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Domo Kun

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Everything posted by Domo Kun

  1. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    Processing: 28/04/2008 What does ‘Processing’ mean? We are currently processing payment for your order, which should be completed within 24 hours. Once payment is complete, we aim to dispatch orders within a further 24 hours. If we experience problems processing payment we will contact you by email to help you to resolve the problems, if possible. -play.com I pre-ordered on saturday. Does this actually mean I'll get the game on wednesday/thursday, or have they just taken my money without having enough stock before I can cancel and buy it somewhere else?
  2. The sneaking game is awesome! I'm really coming around to it now I've started playing it tactically and not trying to translate COD4 into it. I played as Snake once but got signed out half way which freaking sucked. Seems I'm still getting signed out but only twice since I turned my modem on and off again. I sat in a corner and sniped everyone untill an entire team realised my position and decended on me! ha. MKII is so annoying! I can't hit it! hah. This will be incredible if we manage to get everyone in the clan and play super tactically. Anyone used magazines and the drum can yet? So awesome. If you haven't joined the clan yet, do! Perhaps we should arrange a game for tomorrow evening? Or will everyone be too busy with GTA? Oh and I recommend making aiming speed (something like that?) quicker under the game options. Makes it easier to follow your target in FPS mode.
  3. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    Oh oh OH!?!?!?
  4. Awesome. I just applied to join
  5. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    Heeeeeey! I can't really vouch for the 360, but the reasons for the 360 are what attracted, but didn't quite sway me. Should have stated those were my personal predicaments. Yeah but seriously, check out the thread to decide for yourself.
  6. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    Yeah, I should have added that PSP connectivity turned out to be shit, but it was something that attracted me originally.
  7. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    This thread may hold the answer- http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18577 I started it and chose a PS3 reasons- Metal Gear 4 Connectivity with PSP Free online If you'd rather have Gears of War 1&2, Halo 3, Bioshock, slightly better controller, a likely to break console etc...
  8. Bring on COD 6 I guess then. Hopefully they'll make it longer this time.
  9. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    I can't wait to play GTA, but I wish it wasn't so sexist. Making jokes about prostitutes steps the line for me. Mostly Rockstar and GTA is really satirical but that to me isn't funny, it's just nasty. The prostitutes and jerking car of the older games were funny, this is too graphic. I suppose it is part of the gangster underworld lifestyle though. Fox news etc will be complete ***** about it though. 'I bought GTA for my 5 year old son because I thought it was a game about bunnies and then I found him trying to hire a prostitute last week.'
  10. Try turning your router and modem on and off again, that worked for me! Also perhaps turn the upload limit down under options which will (I think...) stop you from getting the 'connection unstable' thingy as much. I don't think they'll make us pay monthly because it's only one game. No one would pay it. I very much hope you're wrong! After stabilizing my connection I've found it's quite fun. It's no Call of Duty though...
  11. Pro Evo is as good as its ps2 counterpart (I have 6, can't vouch for the others) which is a great game to play on the go. If you like Metal Gear then MGS Portable Ops and Digital Graphic Novel are fun. Locoroco is the best thing ever.
  12. I stopped it from logging me in and out, guess how... turned my router on and off again So how do we add people? NE game sometime soon?
  13. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    Woah! I ordered yesterday morning and- 'STATUS Packing: 27/04/2008 What does ‘Packing’ mean? Payment for your order has been successfully processed. Your order is now being prepared for dispatch.' So get yourselves on play.com if you haven't preordered! Should get this tuesday if they post it early monday, which they should.
  14. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    I'm an idiot and I haven't preordered. Where should I order GTA from online now? I don't want the special edition and I'm not prepared to pay more to get it early or anything. Thankyous! Edit: Oh and that's on the PS3
  15. Why do I keep getting kicked off ? Is this happening to anyone else? Edit: Oh and I was wondering, is the special edition confirmed for EU/UK release, or is it just coming out in the US?
  16. Anyone know why I keep getting kicked off?
  17. I'm playing MGO right now! I'm not impressed... It'll be a great game in single player, but it doesn't translate to online deathmatch style play... Oh well. Awesome playing Metal Gear 4 (sort of) though.
  18. Well I can't log in...
  19. I'd love to play as other characters for very limited amounts of time. I'd like it if, say we have to play an 1/8th of the game as Meryl and Raiden, but I want it to be mainly Snake. Is the beta starting 12 tonight or 12 tomorrow?
  20. Metal Gear 2, Sega Mega Drive Collection, Pro Evo, Devil May Cry
  21. It just worked this morning, I don't know why. Keep trying! No idea! But everyone from NE should (if we get the option) play some games on the same team at a designated time tomorrow. I belive the correct term is creating a 'clan' . Who's up for that?
  22. I managed to get a konami ID! I downloaded the update (left my ps3 on overnight...) and I'm now ready for tomorrow
  23. Lame lame lame lame lame! I downloaded the update for Metal Gear Online, but now I can't create ******* konami ID. Buggercunt. Anyone help ?
  24. I've downloaded the beta, but is anyone else having troubles downloading the update? It's going incredibly slowly for me, then it keeps kicking me off because of a server error. ****.
  25. It's just a regular bluetooth headset right? That's so expensive! Beta in two days
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