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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Saying the achievements look hard is an understatment. 99% of them Get a character to a maximum level
  2. There is a new edition aswell, with all of the expansion packs
  3. Nice job on the updates. Good job in going in chronological order
  4. They are doing a madness pose right?
  5. They cant re-order MGS:LE for me as they put the stock limit back up when someone cancels an order :(
  6. Well I needed Rock Band to be processed on a different card. In hindsight I didnt need to do anything about it as its not out for 3 weeks. I can only hope for one on ebay if they dont give me an order. On a lighter note, I cant get to London on 2nd June due to C2 Maths Exam. Someone might go for me though. Bear in mind that Ive been raving on about how none will be playing rock band from play.com till tommorow. Ill be sitting on the stairs waiting for the postie.
  7. Seriously? Whats the point in that? Batman begins leaves everything perfect as a prequel ie the mansion burning down
  8. Phee are you serious? This is a prequel you know. Its not like theres isnt a film with Jack Nicholson playing the joker. Did you run the d-u-h test?
  9. Dunno, sent them an email asking if my order can be reinstated. They are probably just playing safe.
  10. Hang on might have a late commer who is now undecided jayseven:| Who fancies stayin on Tursday with me and Caris to make it last longer?
  11. It seems that when i cancelled my order, due to the fact ur not allowed multiple cards, play stopped taking orders for le:(
  12. I got my instruments today. A heavily tatooed man stormed into my hall and dumped a half open cardboard box. Great care taken with my package! I didnt complain because I wasnt going to play it without the game anyway (thats right! its not coming till tommorow!) and the box itself was still factory sealed. The box is huge and took me 30 minutes to set up everything. Now just the game!
  13. Do you read emails??? My postie came he had nothin
  14. AS Physics T-minus 3 hours. I AM GOING TO FAIL
  15. WTF How? I know they are next day but... thats pretty good if they sent them last thing yesterday Nothing for me yet but it doesnt matter. The game isnt going to come till Sat I know it
  16. Even when mine got posted today, Im thinking im not getting it till Saturday
  17. Terry is in tears. Clutched by Avram as he weeps on his shoulder.
  18. Anelka is a load of BOLLOCKS. Chelsea deserved something for being so close in the League
  19. Terry post!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOLLOCKS
  20. Ronaldo misses! Com'on Chelsea
  21. hahahahaha Drogba red card!
  22. Play have posted my Instruments and Game today:):)
  23. Im in. Tynedale. I will win
  24. Friday and Saturday for me Jayseven. Me and caris made a point of making sure we went to this together. Now hes not going thats what i meant by stranded.
  25. Will £133 not do. Im sure you have £3 somewhere Just spent £17 on points, got a few left, just bought the neccessitys. Thing about all american rejects. Buddy Holly My Sharona Still Alive Boston Pack Police Pack
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