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Posts posted by Letty

  1. How come you didn't check gamefaqs 6 months ago? Even in one of the guides it has a step by step guide how to get through.


    I had saved midway through the place, and had no idea how to reset all the rooms. :cry:

    I guess I gave up at the first hurdle.


    Playing it, not playing it, doesn't really seem to matter. I've had people playing on my xbox for about 16 hours before and its been fine. On the other hand Cube just came home from not playing it for days and it RRoD'd.


    Its true! I left mine on for 50 hours straight to get the 50 hours play time achievement on Beautiful Katamari - and it lasted a good year after that!

  2. Aye, If i was the guy he was screaming at, i'd have told him to fuck off long ago. Pompous, over-payed jackass.


    Not to mention his accent cannot make up its mind if its English or American.



    I've just been looking at Thai brides for the last half an hour.

    I'm also WELL into Eternal Sonata. (in mindset, not story :()

  3. Oh my lord.


    I'd not visited eBay in a while, and I did just now...



    clear plasitc bikini top



    pvc underbust



    blonde hair to add to my new wig



    weird arm things



    plastic neon underbust



    clear plastic miniskirt



    silver jumpsuit XD



    Black coat



    rubber leg/boot covers





  4. My day has been relativley ordinary.


    I went to work, (where I convinced a woman that she wanted to try silk painting, and she spent about £50 :D ), then I came home and cooked the best dinner ever.


    It was a sandwich, with a fried egg, beans, and fish in it! With ketchup.


    Then I cleaned my kitchen really well, played Crackdown, and now I'm going to draw a bit.

  5. We've been compromised! God damn it Bill, how could you let this happen?!


    In other news...I'm nervous. Nervous as anything, as tomorrow, on impulse, I'm going to Norwich to meet this girl I've been talking to for weeks and weeks. We've already met before in real life (actually, it was how we met, and we've established a friendship over msn etc), but only the once. We both know we have feelings for each other.


    This could be one of the best decisions I've made in my life, or quite the opposite. I'll let you know how it goes N-E.


    *Sets up tiny RSS feed from Dyson's brain to NE main page*

  6. I had a dream, more a nightmare I suppose, of somebody chasing me through streets similar to 'Sin city', for some reason I was safe when I was in a field, yet as soon as I crossed the barb wire it tangled in my legs and start cutting me.


    So it was basically that constantly and trying to find light. I was doing this with a woman, I cannot remember who, but she kept telling me where to go, where to run away from this shadow persony thing.


    My legs hurt now, think I was scratching them in my sleep. ow..


    Someone's been playing too much Prince of Persia :D

  7. Letty don't do the massive ear stretch thing. It's horrific.


    However, the smaller ones are acceptable. :)




    Fine, didn't do much. Lovely chat in art. Going out to a friends house, then to another friends house for a party.



  8. Brilliant album! You actually managed to get yours signed though? Lucky! I'm guessing it was at the Kerrang Relentless tour? I was there last night, in Birmingham, but they dragged Toshiya away before he could sign everyone's things, including me and my mate's. It was dissapointing. :sad:


    Yeah baby!!


    I queued for aaages! It was Kaoru who signed mine :)

    Still can't get over it.

  9. That must have been a nice bonus


    I'd never even heard of them.

    Kinda glad though, Dir en Grey got more time :yay:


    One thing annoys me though, these guys have been around for years, and have 7 or 8 albums out, yet they're only being discovered by Kerrang?

    There's like a full 2 page interview with them in the current issue!


    I actually used to quite like them, but god damn it's like scene kid drama queens.


    Shame I'd have liked to have seen msi again.


    MSI brought the place down :D

  10. @ Letty - The Dir En Grey thing you were at.... was it that Kerrang! Relentless tour thing? If so, it looked to have a pretty poor line-up apart from MSI. I haven't heard anything by Dir En Grey so can't say whether they are good or not. Has reminded me that I need to keep an eye out for Download festival announcements as I'm waiting to see who's gonna headline before I make a decision on whether to go. So annoyed that I couldn't go to see KISS headline. Will never get the chance to see them again but hopefully this year's line-up will be just as good.


    Yeah, it was the Kerrang tour!

    I agree, the line up was shiiiiit - I left after dir en grey's set.


    Bring me the Horizon didn't even show up!



    Here's a Dir en Grey song if you're interested:


  11. omfgdirengreywasamazingbestnighteveritwasfuckingbrutalandimetthemandgotshitsignedomg!!!!!!


    Got my chest surface, wrist surface, nose bridge and lip pulled out in the crowd. I didnt even notice my chest one go! My lip got caught in some bitches hair.



    dsc01345ne4.jpg (this is next day, looked better last night :D)




    Still can't get the fuck over how insane it was.




    Oh yeah! And the best part was they only played one song from their new album (which is a bit crap tbh)


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