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Posts posted by Letty

  1. How is Rokhed nowerdays?


    He's the best roomie ever! We always give each other advice on dresses and he's such a good cook!

    Indeed. The mystery of this sudden and peculiar event really piqued my interest - as well as that of others, I presume.


    What are you up to at the moment, anyway, Letty? It's been a while since we've seen you.


    I'm in Aberdeen being an art student! :)

  2. I am tired of this male oppression! We must seize control of the power that is man, we have the vagoo, what every man strives for, so why must we be second in the running? (The third being reptilians, but who gives a fuck about them)


    Join this time of revolution by taking up viewing of Loose Women every day, WOMEN POWER.

  3. How many have you got?



    I'm trying to find some piercing corks off t'internet that aren't from some distance land (also known as teh usa) but having no luck. Failure. I want to pierce my tragus, but I don't know if I could without some sort of protection for my ear! And less likely to fuck up placement if its held tight too.


    Be careful! I pierced my friends tragus once and there was lots of blood.

  4. I don't have a preferecne between piercings and tattoos :D

    Which is a shame, as I am hoping now to train as either a piercer or a tattooist as my lifetime occupation.


    Also an update on my piercing front;

    Currently have 16.

    2 stretched lobes - 4mm and 16mm

    3 plain lobes

    2 helix(with an industrial bar)

    inverse navel

    2 nipples




    2 nostril

    2 dimples! (re-pierced as the first ones didn't settle - this pair are getting on a lot better!)


    All self done except 2 of the lobes which are really old and were gunned.

  5. I saw Daybreakers yesterday. It was sexy.


    Although the storyline was spoonfed, and the ending was crap (tons of hero shots and explosions, then it just finished with no warning) - I do love vampires. And it was actually quite gory for a 15! I think I've seen some Saw films with less blood. But there was not a single swear word throughout.

  6. That would be fucking badass. Apart from hand tattoos being (one of) the most painful one you can get, I think that's one of the best ideas since time. How visible are they when in light?


    Either invisible or so faint you wouldn't notice. It only reacts in UV light!

  7. Had another crack at it (last one I promise, even I'm getting bored of the alterations!). I've made the sailor lady bigger and flipped it. I figure I wouldn't want the bulk (her head and body) near my wrist if I did get it.





    The only thing I'm thinking now is how well white works. Just leaving it bare skin seems a little odd to me and I'm not sure how well all that white ink would work.


    Light colours fade the quickest! You could be hardcore and get it done in UV reactive ink :o

  8. HAAAANNNNNNAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Its because I wasn't online to wish you gl yesterday!!!

    Tbh its not such a big deal though, as long as you don't lose heart and try again asap!! ^^


    I punched Nethy in the eye today. Thats all really.



  9. that and REC are the scariest films ive ever seen




    I'm fine through the whole of REC till it gets to that fucking room end bit with that huge girl! Christ! I posted about it in the film thread - couldn't sleep, coudln't even put my feet on the ground after it.

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