL DUCHE
  16. It was the best game story secret ever made. Its so f***ing BAD
  17. Death solves all problems - no man, no problem. Joseph Stalin
  18. Commuinism is a load of posh. The ideology and political system is crazy. Capitalism is they way forward. Power to the people!
  19. EDIT: Im going through it on veteran 1st time, for anyone who is tinkin im teh british n00bs
  20. Oi! A-level physics is hard enough as it is
  21. Your still in Nova Prospekt. Itll be a while yet. 4 Chapters left after this one. Finished the game for the first time a couple o' days ago, with all the achievements part from lambda locator
  22. Mustav died like 50 times on that telly broadcasting station. Grabbed the shotgun and legged it all the way to the right wall, shot some, grenaded some, then legged it to the bit where you can get up stairs (but the door isnt open yet) and hid round the corner till the enemys stopped constantly spawning.
  23. ...you...finished it already?
  24. Im doing all this quarks bollocks right this very module. Also on another note - if you put a cat in a box you dont know if its dead or alive therefore it could be both Addition - The only reason this quarks business is about is because a group of nutters thought that neutrons and protons etc cannot be fundamental (have nothing else making them up). + the list of quarks will keep growing ( what kind of name is 'top' or 'strange' for a particle)
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