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Posts posted by Letty

  1. I was in a pretty serious car crash today.


    Me and Nethy(driving) were doing about 70mph on a blindish hill, (hill being, crash barrier and steep drop on one side, steep hill on the other) and as we reached the top he clipped a big rock kinda sticking out from the verge. Shit hit the fan!


    We spun out, hit the crash barrier, he steered away from the barrier, but we skidded and he had to steer in again to avoid the ditch, and we ended up zigzagging across the road, eventually hitting the steep hill at about 50mph.


    The car def flipped once in mid air, and flipped a few more times on the hillside.

    Then we finally stop moving.


    The car is on its side, and I'm hanging in my seat thanks to my seatbelt (THANK GOD). I look down at nethy, his face is bleeding awfully from hitting it on the steering wheel a few times. The car is smoking and we're like 'OSHI' So luckily the window nearest me had smashed and we climbed out. I had glass in my mouth since it smashed so close to me. Then we called the police, gave statements etc.


    I hit my head and cut my hand, but I'm not dead.

    He fucked his nose up, black eye and cut his chin, but he's not dead.

    His car is a complete write off though.


    Pics; (Since I'm sick :D)








    Needless to say, my mum was pleased.

  2. Woke up with a 5p attached to my nipple, which is quite win.


    I enjoy this.


    I only have 3 weeks of my course left, feeling kinda sad! On the plus side Nethy passed his driving test! Now I've got someone to drive me home at 5am :D

  3. ^ have you got the beret to confirm it? :heh: all art students should have a beret. Every single one I've seen at Dundee has been woren one when I've been up that end of campus. Funny how that is one stereotype that seems to be slightly true.


    I DO!!!


    Its red and I sewed buttons on it.

  4. Unlucky Letty. :(


    *hugs and pugs*


    What is this applying for Uni or something? sorry I'm not actually sure. :)


    I applied to various art school because I'm a massive pretentious faggot.


    My day has been pretty good!

    Did loads of driving.

  5. Oh, bad luck Letty. :( I know from my experience that ECA is a hard nut to crack. Where else have you applied? Dundee? <--- if you got in there then there would definitely be a mini meet-up seeing as I'm there :D


    Yeah, to be honest I'm not suprised. When I was at my interview they basically said to us; 'When you get your rejection email, don't be too upset!'


    Yeah, Dundee was my next choice - hopefully get an interview there soon!

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