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Posts posted by Letty

  1. Pumps are the devil!!! I used to always get cramps in my little toe from trying to keep them on my feet! Theyre awful for people with narrow feet, and I think they make girls legs look shorter.

    It sounds like you have your mind made up anyway that you don't like them. You could always tryyy and get a refund, flutter your eyelashes a bit!

    In regards to summer footwear, could you handle a low heel? Clogs are in right now. 202029818.tif&tmp=newlook_prodStandard&clipcolor=FFFFFF


    Sandals are rockin' anyway, and it must be pretty hot in Belgium!

  2. I think there is nothing better than sinking into the sofa after the day, and watching Masterchef* on iPlayer. With a cup of tea. And an occasional yoghurt. Maybe the odd stick of incense burning.


    *Masterchef can be substituted with Great British Menu, Heston's feasts, or Celebrity Masterchef, depending on the time of year

  3. I have 2 part time jobs that I alternate between depending on whether I'm at uni or not. When I'm in Shetland I work in a sort of disgusting take-away from 9pm to 3am at weekends, and 9-5 during the weekdays, where the primary customers are drunks and minks. I come out verbally abused and smelling of grease. The pay is also terrible.


    My job in Aberdeen is awesome! I work as a bartender in a Halloween/spooky themed pub! It can get pretty hectic, the pub is a 600 capacity building with 2 floors. The pay also isn't great, but the tips are.


    I'm also doing a degree in Fashion, which is full time.


    - Got my Aberdeen interview tomorrow. Eep/I've just not thought about it at all cause of my Kingston offer...which might be a bad thing, dunno what they'll ask/haven't thought of what to say etc.



  5. - I got a huge tattoo in one sitting yesterday and my arm is actually killing me. Couldn't sleep, and I had to go to work straight after. Stupid idea! It looks awesome though even though its only half done.


    - Also managed to make a start on an essay due next week, even though I've had about 3 months to do it. Bollocks!


    - have been researching fashion industry and anorexic models and am feeling strangely curious because of it. Fucking imagery!



  6. New boyfriend? what happened to the last oneeee?


    I just got told I've got a download ticket. I very nearly squeed the house down.


    I decided to end it at the end of Febuary. He'd spiralled into depression after quitting uni and countless financial issues, and it had gotten to the point where he could barely even talk to me anymore :( We left on good terms though, and he's getting councelling now. Shame, I still miss him.

  7. ooohh yes i saw, its very smexy :D


    I do think getting blood taken is definitely a very very different thing though. I still get a bit icky about it and I've had my bloods taken hundreds of times in the past few years.


    Don't your piercings bleed? My ears bled everywhere haha.


    Yeah, but its just not the same >.< I got a tiny sample of my blood taken recently and I was reeling and horrified.

  8. Says the one that stuck a needle into her nosebone. Man you fail Letty, I'm disappointed :heh:


    I knowwwww, ps I got my bridge done professionally now :D

    I don't know what happened to me, I totally freaked out though. Says the one with 17 piercings!

  9. Sarka came to visit last weekend! Here's a montage of photos of his face.





    I'm not allowed to give blood, but have always been fascinated by the process. Sooo, I went with my chum when he went to give some. Then I discovered I have some kind of needle/blood phobia I never knew about! I was practically fainting and he was totally fine with a massive needle in his arm! It was so sick. Just loads of people lying about with blood everywhere!!! UGH! I felt like a jelly! Could hardly walk or anything haha. I had to have a biscuit after. Traumatic.

  10. Trying to grow your hair doesn't count! It's like me saying I'm trying to get older.


    It does count! You don't finally get to 40 and suddenly realise your sick of it and got back to 20 again. I can't stop shavinhg parts of my head and I don't want to!

  11. My day got deleted too! And I'm not gonna repost my boy troubles haha


    I do feel LIBERATED though! Whole day of drawing and getting dirty at uni. Nothing feels better than sitting in a studio from 9-4 and having an awesome result at the end.

  12. - Three.


    Sometimes words just hide between and behind each other. You have a feeling that you know needs expressing, and the only way to find the clearing at the end of the path is to start walking. The first step gives you the next word, the next gives you an idea. Thereafter you are encased in an avalanche that may not necessarily make any sense (or be spelt correctly) - but in any matter, it is the expression that is important, not the intention or the meaning.


    Memories of bathtime! Never getting the amount of bubble-bath correct. Trying to figure out the right combination of hot/cold. Making waves. Dripping tap that my toe fits into. Toy boats. The growing sensation that you're actually sitting in a bowl of your own filth. The whoosh as the water escapes, at last. And other, more personal things that deserve ostracising.


    My hands are tingling.




    You just want to know my pasta bake recipe, don't you?


    Yeah, basically. :love:

  13. I love hair. I'll join!


    So like Eenuh, I spent my childhood with the bowlcut/bob with fringe scenario.

    By the time I was maybe 14 I'd managed to grow it pretty long I guess!

    I'm actually gonna spoilar all this. I have loads of hair.


    14 - Already had the first taste of box dye, as you can see by my frazzled ginger ends;



    I got it all cut off after my mum tried to 'tidy up the ends', but luckily it worked to my advantage and it looked healthy again! No dye at all here.



    wild terrible rainbow dyejob which i thought was quite cool at the time.



    It was impossible to maintain, so I went all over turquoise/blue/green?!





    Finally got bored of that, and when i was about 16 I went NUCLEAR RED! It was bright. It hurt peoples eyes.


    It also faded really orange, so I stuck in some yellow and pink.


    I was also learning to style my haircut better now I got rid of that god damn blunt fringe. I also aquired GHD's.


    So I had that weird orange hair for ages too, and decided to go back to blue again after.


    Sadly my hair was so damaged by this point I had to take drastic measures and go black!!! :o





    but I just couldnt help myself! I love dye. This was when i lived with Jordan, so I was 17.




    We broke up, and I went nuts again.




    I decided to get a tiny undercut. This was my hair turning point. A BAD CHOICE. Shaving is addictive.


    dyed it


    This is what it looked like when it wasn;t tied up.


    faded (just after getting back from N-E meet 09!!)



    and then I did something terrible.


    so I got a wig!



    Now its slowly growing back, but its taken like 5 months to get this long.




    I also got some awesome dreadlocks recently.




    And finallyyyyyyy, I dyed my hair green this evening, but I haven't got pics. I also have shaved one side of my head again.


    THE END.




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