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Domo Kun

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Everything posted by Domo Kun

  1. Getting a 10/10 isn't quite the same as 10.0 a la IGN/Gamespot's system, but it is a very positive start. Is anyone else worried this game may not live up to the hype? This has to be the most hyped game in history. I may pre-order a standard edition as well as the special edition then decide just before it's posted which one to cancel. Arg... why so expensive? Why!?
  2. I don't mind uninstalling/reinstalling too much if it keeps game saves. I haven't had to uninstall anything yet, does it keep the game saves? Still annoying though. I'm thinking of canceling my special edition pre-order, I mean, I'm a poor student, I shouldn't really be spending an extra £40 on stuff I don't need. Mmmmmmmmmm...
  3. I've bought Metal Gear 2+3 and the Substance+Subsistence versions of each. I've given Konami way more money than I should have, but they've given me Metal Gear... To an extent, you could justify spending this much more on MGS4 because of the sheer amount of effort Kojima and his team have put into the game. They could've spent 1/8th of the amount of time they have on the game and made the same amount of money, but Kojima's a true artist, seemingly not in it for the money (let's pretend MGS PO+ and Ac!d don't exist...). It's still a disgusting rip off mind.
  4. Haha I know! I feel so dirty. Well, I just had a little technical error while pre-ordering so I called to check if my order had gone through okay. It had. Anyway, while on the phone I asked if I'd get it on launch day, the guy told me it was 99% certain that I would, saying there may be a problem with the royal mail etc. Launch day special edition Can't wait! Edit: Shit if it comes the day after launch then June the 12th will be the longest day of my life.
  5. What the fuck!? £80!? That's disgusting but I'm going to have to pre-order it right this second. Edit: Mind you you get some pretty sweet stuff- Soundtrack and BD Documentary will be nice. Especially if the soundtrack to this game is anything like the previous games'. Does anyone know if they got the Metal Gear 2 soundtrack guy back for this game? Not worth an extra £40, not by a long shot, but how could I not get this version?
  6. Domo Kun

    Wii Fit

    So my girlfriend wants a copy of this pretty desperately, does anyone know any sites where it's in stock? Don't want to pay ebay prices. Thanks
  7. Only 7 listings for Dualshock 3s on ebay!? I was going to just wait till they come out in the UK but if we're not getting them till after MGS... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PS3-DualShock-SIXAXIS-Wireless-Controller-playstation-3_W0QQitemZ330234728449QQihZ014QQcategoryZ147177QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Ordering from Hong Kong is a bad idea right?
  8. Superlame At least I can save £30 now though. I could buy the Orange Box with that...
  9. Ah no, sorry I meant this one- The version with a soundtrack CD and some extras. Do you/does anyone know if we're getting that? So I'm guessing the Dualshock 3 won't be out here in time for Metal Gear then too? Hmm.
  10. So does anyone know if the EU/UK is getting the MGS4 special edition? I can't find anything on google so I'm assuming it's US only. I pre-ordered the standard edition (the only edition) with game.co.uk. I'm well pumped. Only a month and 5 days
  11. For me the problem with the Haze demo was the level design. I think it still have potential. The auto aim needs to improve too. Hmm... we'll see.
  12. What time will the PS Store update itself? I need Haze now to break me away from this dumb essay.
  13. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    So I just met Packie and I still don't think it's amazing. I still reckon it's a rather standard sequel. Will I like it more soon?
  14. I read an article in the Guardian that listed some of the things Boris has said over the years, from memory they included (not exact quotes, but they definately give the flavour)- 'We shouldn't try to teach children that gay marriage is anything but a terrible copy of the real thing' 'When the big white Prime Minister of the UK touches down in the congo every tribesman will rattle his AK47 in awe' and loads more illiberal crap that is not what London is about. For me London is liberal and multicultural. He is a very funny, nice man, but I'm scared. Ken was a liberal post-socialist. Although he's a great comedian, I think he'll try to take our city backwards a few decades. He hates the working class, he hates Liverpool, he's seemingly racist. I'm sad. Edit: Found the article- http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/may/01/boris.livingstone?gusrc=rss&feed=uknews By the way, piccaninnies is an old fashioned racist word for black children. I didn't know that before looking it up just now.
  15. Which one was that may I ask? I have no idea where to start with headsets.
  16. Haze demo this tuesday! Other stuff too- http://kotaku.com/386818/next-week-europe-gets-a-proper-ps-store-update
  17. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    I've only played for about 4 hours but so far, I don't think this game is much of an improvement over the PS2 games. Is there something wrong with me or something wrong with everyone else? I find the missions rather boring so far. Go somewhere, shoot someone, come back. Mmm. So far it's nearly identical to the PS2 games but with little extra elements like the TV watching and getting drunk, which are nice, but for me don't do anything other than create a standard sequel. Better than OOT? No way. No way no way no way no way no way... so far. Is the music made up again (similar to GTA3)? I haven't heard a single song I recognize on the radio. Playing freebird on the radio in San Andreas and crusing through the countryside was amazing. I want countryside in this game too! I'm also kinda annoyed that there are still so few pedestrians on the streets. Mind I'm still only in the first area (Dukes?), perhaps the streets will get busier when I reach the times square equivalent? I suppose I'd probably like this game a whole lot more if I wasn't so hyped for it by the rediculous review scores.
  18. Is that a fake or is this flashback element of the cutscenes? Hmm..
  19. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    So far, there's no way this is better than Zelda OOT (check out gamerankings.com/metacritic). Also gamerankings really needs to put games that're almost identical on both platforms (so not the Orange Box, but GTA for sure) as multiplatform, not put one after the other version. But I've only played for a couple of hours, I remain open minded...
  20. I may, but most probably won't be up for online tonight because I may be too entranced by the single player. I still haven't played it and it arrived this morning. Gotta finish this presentation first... arg... But I'll deffinately be up for some soon
  21. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    My copy came just a couple of hours ago. I haven't played it yet because I have a presentation for uni tomorrow. Buggercunter. I'll maybe play for an hour or so later once I've finished my mountain of work. I also have two and a half weeks to do around 4 weeks worth of essays. Damn this release date! Damn it!
  22. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    Gamespot have given GTA a 10 too. Holy poo!
  23. Every Tekken characters' backstory. Although they're kinda funnycrapawesome.
  24. Flameboy i've added you for some gta fun! I'm indeed going to be a ps3 GTA owner either today or tomorrow. Oh and the beta is no longer availible to download I'm afraid. I tried to get my friend to download it but he couldn't. Shame GTA and MGO Beta collide... on the plus side, tomorrow I have a day off uni. GTA thkz plz.
  25. Domo Kun

    GTA IV

    An intelligent mainstream media article on GTA- http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/apr/29/grandtheftauto Well it is in the Guardian... Mine was posted yesterday by play.com. Could arrive today, should arrive tomorrow.
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