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Posts posted by Letty

  1. My day was awesome.


    Got to college, stared dis-heartedly at my thing I've been making at college from across the room.


    Went on a road trip across Shetland with my crew at lunch.


    Came back, and TOTALLY CHANGED EVERYTHING ABOUT MY THING (which I made)! Its now awesome. And will become ever more awesome tomorrow.

    The college leant me a dressmakers doll and everything!

  2. And besides, if you're unsure anyway then what does being able to get in matter? If you don't get in and you weren't sure whether you wanted to go then your decision has been made for you.


    No! I'm completely desperate to get in! I'm just worried my inability to speak sense in an interview will let me down and I'll be crushed like a plastic cup under a giraffe's hoof, because the park keeper wasn't good at cleaning up all the litter :(

  3. If you want to go to uni, then go! You don't have to be 100% passionate about the subject you are taking, just dedicated enough to do it.


    I might not get in though! Apparently its almost impossible to get into edinburgh and glasgow :(



    I suppose I'll have all these doubts though, I'm still applying.


    I've just noticed the presence of Twix!!!! We don't get them in our ones! Who gets Twix! Thats awesome!


    What the fucking fuck is 'Dove!!!??'




    Today I had an interview with my guidance lady about going to uni. I'm kinda offput a bit now, as she didn't think I sounded passionate enough :(

  5. 2nd day of my job in the art shop.

    I wish I'd known what I was in for - my boss is a TOTAL BITCH!!!! :o


    I worked till 5:15, and when I went to clock out, she'd already done it for me at 5!!!! D:

    Apparently she's always trying to trick people out of their wages :(

  6. Paj-meen-ah? More like Paj-clean0r!!

    You're so unqualified that you might aswell have a pen0r!

    On your face. Whats that? You do?

    It can't even reach your gob, ;)

    I heard you tried to change the hue

    of your hair, yet you still look like a knob.

    Whilst my snatch may smell, yours is worse

    One sniff and I know I'll leave in a hearse.

    I know its not your fault, that you look like a zucchini,

    and you don't have to hide the fact,

    that you do wear a bikini.



  7. Throughout the game, I began to despise Elika more and more, to the point I didn't even want to play.

    However, whn I got to the end and she died, I was like 'YUSS!! VICTORY!!'



    And then the bullshit occured.




  8. Well young fellow, you're challenging me?

    I heard you are riff raff, with a gangrenous CV!

    Its not tea you sip, you uncultured couth,

    instead you remain unsound of mind, forsooth!

    I know that thine woman is quite a catch,

    for I have had relations with her, she mentioned you're no match! (in true gentlemanly manner, candles unlit, missionary)

    So in conclusion, my dishevelled aquaintance,

    you have not a chance, so don't try my patience!



    pip pip!

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