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Posts posted by Letty

  1. How did you spread the goods?


    Spreading is for faggots, I just stuck the bread in the jar...

    I also fell asleep with the leftover bread in my bed, in its bag - and I woke up the next day and ate the rest XD It was so squashed and dry, but amazing.


    I'm going swimming in the sea tomorrow!!


  2. Wow that sounds like one awesomly hobo'ish night!


    Think it's just the way you wrote it, but your shower wasn't on the ferry was it?!


    Yeah, on the ferry :D

    Its bad, because the boat is like, rocking, and you're trying to wash your hair... = bad shower experience.

    Luckily it was really hot though, I was sooo cold :D

  3. I bought my brother some birthday presents :D


    I had such a bad day on Friday!!

    I had been on the bus from London, and arrived finally in Aberdeen at about 12pm. I also had about 58p, so I went to the bank to withdraw my last £8. So I got to the bank, and I only had £3!!!! So I got it anyway, and used £2 of it to put my rucksack and stuff and my coat in the left luggage at the train station. Also I hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and I only had £1. I also had to go on the boat that night for another 12 hours, so I couldn't really wait till I got home for food. THEN IT STARTED PISSING WITH RAIN!! So I just wandered about Aberdeen in the rain, in my tshirt, with my £1, starving, lonely, poor...

    I happened to bump into a mate on the street, and he gave me £3!!!! :D So I bought a loaf of bread and a jar of chocolate spread!! Then I went to wait at the ferry terminal because I was so fucking cold and tired. I fell asleep there for like 3 hours, then got on the boat at 5pm, had a shower, and ate my bread and chocolate spread :D Then I fell asleep at 6pm. Luckily I got paid on Saturday.


    I've not been that poor since I was like 13! Damn my reckless spending in London.

  4. I suck, my tattoo looks crap argh :(


    Thats bad that you have stopped liking your tattoo after a day.


    Letty, your octopus tattoo looks great. Perhaps it's just that morning after feeling, where you look at something you did the day before and wonder why. It'll go away and really, you should be happy with it as it does look good. So chin up *hugz*



    Aww chuck, that sucks - who did it? Maybe think about another artist to do a cover-up?



    Meh I miss being there already.


    What's wrong with the tattoo Letty? It looks good to me.


    It's worth mentioning, worse comes to worse, black in is the easiest to have lasered off, especially on the arm.


    Could be worse:




    Damn it! Nethy. on my account. Pest.



  5. Facebook is being a bit odd today, so give this a try. It's not a great photo though.




    I was going to say that, but I think it depends on the piercing. My labret didn't hurt at all, yet when I had a lip ring about an inch to my left, it hurt like hell.


    Generally though I agree. Piercings hurt more, tattoos hurt for longer.


    Surface piercings = WORST. PAIN. EVAR.


    I hate to drag this pic up again, but you're relativley new :D



  6. Nice, Letty.


    I'm contemplating a tattoo for my 18th, but I want to know how painful it is. I was gonna have it on my ankle/lower leg, but then heard that's one of the most painful places, as it's close to the bone. I just kinda..want to be prepared for pain. I know some people quite like the pain after a while, but I don't think I would.


    Might just get it on my (fore) arm. Not upper arm, as I hardly ever wear just T-shirts, but forearm might be good.


    I just wanna hear what everyone's first-time was like, pain-wise? Is it bad? I'm a pussy I know.


    Not as bad as a piercing B)


    Mine was really sore around the bone on my wrist, and my wrists are pretty damn boney >.<

    Its like a burning scratch, really sore, but bearable. Its bad when they go over a spot twice or 3 times though.

    And it bleeds!

  7. Goldfish facts;


    -Goldfish in the wild are actually kinda muddy green coloured!

    -The oldest recorded goldfish lived to 49 years.

    -They do not have stomachs!

    -They can be trained to take pellets or flakes from a human's fingers.

    -Goldfish like to eat live plants.

    -Goldfish lay eggs.

  8. I'm very sorry for your loss :( I've never been allowed any pets, not even fish, cause my parents are mean and work all the time, and say caging or tank...ing animals is cruel. I disagree as long as you look after them so I can understand your pain! Perhaps you could get a different type of fish so that you're not replacing him directly and you still have a faithful pet?


    Its ok really, I still have Stoyan Todorchev and Princess Semi-colon. I think he died from shock, since I'd just changed the water for his first time. The others are used to it I think.

  9. I receieved a phonecall from my mother, and she had an air of sadness in her fair voice.


    She informed me that my lovely goldfish, Muscle Top, had passed away during the night.

    He was a faithful goldfish, and cost me the princley sum of £3 - so you can imagine my sorrow and despair.


    Poor little guy :(




    So anyway, who loves goldfish?

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