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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Cos it's fun!




    Because she has accidents when she's on the road.


    And this.




    But really, we just thought it would be fun. And it was! Except some bits which were too steep, and we had to precariously 3 point turn. Damn my poor judgement. And the big stones.

  2. Me and my friend went off-roading yesterday >.< Went around some awesome cliffs and fields. However, once I got back on the road my clutch sounded like it was about to fall off or something and I was all 'OSHI'. But luckily it seemed to fix its self as I drove back into town....


    Also disposed of some pond snails.



    Last night I watched [rec].


    Fucking scariest film I have EVER seen. And I've seen a lot of scary films. After I watched it I was literally too scared to move, or put my feet on the ground, and had to sit with my back against a wall until I fell asleep!

    When I started watching I had no idea what I was in for.



    10/10. Definetly what a horror movie should leave you like.


    ps; scariest scene;


  4. I've been so inactive recently. I don't have anything to do during the day, or at least nothing productive.




    Ps. I got an unconditional at Gray's School of art :D Moving to Aberdeen in SEPTEMBER!

  5. fast way for one to give themselves diabetes.


    34.5 fucking grams of sugar. That's a disgrace.


    Ugh, my bf drinks at least 3 redbulls a day - no wonder he can't sleep.

  6. Oh yeah one more thing for the london know how peeps. My train is arriving at St Pancras. I was thinking about getting those tickets to use the underground anytime. Which one should I buy and where should I get it from?


    Buy an all day ticket (just for zones 1 and 2) so you can just hop on and off anywhere. It also works on buses! Works out cheaper than having to buy a ticket each journey.


    Buy them from the underground station ticket machine!

  7. in raincoat with a balloon on a string



    Me juggling



    a blossoming tree



    a boat






    scene from a film, re-enacted by jellybabies




    In that Futurama film when they're on the nudist beach and zoidberg is wriggling around naked on the beach. The yellow jellybaby is supposed to be the sand...

  8. I reversed into a wall and dented my mum's car whilst she is on holiday! Urgh, apparently I have to get a new door now, my mate's dad was going to pop the dent out and re-spray it, but its just too bad.


    She actually didn't seem too mad, just as long as I pay for it... D:

  9. Had an epic weekend.


    Me and Nethy travelled all the way up to Fetlar, since there was a big beach party going on. (an island here), which took 2 ferries to get to! (We kept getting lost and missed all the ferries except the last one).

    Partied in Fetlar on the beach. One of my mates ended up crashing his truck after drink driving and had to be air lifted to Aberdeen though, there were 3 of them in the truck and one is critical.


    Ended up leaving Fetlar on the 1am ferry, got to the mainland at 3am. Slept in Nethy's car >.<


    Now I'm going to facebook to upload pics of the weekend and eat bagel!

    Also, I'm getting the majority of my hair shaved off tomorrow!!!!

  10. Is that your car or are you driving your parents car? If it's yours, that's quite brave. If only for the insurance costs.


    Nah its my mum's! It was her 'mid life crisis/single mother against the world' purchase.

    Awesome though.

  11. Can you post some pics of your work [exhibited] Letty.


    Remember the end of year show for my Arts Foundation course being great.





    ink and bleach



    in my sketchbook



    Plastic dress and a screenprint



    A wierd bag I made



    Me and my bro!!



    sketchbooks, and some wine a strange danish man in a pink hat gave me :S



    Me and the love of my life! Nethy in the background with his sellotaped glasses.



    Ali, having a questionable moment




    Holy balls, is it like £2 a litre there? Either that or you have a giant fuel tank.



    Its about £1.40 a litre, and I'm driving a landrover >.<

  12. Fffuuu, just went to fill up my car for the first time >.<


    £20 for a quarter of a tank. Fucking Shetland.



    In other news, its my end of year exhibition at my college tonight ^^ Finished my awesome new cyber wig in time too. Woo.

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