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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Renamed my goldfish last night. Stoyan Todorchev gets to keep his name, but Latrelle had now become Princess semi-colon!


    Day was ok, had a driving lesson, did some weaving at college (barrel of lols...;_;) bought some pens.

    Then went into my work, and my boss told me I have to work in the Fudge shop every Saturday now T_T Sucks, I really liked the art shop.

    Then I went to aerobics, and watched Masterchef!!

  2. Since the beginning of this year, Ive been doing aerobics, spinning and weights on a weekly basis.


    Whilst I've not noticed any weightloss, I have notcied how SUPER FIT Ive become!! I can do a 30 minute run and not even be out of breath!

    I did an hour of aerobics today and ran home after ^^

  3. The only drinking game Ive ever played is where you all sit in a circle with shots, and each person says a statement, like


    'I've never had phone sex'


    And if anyone in the circle HAS had phone sex, they drink a shot.

    People get drunk quickly, and you find out tons of gossip on people :D

  4. I've had a good last 2 days :)


    Last night I went to my friend Noor's house, and a lot of us all played Taboo and ate cake and things :D Ended up staying pretty late.

    I also got given my friend's fish, he is called Stoyan Todorchev :D


    Then today I went to work, and at lunch time, I went to buy a new fish to be in Stoyan's tank. I also bought a plant! The new fish is called Latrelle.



    I was meant to be going out tonight, but tbh I have no idea where I was supposed to go, when it was, who was going, and Im poor!

    Now I'm going to have a shower, and then have a look at my theroy test dvd! </posh>

  5. I bet it was awful.


    I bet it was awful.


    I bet it was awful.


    I bet it was awful.


    I bet it was awful.


    I bet it was awful.





    It was so amazing, and had such an impact on me, that I remember every ingredient, the exact placement of each on the bread, the amount of time in the machine, every mouthful....

    Oh shit I think I might cry.





    Ps. It wasn't awful

  6. I had the sandwich of gods recently. I made it like, in one whole sandwich, but with two halfs. I also used one slice of white, and one slice of brown. (Its really nice bread from the bakery ^^)


    One half had Cherry tomato chutney, ham and cheese, and


    The other half had branston pickle (which I usually don't like, but it made it awesome) and gouda cheese!!

    I stuck some mayo in there too.

    Then I put it in the toasty machine. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

    Plus it was free, as it was my lunch break at work ^^


    Edit - thats an awful big paragraph just about a sandwich ._.;

  7. I had another driving lesson today ^^


    I didn't conk out the car once, and she hinted towards going on REAL ROADS next time! ^___^ And I got up to 3rd gear (not bad for my second lesson) :awesome:


    Lots of shit going down in work... Bleh. I've got a 4 day weekend so I'll forget about that til Monday.


    Well done dudette!!


    Too many times have I accidently gone into 5th whilst between two cars or something >.<

  8. Today was awesome!


    Some german woman came to visit us in college today, and we spent the day making outfits from clear plastic :D

    I also got a killer corset pattern out of it!



    Im gonna finish it tomorrow.


    Also making posters/tickets right now for Project Rainbow.

  9. The best one I eve did was when I worked at the Peerieshop cafe :D



    There's a huge cupboard in the kitchen area, where flour and cloths and things are stored, and a person could easily fit inside.

    So I hid in the cupboard, and someone asked the new guy to fetch a cloth from there.


    When he opened it I jamp out and shouted :D

  10. Most of the lasses could never be bothered to do PE anyway.


    As I neared the end of my highschool, I wasn't allowed to do PE any more - my PE teacher said I should just go study instead as I obviously wasn't interested.



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