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Posts posted by Letty

  1. My friend was driving today with us, and it was super rainy. She tried to brake as the car in front stopped, and we aqua glided.... INTO THE CAR IN FRONT!! It was a big impact considering how slow we were going :( Poor girl has to get her front bumper replaced and get a new number plate too. It was pretty scary!

  2. Where did all the posts go?


    Well anyway, yeah, my scaffold was a real pain in the arse. I had heard that they can take up to a year to heal, but mine took about 3 years to heal properly. It used to heal up all fine, then go a bit funny and it had to start all over again. I'm fairly certain it's fine now though. It hasn't played up for a long time now.


    I think having hair that covers it could be a big cause of it. I went to the barbers once and they said that even if you wash your hair normally and have clean looking hair, it's still quite dirty in terms of natural grease and stuff.


    I've had mine for about 7 months, its a lot better in terms of pain, and I can sleep on it now :D Used to have some hypertrophic scarring, but thats clearred up now too. It went a bit funny again though, since I had to have my face x-ray'd on Monday, and they asked me to take out ALL my facial piercings 0_0. Nightmare.


    I'd never get another cartilage anyway!

  3. I had a dream last night during my 13 hour solid block of sleep, and the only part I remember was I was in a car, going around on a massive rollercoaster around an arena :s And I looked down and saw a woman wearing AN AMAZING DRESS!!! It was quite plain on the body, but the train was a few metres long, then attatched to the end was this HUGE amazing snail shell thing!! It was literally like the size of a building, all made out of black shiney pvc. And it was against a fantastic red sky.



  4. Some things I can think of;


    -I've never been travel sick

    -I can raise either of my eyebrows :D (Or at least I could before I waxed them off :( )

    - I can whistle really high pitched, almost like a dog whistle.

  5. If I do go I'll be Megabusing it down as you can get a ticket for £10 return. Saves so much money, just bring the laptop for films and iPods etc. Maybe a bit of DSing too.




    I believe what actually happened was you said that I definitely have to go and have no excuses not to, then I said "but what about the game of football? I'll pwn your ass!". Then you told everyone I wasn't going.


    Where from??

    I'll be megabussing to most likely from Aberdeen!! :yay:

  6. Vegetables.

    I love them! My favourites include; courgettes, carrots, beetroots, mushrooms.



    My life does basically revolve around this. I make things, draw stuff, 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. Absolutley favourite pass time, being creative.


    Light occasionaly excercise

    Can't be doing with that 60 min a week business, but when occasion rises, its great to do excercise!


    Body Modding.


    Piercings had to date - 23

    Hair colours had to date - 20


    Getting better after being ill.

    Feels good man.


    Good times with maytees

    Some of the best times of my life have been with my friends :)

  7. I'm Letty Bishop, and I am 17 years old.


    Originally born here in Shetland, my mother being from England, my father being half German, half Glasweigan.

    I'm the first born of 3 kids, my brother's have a different dad who I'll talk about later!

    My dad kind of left before I was born, so I just used to live with my mum in the middle of nowhere - it was awesome.

    Memories from ages 0-3

    -Being sat in a highchair on top of a table(reeeally high up for me!!) whilst my mum washed the kitchen floor.

    -trying to sweep the top shelf of a cupboard and knocking a tub of green paint down which stained the floor.

    -Having a weird shell in the bathroom which I always thought a creature lived in.

    -Lying in my bed one night and seeing a FACE in the curtains 0_0.

    -Getting stuck in a tiny bush thing in our garden because it was too high (like less than 1m off the ground)


    Then my mum met and got married to my ex-step dad, and we moved to a bigger house and they had 2 boys together. I spent the majority of my life there. When I was about 10, they split up and got divorced (which was fine because I never really liked my stepdad all that much anyway) but my mum was so depressed all the time so I stayed at my best friend's (who is also the love of my life, we have known each other since we were 6 months old, and shared baths when we were little and she is beautiful and great) alot.

    Also I started getting back in contact with my real dad, kind of, and sometimes I went to visit him in Glasgow.

    Memories from aged 4-10

    -Being a witch for halloween, it was a bin bag with a hole in the top :D

    -Getting a batman costume for christmas after asking for one for 2 years in a row.

    -being at my little brother's birthday and him blowing out the candles on his cake. Then I looked at the cake afterwards and it was covered in spit from him blowing them out >:(


    My mother has been single ever since and hates all men now.

    So anyway, then stuff kinda moved along, and when I was 12 my real dad died from taking heroin. I went to the funeral, and it was the first funeral I'd ever been to! I don't really remember much else from then.

    Then I started getting invloved in the internet at about 13, and my first internet friend was from this very site! I also frequented neopets, like all other 13 year old girls.

    Moved to highschool, shit was cash. I dyed my hair for the first time!

    Memories from highschool

    -My diabetic friend getting a bollocking from a teacher for eating in class.

    -My lovely friend Vaila shouting out 'SCROTUM' because she thought it was the answer, but really it was 'sternum'.

    -joining 'marine biology club' - I was the height of cool.

    -coming back from easter holidays and everything in the science room fishtank was dead and the place stank of dead stuff.

    -first exams ever!!

    Around this time, I started speaking to Jordan on msn, and my mother hated him! She didn't htink I was doing any revision for my exams because all I did was spend time on the internet with him.

    He came up to visit, and I went down to his. I lost my virginity to him at 14. We kind of internet dated for a year, then as he's already mentioned, he moved up.

    I started at a new high school, because my old one was too small and shitty to do Highers (A levels? :s ).

    I had a really bad haircut all through that year.

    My friend Vaila was diagnosed with cancer, and she eventually got the all clear! However, whilst she was in a weakened state, she caught pneumonia and died shortly after. Me and my friends were all devastated.

    Memories with vaila

    - her basically tidying my room for me because I was so bad at it :D

    -us starting a club called 'The Groovy Fab Club' - which had passwords and a secret folder. We were young then!

    -her having this fantastic dress which was made entirely from gold sequins.

    -having a party at my friend's and (she was bald by this stage from chemo) her taking her wig off for the whole night and wearing a hawaiin shirt because she was so drunk. We have tons of hilarious photos!

    -sitting next to her in Geography and asking her everything because she was so clever.

    -Her mum always cooking so much food when I went there for tea!

    -her sister's tropical fish.


    I moved house 2 more times here.


    Then I left school at 16 after doing my Highers.

    Worked full time in The Peerieshop Cafe - but still never seemed to have any money! I worked there for about 18 months overall, and in the latter half, I started full time at the Shetland college doing an NC Art and Design course. Still doing it actually.

    I'm sure you've all heard that I recently broke up with Jordan. Thats all thats really been happening now.



    Tl;dr - :zzz:

  8. Connecting to server...

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Stranger: you know...one day you will not exist...it will be all so dark..soo motionless..

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.





  9. I am back from the depths of hell. (Edinburgh college of Art interview)

    Shit killed me. I've shot all my nerves, and have a cold to end all colds!!


    On the ferry last night I ended up sharing a cabin with this 80 year old lady who was hilarious and had silk pjs.

  10. lol. I would have fit in well then although I doubt my hair can match the length and uncleanliness I'm envisaging from some of the guys who'd be at a Metallica concert.


    Like my brother :D




    I'm shitting a brick. My interview at ECA is tomorrow!!!!!

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