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Posts posted by Letty

  1. ^ so Metallica was good then? I couldn't go because of compulsory classes at Uni which meant I didn't finish until 5 so was too late for me to get over. Opportunity missed really as it would have been awesome to see them seeing as they hardly ever come to Scotland. Maybe next time if there is one.


    Metallica didn't come on till about 9, Machine Head and The Sword were supporting!

    But yeah, one of the best live acts I've heard. It was like a 'dude with long hair' convention though, so much hair!!!

  2. High points of past week or so:



    I went with my brother to see them at SECC.

    I hugged a random dude when 'Nothing else matters' came on. Mosh pits were EPIC.


    Then I went out last night! Completely out of character. Rolled up at my mates flat in the housing asscociation at 3 or 4.


    Now I'm going to work on my presentation for Edinburgh college of Art, then Im Scotland bound on the boat tonight!

  3. @ Letty - is she wanted dead or alive and will there be a monetary reward? :heh:


    The cheek one is interesting. Never seen that kind of piercing done before but they both look clean and well done. Perhaps you should go professional with the piercing? Oh and awesome hair :D.


    So far I've done a lobe and a monroe piercing on other people. I've also got someone's nipple booked!

    Wouldn't go professional as per say, I hear getting a licence can be upwards of £1,000 0_0

  4. OH MY GOD!!!!!


    I just got a FUCKING phonecall from the Edinburgh collage of art - and they were like, 'Did you get our email?' (I didn't check)




    Im going to Glasgow on Weds till fri - then working on saturday, so tomorrow is THE ONLY DAY I CAN FINISH MY PORTFOLIO AND GET MY INTERVIEW READY!!!!




    There's nothing quite like sitting on the bus with this in your ears ^^



    Urgh. Keep doing it, you'll fuck your vocal chords eventually.


    Kyo from Dir en Grey has had several operations on his throat since they're so fucked :(

  6. Crikey, that must be a draining experience. It's a fantastic series, but I'm not sure I can handle that amount of blood and crushed innocence in 24 hours. I mean that kicking of the puppy is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what happens after. :shakehead


    I no rite? ;_;


    Suprisingly though, I didn't cry at the end.

    And this is coming from someone who cried at the end of Azumanga Daioh.

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