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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Olawd. I bought the following for my project at college;


    Kanekalon Synthetic hair in....

















    20m rubber cord




    20m plastic tubing



    9m cyberlox, but in white



    Also bought a cheap purple base wig. Shits gonna be awesome.

  2. I'm not sure whether to buy this Russian gask mask for £11... I've always wanted a gas mask, not sure why, just thought they were cool. But £6 of that is actually in posting, seems a waste.


    I can sell you my Russian Gasmask!!


    pm if you're interested :D

  3. I'd def go for the actual entry-level job, although qualifications are needed I feel experience is more important than theory.


    My friend started out as an apprentice architect, and after 15 years is making seventy grand a year with no formal qualifications except a HNC and structrucal engineering certifactes.


    If you go down the qualfication route remember, you will lose years of work experience and think about who you are competing against for the jobs. Are they older? Have they got better qualifications as well as work experience etc?


    I'd go for part time college + full time entry job (30 hours a week max) or it might get impossible to manage!





  4. Well I just found my creative writing jotters from when I was 10/11. Fucking hilarious!!! I have to tell you one story that stood out for me (I think the first page is missing, but you get the jist) (Also included strange 10 y/o grammar, word choice etc);


    "Prune Shop Destroyed by Mad Scientist and a Mutant Dolphin. 3 Taken Captive, 2 killed!!!"

    "Miss Flight always goes to the prune shop before she cycles past!" gasped Thomas.

    "That's right dearie," came the reply of his mother.

    "I must save her!" Cried Thomas as he mounted his bike and sped into a lamp post.


    At Fort Mad Evil Scientist, Mad Scientist was thinking mad and twisted thoughts.

    "What shall I use to torture you with my pretty?" He tickled Miss Flight under her chin.

    "You will never get away with this, Mad Scientist! It is cowardly to use a mutant dolphin to do your evil doings for you! If you wanted to do the job properly, you should have used a yellow haired yo-Eeeeeek!!!"

    A swarm of winged pigs flew around her pointy nose. But she was so tightly bound to the cobweb covered wall, she could not shoo them away.

    "Like my newest creations?" asked Mad Scientist. "And thank you for the idea of using a yellow haired yonk, I'll use that for my next attack on the cookie shop! HA HA HA!!!" An evil laugh escaped from his ear.

    "Quiet ear," He scolded his ear which had detatched its self and was running manicaly around the feet of the other 2 captives. Mad Scientist whistled and a hairless noodle with legs scuttled to his side.

    "Yeth Mathter," it panted.

    "Egor, take these captives............to the grotulator!"

    The three captives who had been conversing in low voices were ripped from the wall and carried away.

    Thomas was nearing Fort Mad Evil Scientist. "Miss Flight must be in there!" he thought. "I must keep going - noooooooo aaaaarrrrgh!" squelch the draw-bridge lifted, Thomas cycled into the moat full of piranhas. They showed no mercy. Thomas emitted a croaky shriek, then sunk into the muddy depths, never to be heard from again.

    Miss Flight was led to a large empty room. Empty except for a purple egg, about the size of a chickens egg. The 3 captives were led inside, and shackled to another cobweb strewn wall. Mad Scientists ear laughed Manicaly again.

    "This is your doom! This is a yonkle egg. Once it hatches, it will fly into your bellybutton and eat your insides. Good luck.... you'll need it!"

    "hahaha!! the ear scuttled away.

    "Look!" screeched Miss Flight. She pointed at the Yonkle egg. It had turned a poisonous green and was shuddering violently. A large crack ran down its centre. A strange tingly sound filled the room as the egg cracked open. A trickle of dust shot upwards, hovered for a few seconds then shot for the first captive. It buried into his jumper. He died almost instantly. The dust travelled the next captive and did the same. It turned in Miss Flight's direction, and said "Ha! This is the end for you!" But it squeaked and turned into a rubber haddock.

    Miss Flight didn't meet the same end as her friends but she had noone to untie her. The lack of food mixed with the smell of her decomposing companions was enough to make anyone die. So she died.

    The end.


    Teacher's coment; My word! What an imagination, Lettie!


  5. I apologise for my hawaiin shirt.


    ReZourceman - You eating a Galette (A type of french butter biscuit) impersonators will not be accepted.



    chairdriver - A picture of 4 differently sized shoes in a row.



    Paj Meen Ah - It was a picture of you!? It was a picture of Hitler! (Interpret as ye will)



    nami - What represents summer for you?


  6. Rez - A rich and thick moustache



    Dannyboy-the-dane - 5 turquoise things together



    " " - martial arts weapon thing



    goaferboy - classic car



    welsh_gamer - fruit veg username



    mundi - console pre-dating n64 etc



    Gizmo - frying pan in a place where it shouldn't be



    Marcamillian - Your mum

  7. Goapherboy, I get people to take my photos for the majority of the time! Don't worry, you can usually always rope someone in, just don't explain why you're taking a photo of a frying pan in the middle of the M6*...


    *Not advising this in any shape or form

  8. Well in light of yesterdays, I've ended up with severe whiplash >.< Spent the majority of the day lying on my back on the floor at work. Productive...


    Here's a pic of one of Nethy's eyes for lols;



    Still can't really believe it happened.

  9. Maybe there was no direct head on impact to the front or the car? Although I'd be more concerned the seatbelt let him lean that far forward to begin with.


    Glad your both ok. Was anyone else involved? Did anyone stop to help?


    No head on collision, the only thing I can think of is that he is pretty short, so sits close to the wheel? I really didn't know what was going on until after we'd stopped and I realised though. it might not have been the wheel, but he was def bleeding a lot.


    No, luckily the road was clear both ways!


    Yeah, a lady did. She helped me ring the police since I didn't know where we were!

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