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Everything posted by Miharin

  1. Edit: nevermind trying to argue about this. I am simply baffled that you had to make up a completely weird, out of place excuse for this.
  2. I'm interested because of the extra levels, but that video of SMB3 looks like it's a typical virtual console dark as hell release. I honestly have a hard time looking at that video :/
  3. Ugh, what luck.. Christmas holiday started and I bought a new external hard drive to play this. And since Wii U requires more power for it, I had to get one of those USB Y-cables. I ordered one from eBay as it was less than 2€. Arrived today, and of course it was broken, the connector is totally bent. Sure, it was cheap, and they will hopefully send me a replacement, but it's going to be another 3 weeks in the mail...
  4. My hype for this game has gone down the drain, but still I pre-purchased it yesterday from my local game store simply because I had a gift card that is about to expire next month, and I didn't think of any other new game that I was interested in. I will need to get a hard drive though. I'll just use my old 500gb one and buy a new external USB 3 hard drive for my laptop. A question, which I might have already asked before, but here goes: If you use a hard drive with Wii U, can you choose whether to download files to the Wii U's storage or the hard drive? The internal storage should be faster so I'd like to use that for the game install files.
  5. Once we get a system where you can log into and out of your console freely without destroying your entire account (or file police reports), then we can celebrate. I believe this changes nothing for current consoles, but possibly with NX it can be different.
  6. It's finally where it belongs! I started this on iPad today. This time I might even play it.
  7. I don't understand why Nintendo had to make white gray. I can't see anything in VC games. Add to that their ridiculous price and I'll happily continue playing on emulators or the real things. My N64 is Japanese and supports S-video and the image is very good. I remember that Zelda 2's rereleases, on Gamecube and otherwise, have removed some possibly dangerous effects like the rapidly flashing death screen.
  8. There was a Splatoon ad in the movies (went to see the new Terminator, ugh) , which means at least Nintendo is trying to market it. This is the first Nintendo ad I've seen in maybe even years? I really can't remember anything, even for pokémon.
  9. Yess.... Yyeeesssss! I was sure that the sequel would never come, but now that we have Shenmue 3 and Last Guardian coming, it's the age of miracles.
  10. I ordered Steins;Gate from Zavvi since that was the cheapest with free shipping to Finland. Well, now I might never get the game... It's out of stock with no info on availability.
  11. So, just like Earthbound, it's more expensive than other VC games for no reason at all. I cannot justify buying it.
  12. A store close to me just got Jigglypuff and Greninja amiibos, are either of them "rare"? I might pick one of them up just in case, but which one?
  13. I liked this game a lot on Wii U, but won't bother with this version.
  14. The righteous Yamato Kingdom of White vs. ruthless evil Schwarzwald Empire of Black I probably wouldn't have picked up Awakening if not for the casual mode. Resetting after a single death doesn't make the game any more immersive and gives no illusion of consequences - it just takes longer to play the game because you have to perfect every fight. Or has any of you actually let people die and continued the story without them?
  15. Thanks for clearing up the naming issue. I might consider this game but don't want it if it's from a western developer. I played the SNES version through a few times, now I have Harvest Moon 64 to tackle. Also really wanted to get into Friends of Mineral Town girl version, but I felt that the time runs far too quickly in the game (kind of same in HM64), this wasn't an issue in SNES version where time stops during night, leaving you free to explore and stuff. Gamecube version had long days I think.
  16. So I bought a Vita TV for 29,90€ since the price was so cheap, and I didn't have a Vita yet. But the thing kinda sucks - a lot of games don't work on it. And since memory card prices are ridiculous, I opted to buy a real Vita used that came with a 16 Gb memory card so now I have both of them... And now the TV is totally useless I don't know how they planned for you to hold the system, seems impossible to not touch the rear screen all the time. There are small dents where you are supposed to put something, I don't know fingers, somehow, maybe? But doing that makes for a seriously weird and unergonomic way of holding the device, unless you have the hands of a 7-year-old. The games I tested so far are Dead Nation (looks and runs ugly compared to PS3), Super Stardust (need to disable rear touch pad) and Disgaea 4 which works fine. Also ordered Steins;Gate from zavvi, I love that series. I always kind of wanted a Vita ever since Persona 4 Golden was announced, but now that I have it two years later, I don't think it was a good investment after all. Sony seems to have given up on it. Hmm... Tested simply swapping the memory card from Vita to TV. The TV says a warning saying it won't be able to use its built-in memory and then continues like normal. Works fine, I played a game and saved, then switched the memory card back to Vita and continued. This is a very good feature.
  17. Strange that I never noticed it, but my Gamepad also makes a very audible rattling sound from the right side. I wouldn't open it or be concerned about it
  18. I have it but haven't played more than 30 minutes. No time for novels.
  19. Glad I happened to check eShop yesterday, so I didn't miss out on Shin Megami Tensei IV for 9,99€. Now, aside from Pokémon Alpha Sapphire on day one, I don't think I've paid full price for any digital game, especially a digital only title.
  20. I guess new pokémon games aren't revealed in E3 but I want a new 3DS main game, a sequel to XY would be sweet.
  21. I bought a bunch of 3rd party games for sale for Wii U, including Injustice: Gods among us and COD: Ghosts. 11€ and 13€, respectively. I was surprised that both games had DLC available in the shop, but after doing research found out they were missing a lot compared to other platforms, and the missing features are quite important (Characters, maps). Meh. They'll still offer me the single player experience at least.
  22. The game has been on sale in eShop for 10€. I bought my physical copy for 6€, seems super easy to find in here, I think they printed that and Assassin's Creed 3 about a hundred times too many.
  23. I guess this is as close as we can get to a SNES Remix title... I got Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid and Super Mario World unlocked. A cool little idea.
  24. I'm looking for Deus Ex for cheap, any places that would ship to Finland? I missed it from a 20€ bargain bin. Don't want to pay much more since I got pc and ps3 old versions.
  25. New games please, no remakes unless they are at the very least over 10 years old! Majora needed a remake, Twilight no way. But I would kill for a good Metroid. Other M I didn't like the remote switching from sideways to pointing at screen, and the story. But some aspects were good.
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