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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. I already tried, he wont give it to you. There is a press event, it is on again.. Listen again to the Scott Mills show yesterday if you absolutely must know.. not that it matters now because it is probably already on. No idea what time, it just said you need to whole day free.
  2. New screen via Kotaku, there appears to be some bizare blurring in the bottom left hand corner, not sure whether that has any effect. What makes this one special? Oooh it's being shown in a meeting with some people who look like exectuives.. therefore someone put a lot of effort into this one. It's not easy to fake a whole scene like this without a lot of effort just to fool some people on the internet who you'll never meet. But judging the fools out there I wouldn't put it by them
  3. Well actually it appears there are 3 versions of Brain training.. it appears that Japan only has 2 versions. But you're right in saying we are getting sloppy leftovers of what Japan and the US has had for a long time. Information on another part of the even that happened already : http://spong.com/detail/news.asp?mode=news&type=n&cid=&pid=&vid=&prid=9574&n=Nintendo+Keep+Evolving+Event%3A+Full+Report&cb=0.7055475 That's nice of them isn't it? Giving you Japanese freebies. I wish I had Electroplankton..
  4. There's an event held by Nintendo tomorrow.. it's gonna be press exclusive but Radio 1 got tickets.. and they're giving them away to anyone who is free and wants to go. It's going to be previewing the Revolution and also the Brain training software.. presumably a lot more titles footage and hopefully some announcements.. it's wishful thinking to expect a playable revolution tech demo. But it wouldn't be press exclusive invite only if it wasn't gonna be good. If you want to go you have to text news and then your details or whatever to radio one.. and I suggest you do it quicksharp if you are free tomorrow and want to go to 81199. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/news Good luck, remember if you get to go take your DS and a camera so you can bring back some stuff for us I've enterred.. though radio 1 has a ridiculous amount of listeners.. there will probably be many entries.
  5. A core package here is £279.99, That's a whole extra £100. WHEN they are on stock..
  6. Erm, I'll probably do a month of night shifts over summer to pay for it, I would want the base console, controller with nunchuka and stand, the DVD dongle.. and then 2 games (Mario 128 and Smash bros/FPS).. I expect that would cost about £250+ which I'm very willing to pay, though it is ridiculously early days. PS. unless you are studying a art and design subject at college I would recommend an iBook.. the MacBooks are incredibly overpriced and the battery life just wouldn't suit a college environment.. not to mention being pulled around all day. My 12" iBook is excellent.
  7. PS I think the European price of £164.99 does work from a mathematical point of view when you factor in US release prices.. but our economy is slightly stronger with inflation. I wouldn't expect it to launch below £184.99 with or without a game, remember people wont buy something if they think it is a piece of junk.. Nintendo needs to ensure the image of the console's design and capabilities is strong.. expect fancy packaging with PowerBook style Apple photos of the console to show how small the thing is and plenty of colourful screens to show how pretty it is compared to the xbox 360. xbox £300+ PS3 £400+ (remember blu-ray) when you see a Revolution for £165 you're gonna think what a piece of crap.. £185 is a stronger number, and I feel it is more realistic.
  8. That's a good prediction.. but the use of the word "Official" is used looser than an arse like a clown's hat. From what I've read in the media Blu-ray could well cost £59.99 on launch, it's a pricey medium, but remember films are coming on Blu-ray, nobody will pay that much for a film.. so i'm taking that with a pinch of salt.. Sony will be shipping PS3's at a loss.. but god, they're pushing the boat out at that level. I'd pay £39.99 for a Revolution game on launch like Mario 128 but i'd expect a hack of at least £5 for online retailers like Amazon.co.uk, Nintendo said the cheaper development costs would be passed directly onto consumers. The unlimited game card for a year seems like a very obscure investment, this all means nothing until we know the file size of the things.. because we have to store it on SD cards. Oh an by the way did I miss that memo from Sony to Nintendo revealing their release date so Sony could plan a counter attack launch for the PS3? Or did I miss that on the evening news.. because I didn't realise it was public knowledge.. I bet Reggie doesn't even know which month they will be launching in let alone the date. The yearly subscription thing though, I really don't see the point. Nintendo wifi will be free for first party games.. and at the end of the day they're not exactly gonna release new NES or SNES games are they? The developpers who are willing to rerelease their title on Nintendo (live arcade?) for whatever Royalties Nintendo offers are going to say yes or no before the console launches.. simple as that. There will be all the first party Nintendo games available (that didn't flop) and a good selection of third party games from willing to participate.. plus whatever Sega manages to wiggle in. I find it hard to believe the subscription will be there at all.. after all these files are small. I reckon 1 fee, as suggested but for life. Either that or pay per game.. there will be demos under DRM and all that jazz. I'd put money on those release dates probably (give or take a week or two) but I'm skeptical over the pricing.. I'm not even sure they can justify the tiered system.. all these games are old and will be in absolutely equal demand.. and they can't justify bandwidth costs being so much. I think it will be pay per game.. and a lifetime subscription for anything you want at a slight discount of around 30% or 40% if you choose to go for all the systems.. that's how most subscription packages work (a la Sky TV)
  9. I think it's a huge generalisation that only chavs read The Sun, it's Britain's best selling tabloid because virtually the entire work force of Britain reads it.. from the age of 10-70 people read it every day and have done for years on their lunch break on the way to work. It's not just for chavs.. and it's a valid point that a lot of the Sun readers are like lemmings.. The Sun basically decides who wins Big Brother each year.. and then millions phone up the call line despite how much it costs.
