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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. My thoughts are that there's a lot of dead wood and I'd like to play the odd clan match. ... Plus I want to be a Clan Overlord as it'll be a tiny thrill in my sad little life.
  2. Not as yet. I did get a DVD from myself through the post. But it'll pretty much be a case of being given a bit of money and then told to buy myself something nice. At the mo I think I'll get a webcam, new mouse and a book. Because that's the sort of crazy exciting guy I am.
  3. What was the last thing you did that you're proud of? No idea. When was the last time you were embarassed? Not sure. Do you have an ambition in life? Settle down with my girlfriend. What are you listening to right now? A3 - "Woke Up This Morning" (Theme from The Sopranos). What was the last DVD you bought? Meet Joe Dirt. Quote of the day? "Some people poke fun and that's all right but when I start poking back they get all uptight" - Kid Rock. What do you want people to remember you for? Dressing like an American. Favourite Sport? NFL If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I'd have put forward the release date of Tiger Woods 2006 on the Xbox to this weekend. What's your poison? Cyanide. What SHOULD you be doing right now? Sleeping. It's my b'day, I had a late night Hot Tub Ranking last night yet I got up at half eight on a Saturday morning. What do you want to do as a job eventually? Still don't really know. But running a gaming café would probably be fun. There'd be a huge plasma screen TV on the wall which would just loop TMNT - The Movie all day. where do you see yourself in 10 years? Working a steady job somewhere, married, with my lady friend working from home writing. Favourite Bob Marley song? Not really a fan of his. Favourite Movie? TMNT, The Goonies. Favourite Food? Pepperoni pizza, or banana split. Favourite game? TMNT the arcade game, Halo 2 or SMB 3. Person you'd like to kill? There's no one I'd "like to kill". What where you doing before you checked this thread? Taking a leak. Your Ideal Weekend Just hanging out with the little lady really. Whats your house number/name ? 16 Favourite album: Hmm... too many. Currently though it's probably DJ Format's "Music For The Mature B-Boy". Best classic cartoon show? Again, a lot of possibles.. The Transformers, Ulysses 31, Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors were all excellent. But there's many more I love. What's your shoe size? 14 New question... What's your first name?
  4. The announcement things by Ash that appear at the top of pages could do with updating as they feature talk of Rep Points. -1 Rep.
  5. Colin AKA CVD worried me earlier in the week saying there's no Live play for UK folks. However, the Play.com and Game.net websites are both saying there is... so I'm still going to pre-order it I reckon.
  6. Getting all those games at once would you really give them all a decent go? I'm hesitant to buy even two games at once incase I end up not really giving them enough attention.
  7. Can you play the Farcry campaign co-op?
  8. Happy b'day big style to the Oddmonster.
  9. Team Skidmark has some pretty good players, just there's a few not so good ones too. I have thought about starting my own clan, possibly called Beadle's Assassins or Clan-me-do.
  10. Me too! It makes my blood boil to think of poor little Nintendo being picked on like that, helpless to do anything at all about it.
  11. But you're not a fan of Halo 2 in the first place. You can't be trusted!
  12. Yeah, but the main one is Jordan down there at the botom, isn't it?
  13. It's almost as though their business depends on folks buying things!
  14. +1 Rep for Mike! That's a thing of beauty, no doubt. Hot Tub Ranking tomorrow night!
  15. Bongos, Gamecube, Post-It Notes, Biro (black) headphone jack, Creative Zen Micro on charge, mobile phone on charge, TV remote, headphones, bottle of water, red bandana, hair ties, bank paying in book, half a dozen CDs including Beastie Boys "To The Five Boroughs", Abdominal & DJ Fase "Flowtation Device" and DJ Format's "Seperated at Birth". And then it's sort of still my desk but on a printer shelf underneath I have my Xbox. Oh and my TV/Monitor is on the top shelf as well.
  16. Of all the Xbox Live crew I thought you'd be first in line for a spot of golf. But perhaps it's not posh enough for you. I don't think EA make a Polo game so you'll just have to manage.
  17. I love you Chris. Anyhow, I quite like threads which generate positive responses, or ones where you get to learn a little about forum users lives away from the forum.
  18. Well, any of you fine folks planning on getting this? I got 2005 with my Xbox having never really played a golf game all that much. Anyhow, I thought it was excellent, and now I've learnt that the latest version has Xbox Live play I'm almost sure I'll get it. It's out on the 7th October.
  19. That's what I was getting at. Anyhow, I'm not really in a punchy mood. Back to the b'days!
  20. Yes, why? Did you think I was a sexist?
  21. That someone takes my beautiful creations and kills them? Yep. You'd get a punch as well.
  22. Possibly. Unlike the Excellent and Not Excellent threads which you killed lol!
  23. Dawn Of The Dead is on BBC1 tonight at 11:45pm, worth watching if only for how rubbishy it is.
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