  10. They should have printed this baby: and before you start harping it is not real.
  11. The sun here have printed a better review than anything the UK gadget based magazines like T3 and stuff have said all year about Nintendo. They just don't get the DS because it isn't as pretty as the PSP, good to see the sun having an open mind, they're a really working class paper and they basically have influence on a mass of people who will be able to afford the revolution but not the others.
  12. High lord of all knowledge GameSpot suggest that Kojima and Killer 7 development team could be working together Killer 7 looked really impressive to me, and had the vibe of XIII, I'm really looking forward to it, and hope that such speculation is truthful. via. Joystiq.com dawgs do the work so we don't have to. From the article: another reason why E3 should be in your diary I guess..
  13. totally addicted to [strikethrough]bass[/strikethrough] speculation.
  14. has anyone thought about 4 player FPS? because if you think about it.. previously 4 player console fps sucked, running around in goldeneye I found to be incredibly difficuilt, but now it's gonna be so much easier. Will it spoil the experience if we can all see where we all are? before I found that playing 4 player LAN was rad because you had to concentrate just enough on your own player and the controller.. now it's gonnna be 4 guys sitting on a sofa point controllers all around the place. How will this work? I can dig that wifi will be nice to play 4 player (at least!) online and have your own screen.. but I'm not sure if it will be the same kind of experience as previously. And wont the machine get confused with 4 controllers? what if you're all sitting all over the room? It's gonna be interesting.. but for me, if you can run around and move in such an easy way 4 way fps, it would kinda tempt me to look where someone else is on the map. It happens a lot at PC lans you know? well the cheating bastards do at least..
  15. Nintendo world store will have them.
  16. Well if you think about it.. these developpers have imagination. They know what they want to do. And obviously they have slight doubts about a certain factor of the game that they want to do..?
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v507/mousedown/revo.swf < launch title. (i know it's old but some of you may not have seen it)
  18. I think BigTac's speculation is a lot of educated guesses though, the Black and White creature isle screenshots have been out for a short while now.. he could have seen them. Noted that the crew at Lionhead and Nintendo have a thing going on and made an educated guess that there would be a game coming out. After all the controller would work nicely as a hand. I've not played the game but I think it could work on a simple interface. I think you may be right about the thread, Perhaps speculation should get it's own thread, but this thread stays for the ultimate crazy random crap which is so obscure that it can't be true anywhere but on the revolution.
  19. Lightsabres would be nice.. it's not going to happen though.
  20. It's pre-release artwork, they can't launch the site until febuary event or something..
  21. Dedicated to the forum's favourite know-it-all BigTac here we can post all the speculation into one thread. Post here if you have speculation, though you are unaware of the source.. then the forum members can decide upon it's likeliness to be real.. Examples of real news: Anything that came from the horse's mouth, any Nintendo executive in an interview. Examples of speculation: Anything pre-E3 2006 regarding the Nintendo system specs or the final secret.. basically anything from forums, blogs and random e.mails and Google videos. PM me and i'll add any links to definitive Nintendo blogs and trustworthy sources.. though personally I feel the revolution report guys are running the tightest ship and they wont let anything on their site until it is confirmed. Revolution Report To get you started BigTac has suggested that Black and White creator is working on a revolution game.. the source? Well perhaps his imagination paired with the DS game creature isle.. it's a safe assumption they might work on something. But it is speculation. Format for posts: - link to the original article - blurb of the article, what the speculation is relating to - any images and why you think the source is noteworthy.
  22. Wicked, Black and White evolutions.. should be great. It's the first I've heard from a developper that they've considered system specs to be a deciding factor whether viewtful joe can fit into the system.. I would have thought they would be more open minded about scalability.
  23. Warioware pushed should be fun.. Mario 128 will no doubt set the benchmark for the platform genre with the remote control, and the gimmicky ones should be a laugh.. Cooking mama, Animal crossing, Pikmin. But jeez.. FPS all the way, It's gonna rule.
  24. Seconded... ...
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